Are White Women Going Extinct?



Sep 6, 2023
Just go outside and pay close attention to any white person you see, most of them will either have swarthy black or brown eyes or light eyes with curly hair and similar undesirable features. Even an average white women is nothing too special as most of them have jet black hair with dark brown eyes or have kike/wop/spic genes mixed in them which sticks out and drops their beauty.

Go to any midwestern or southern city/town (supposedly the most traditional parts of america), you will see mixed race couples and single mothers with nappy headed nigger children EVERYWHERE. Us browns and asians are the only people who have managed to preserve our genetics, an average white person either does not breed (understandable) or throws their prime genetics away to some 3rd world shitskin or flat faced gook.

White genocide is actually a terrifying prospect, no matter how much we joke about it or meme it away. All the beautiful women are being bred out of the gene pool and the streets will be littered with ugly brown/black skinned abuelas, laquishas, or mystery meat mutts who lack dashing looks and have all kinds of fucked up mismatching features. It reminds me of this one black dude I was talking to on the internet, when he said that he fears white genocide because all the white wimminz will go extinct *shudders*.

If spics and half wop mutts keep breeding, my dream of clinching a raven haired blue sea eyed GF will never happen. And even then, I will end up birthing some mixed race mystery meat child anyways and contribute to the decline.
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Sep 6, 2023
Are White Canadians more white than White Americans?
Most probably. This is considering they didn't allow a mass influx of dagos, heebs, and slavs into their country like america did back in the 19th century. Australians are arguably the whitest and best looking of all the anglo nations, they didn't allow italians or spics to mutt up their gene pool.


Sep 6, 2023
If we were rich we wouldn't be thinking about this kind of shit. We'd be living life enjoying every day. I"M GONNA BE RICH MAN JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE IM GONNA LIVE LIKE A KING BRUH
Living a rich life is boring, I would rather be some peasant who enjoys the small things in everyday life compared to sitting in some mansion all day & slamming psychedelics. The best experiences in life do not involve money


Outcast NEET
Sep 27, 2021
Most probably. This is considering they didn't allow a mass influx of dagos, heebs, and slavs into their country like america did back in the 19th century. Australians are arguably the whitest and best looking of all the anglo nations, they didn't allow italians or spics to mutt up their gene pool.
Slavs are white aslong as they don't have ottoman or Mongol blood tho.

Southern Italians are Ethnic looking but Northern Italians are white.


Sep 6, 2023
Slavs are white aslong as they don't have ottoman or Mongol blood tho.

Southern Italians are Ethnic looking but Northern Italians are white.
Yeah slavic women can be beauties, I should have never doubted their whiteness but one can not downplay the asiatic features they inherited.

America will turn into the next Brazil if the trends keep up, I saw some hispanic dude with a lily blonde white wife the other day alongside kids (who were actually very good looking). While I am happy for him, what worries me is that the beautiful women will rapidly disappear as a trade off for having a hot blonde wife being brown/black.


I want to be the richest man in Laos! I love Laos!
Nov 25, 2022
Living a rich life is boring, I would rather be some peasant who enjoys the small things in everyday life compared to sitting in some mansion all day & slamming psychedelics. The best experiences in life do not involve money
Couldn't disagree more but I'm glad you view life that way, it's good that people like you exist instead of everybody being a bastard always dreaming of money like me.


Outcast NEET
Sep 27, 2021
but one can not downplay the asiatic features they inherited.
Thats mostly Russians since they were ruled by the Mongols, Western Slavs are the most White slavs since they were never conquered by either the Mongols or the Ottomans.

America will turn into the next Brazil if the trends keep up, I saw some hispanic dude with a lily blonde white wife the other day alongside kids (who were actually very good looking). While I am happy for him, what worries me is that the beautiful women will rapidly disappear as a trade off for having a hot blonde wife being brown/black.
Western Europe is heading down the same path, especially France, the UK. Germany and Sweden.


