Muttcel Foid Killer
- Feb 13, 2024
- 8,009
So the convo starteed with my ma and stepfather talking abourt that georgia shooting then it switched to me as it always does ) and they brought up that time i brought a knife toschool (long story happened before i even thought of making and account on these forus) anyway the basically said we would never byour kids guns since they all have mental health and then my stepfather chimes in " especially Muttcel" obviously that negroid is would have to talk shit about me then my mom brought up the fact that i ve gone to 3 different schools since i was 14 and still got bullied in all of them now my stepfather says " i know there are bullies Muttcel is the common denominator its just the weak energy he gives off " that was brootal (so by his logic if i gave off more masculine energy since 1st grade i would never have been bullied these past 9 years) anyway then my ma says " well if he went to jail during that knife incident i would have left him there and never sent him money " then she said to my twin sister " never send him money if he goes to jail and never let him stay in your house since he'll be a grown man " then they went on and on about how i dont want help because i refuse to talk to therapist for my mental health problems but as ive said i wont spend a dime or expect them to spend one either on a fucking middle aged foid who knows nothing about the life of an ugly ethnic teenage boy anyway this is the usual convos that happen about me on damn near a daily basis they said "muh if you fail out of job corps youll be homeless because were not taking you in " they really expect me to crawl on my hands and knees like a fucking dog and ask them for money fuck that this is why i dont ask any of them for shit because then they will bring it up "muh you always ask for something but do shit" thats why i swear if i have an ounce of dignity left in my body when i move out im never coming back