Kyrie, fons bonitatis
Mar 28, 2023

To be honest I don't give a fuck. Maybe because I'm a mutt too, but I don't know if I'd care even if I were white.
The source of all society's disgrace is the bank system. They corrupt financially and socially everything you call home.
I don't think that race mixing is something unnatural, humans were mixing even before the first civilisations. Yeah, I know that it is important to preserve your race in order to preserve your culture, but do you really think that race is all that matter?
But maybe I'm biased since I'm brown. What do you think?

Yeah slavic women can be beauties, I should have never doubted their whiteness but one can not downplay the asiatic features they inherited.

America will turn into the next Brazil if the trends keep up, I saw some hispanic dude with a lily blonde white wife the other day alongside kids (who were actually very good looking). While I am happy for him, what worries me is that the beautiful women will rapidly disappear as a trade off for having a hot blonde wife being brown/black.
Brazil is a comfy country btw. If it weren't for the violence, I would say that Brazil is the best country in the world, specially for NEETs.
I went to Brazil 2 times, but it was a long time ago, probably is everything fucked around there since they elected a fucking communist for president.


Sep 6, 2023
Thats mostly Russians since they were ruled by the Mongols, Western Slavs are the most White slavs since they were never conquered by either the Mongols or the Ottomans.

Western Europe is heading down the same path, especially France, the UK. Germany and Sweden.
There needs to be some way to genetically modify genes, so browns/blacks inherit more genetic diversity & we can preserve the good ole light haired/light eyed combo. In all honesty, all of us are "mutts" to an extent and even germanic traits were viewed as niggerish back when the egyptians and meds ruled the roost.

To be honest I don't give a fuck. Maybe because I'm a mutt too, but I don't know if I'd care even if I were white.
The source of all society's disgrace is the bank system. They corrupt financially and socially everything you call home.
I don't think that race mixing is something unnatural, humans were mixing even before the first civilisations. Yeah, I know that it is important to preserve your race in order to preserve your culture, but do you really think that race is all that matter?
But maybe I'm biased since I'm brown. What do you think?

Brazil is a comfy country btw. If it weren't for the violence, I would say that Brazil is the best country in the world, specially for NEETs.
I went to Brazil 2 times, but it was a long time ago, probably is everything fucked around there since they elected a fucking communist for president.
It only worries me because the beautiful women will go extinct, and we will be left with hordes of putrid abuelas or laquishas to breed with. I know that everyone is a "mutt" to an extent, but that is last on my mind when peak feminine features are being bred out the gene pool.


Kyrie, fons bonitatis
Mar 28, 2023
beautiful women will go extinct, and we will be left with hordes of putrid abuelas or laquishas to breed with
Yeah, as I thought, that's probably why I don't give a fuck. I can't even fuck black and brown whores, I couldn't care less about white women. But if you're a good looking white man then it's totally okay to worry about that.
I'm already on my 30s, fat, bald, ugly as fuck, it's not like I had a chance of marrying and having kids. Worrying about race-mixing is something that I don't do simply because it doesn't affects me, but I completely understand your point.


Sep 6, 2023
That's because nobody fucks you guys LMAO. Most if not all educated brown and Asian women prefer to be a white man's cocksleeve and live a life of financial security with us instead of pumping starving shitskins after shitskin.
I had a friend who was a PEAK pajeetcel for most of his life, until he made moves and started pulling beautiful blonde/brunette white women right and left and eventually secured a long term GF.

No one fucks browns or asians because they are very insecure and lack confidence to put themselves out there, but go to any major city in the anglosphere and you will see interracial couples from left to right.

BTW, you are one of those WASPs I was referring to who is throwing their peak genes away to be with some slum dwelling filipino gook. You are contributing to peak feminine genes & beauty going extinct


Sep 1, 2023
I had a friend who was a PEAK pajeetcel for most of his life, until he made moves and started pulling beautiful blonde/brunette white women right and left and eventually secured a long term GF.

No one fucks browns or asians because they are very insecure and lack confidence to put themselves out there, but go to any major city in the anglosphere and you will see interracial couples from left to right.

BTW, you are one of those WASPs I was referring to who is throwing their peak genes away to be with some slum dwelling filipino gook. You are contributing to peak feminine genes & beauty going extinct
Why should I care about the same society that holds nothing but disdain towards me when billions of women will throw themselves at me just to be blessed by an offspring that isn't short, stupid and ugly.


Sep 6, 2023
Why should I care about the same society that holds nothing but disdain towards me when billions of women will throw themselves at me just to be blessed by an offspring that isn't short, stupid and ugly.
Don't act shocked when your HAPA mutt child turns out a reincarnation of Elliott Rodgers.


Aug 12, 2021
Just go outside and pay close attention to any white person you see, most of them will either have swarthy black or brown eyes or light eyes with curly hair and similar undesirable features. Even an average white women is nothing too special as most of them have jet black hair with dark brown eyes or have kike/wop/spic genes mixed in them which sticks out and drops their beauty.

Go to any midwestern or southern city/town (supposedly the most traditional parts of america), you will see mixed race couples and single mothers with nappy headed nigger children EVERYWHERE. Us browns and asians are the only people who have managed to preserve our genetics, an average white person either does not breed (understandable) or throws their prime genetics away to some 3rd world shitskin or flat faced gook.

White genocide is actually a terrifying prospect, no matter how much we joke about it or meme it away. All the beautiful women are being bred out of the gene pool and the streets will be littered with ugly brown/black skinned abuelas, laquishas, or mystery meat mutts who lack dashing looks and have all kinds of fucked up mismatching features. It reminds me of this one black dude I was talking to on the internet, when he said that he fears white genocide because all the white wimminz will go extinct *shudders*.

If spics and half wop mutts keep breeding, my dream of clinching a raven haired blue sea eyed GF will never happen. And even then, I will end up birthing some mixed race mystery meat child anyways and contribute to the decline.
Refer to my previous point on ur last post and here's another anecdotal evidence isn't actual evidence you can use to push something whites are being drowned by immigration but the key thing is that time works wonders and eventually it'll fix itself if whites actually went extinct you would all die a slow and painful death or work in a coal mine


Jan 26, 2023
Living a rich life is boring, I would rather be some peasant who enjoys the small things in everyday life compared to sitting in some mansion all day & slamming psychedelics. The best experiences in life do not involve money
Cope, I'd rather be an autistic ugly depressed richfag in a Ferrari (like St. Elliot did) than being a NT Chad happy poorfag in a favela who will be killed at 18 (like Meeks before being arrested and viral).

Yeah slavic women can be beauties, I should have never doubted their whiteness but one can not downplay the asiatic features they inherited.

America will turn into the next Brazil if the trends keep up, I saw some hispanic dude with a lily blonde white wife the other day alongside kids (who were actually very good looking). While I am happy for him, what worries me is that the beautiful women will rapidly disappear as a trade off for having a hot blonde wife being brown/black.
I fucking hate walking down the streets of my shithole and looking at brown ugly poorfag mutts who will kill me if they wanted it. I don't even care about attractiveness, I just care about care and progress.
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To be honest I don't give a <fuck. Maybe because I'm a mutt too, but I don't know if I'd care even if I were white.
The source of all society's disgrace is the bank system. They corrupt financially and socially everything you call home.
I don't think that race mixing is something unnatural, humans were mixing even before the first civilisations. Yeah, I know that it is important to preserve your race in order to preserve your culture, but do you really think that race is all that matter?
But maybe I'm biased since I'm brown. What do you think?

Brazil is a comfy country btw. If it weren't for the violence, I would say that Brazil is the best country in the world, specially for NEETs.
I went to Brazil 2 times, but it was a long time ago, probably is everything fucked around there since they elected a fucking communist for president.
Cope, white Chad richfag > ethnic ugly poorfag. If you don't think race is important, think about Latin America or MENA. No identity, no IQ, no future.


Sep 6, 2023
I fucking hate walking down the streets of my shithole and looking at brown ugly poorfag mutts who will kill me if they wanted it.
I see that everyday here in america, I live in some shithole suburb which is 50% wetback. It's a shame because it was a once great town with a lot of history, that was until the beaners started flooding in and bred out of control which pushed all the civilised residents out and took over.

How does your kind manage to be so subhuman and devoid of self control? and why the fuck do you animals shit out so much dysgenic goblin children per family?


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Sep 6, 2023
If you don't think race is important, think about Latin America or MENA. No identity, no IQ, no future.
Cultural upbringing plays a huge part in your ability to succeed in life and have game, there is a reason why ethnics are overrepresented in spaces for social rejects


Jan 26, 2023
Cultural upbringing plays a huge part in your ability to succeed in life and have game, there is a reason why ethnics are overrepresented in spaces for social rejects
"Muh historical injustices". :soy:

There is a reason why non-white majority areas are so poor and marginalized. Not only "cultural upbringing".

Just go to Africa and see what happens in non-Westernized areas.


Jan 26, 2023
I see that everyday here in america, I live in some shithole suburb which is 50% wetback. It's a shame because it was a once great town with a lot of history, that was until the beaners started flooding in and bred out of control which pushed all the civilised residents out and took over.

How does your kind manage to be so subhuman and devoid of self control? and why the fuck do you animals shit out so much dysgenic goblin children per family?

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I'm not like them, but they're representing me this shithole in America. Just remember (((race mixing))) the (((Spanish))) were doing. (((America))) had a lot of (((half-breeds))) among them before Manifest Destiny.


Kyrie, fons bonitatis
Mar 28, 2023
I see that everyday here in america, I live in some shithole suburb which is 50% wetback. It's a shame because it was a once great town with a lot of history, that was until the beaners started flooding in and bred out of control which pushed all the civilised residents out and took over.

How does your kind manage to be so subhuman and devoid of self control? and why the fuck do you animals shit out so much dysgenic goblin children per family?

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I like Mexican girls.
Thinking about centralamericamaxxing next year.
I need to find a cute Mexican foid to fill my void.


Eternal Night
Aug 23, 2023
I like Mexican girls.
Thinking about centralamericamaxxing next year.
I need to find a cute Mexican foid to fill my void.
All webcam models were Colombian and Romanian for some reason.

Colombian girls are something else, what are they feeding them? It is not some exotic beauty either, they look European.


Kyrie, fons bonitatis
Mar 28, 2023
All webcam models were Colombian and Romanian for some reason.

Colombian girls are something else, what are they feeding them? It is not some exotic beauty either, they look European.
I'm tired of European foids, always so full of themselves. Installed Tinder and got 0 matches in this hellhole.
I'll pay for Tinder plus and change my location to Mexico or Colombia. They're easier to hit on since they're poorer than European sluts.


Kyrie, fons bonitatis
Mar 28, 2023
@ZZebra786 @RNT why the "Ugh" reaction? Didn't got that.
What's wrong with them? Do you guys really find Latina foids ugly? They're very cute actually.

Much better than 99% of white chicks I see when I go outside.

Deleted member 934

Jun 11, 2022

Deleted member 1545

Jul 28, 2023
Well I would love a Japanese (Asian women but no 3rd World) GF. Even doe they aren't white like me I still prefer them cause of they're sense of cuteness. (And maybe cause the Japanese somehow like German man)
Germans are autist so they fit the North East Asian autist personality type

Deleted member 1545

Jul 28, 2023
Most probably. This is considering they didn't allow a mass influx of dagos, heebs, and slavs into their country like america did back in the 19th century. Australians are arguably the whitest and best looking of all the anglo nations, they didn't allow italians or spics to mutt up their gene pool.
I'm in Australia
They are white but the sun messes up their appearance

Deleted member 1545

Jul 28, 2023
Just go outside and pay close attention to any white person you see, most of them will either have swarthy black or brown eyes or light eyes with curly hair and similar undesirable features. Even an average white women is nothing too special as most of them have jet black hair with dark brown eyes or have kike/wop/spic genes mixed in them which sticks out and drops their beauty.

Go to any midwestern or southern city/town (supposedly the most traditional parts of america), you will see mixed race couples and single mothers with nappy headed nigger children EVERYWHERE. Us browns and asians are the only people who have managed to preserve our genetics, an average white person either does not breed (understandable) or throws their prime genetics away to some 3rd world shitskin or flat faced gook.

White genocide is actually a terrifying prospect, no matter how much we joke about it or meme it away. All the beautiful women are being bred out of the gene pool and the streets will be littered with ugly brown/black skinned abuelas, laquishas, or mystery meat mutts who lack dashing looks and have all kinds of fucked up mismatching features. It reminds me of this one black dude I was talking to on the internet, when he said that he fears white genocide because all the white wimminz will go extinct *shudders*.

If spics and half wop mutts keep breeding, my dream of clinching a raven haired blue sea eyed GF will never happen. And even then, I will end up birthing some mixed race mystery meat child anyways and contribute to the decline.
Ayy where the white women at ?


Nov 8, 2023
I had a friend who was a PEAK pajeetcel for most of his life, until he made moves and started pulling beautiful blonde/brunette white women right and left and eventually secured a long term GF.

No one fucks browns or asians because they are very insecure and lack confidence to put themselves out there, but go to any major city in the anglosphere and you will see interracial couples from left to right.

BTW, you are one of those WASPs I was referring to who is throwing their peak genes away to be with some slum dwelling filipino gook. You are contributing to peak feminine genes & beauty going extinct
How many of your posts are shitskin larping and shitskin quettacoping :feelslol:

But agree with premise of thread. If white mommy went extinct I'd consider suicide.


Sep 6, 2023
How many of your posts are shitskin larping and shitskin quettacoping :feelslol:

But agree with premise of thread. If white mommy went extinct I'd consider suicide.
Why do you keep bumping decades old threads? I hardly agree with most the bullshit I said in here, I just like making these threads for fun and not because I actually believe any of it. If whiteness went extinct, they would just find a new standard of beauty to replace it with. Beauty standards shouldnt be solely based on color.


Nov 8, 2023
Yall have some beautiful white people. At least based on the ones i fap to and admire in Hollywood abd online
Chris hemsworth, hugh jackman, miranda otto (she played white mommy angel eowyn in LOTR), are few off the top of my head


Nov 8, 2023
new standard of beauty to replace it with. Beauty standards shouldnt be solely based on color.
Yea theyd find a new standard sure. its called settling šŸ¤£

And lmao at the pathetic shitskin quettacoping strawman. Its not just color that dictates beauty but thats a major part. What a painfully obvious obfuscation tho to distract from your shitskin šŸ¤£


Sep 6, 2023
miranda otto (she played white mommy angel eowyn in LOTR
Dayum, you got some disappointing standards in women. Although I agree with hemsworth and jackman being good looking, aussies turned out much better looking compared to the britoids


Nov 8, 2023
Dayum, you got some disappointing standards in women. Although I agree with hemsworth and jackman being good looking, aussies turned out much better looking compared to the britoids
Who are some of your top white mommies then? Miranda otto is for high class patrician men like myself. Ofc you wouldn't appreciate her šŸ¤£

Deleted member 1545

Jul 28, 2023
Dayum, you got some disappointing standards in women. Although I agree with hemsworth and jackman being good looking, aussies turned out much better looking compared to the britoids
White women in rich white suburbs look better than the ones in immigrant ghettos


Sep 6, 2023
Yea theyd find a new standard sure. its called settling
They would make hispanic or asian women the new standard for everyone to thirst after, it isnt that complicated to grasp.

ts not just color that dictates beauty but thats a major part. What a painfully obvious obfuscation tho to distract from your shitskin šŸ¤£
For the kinds of women you jerk off to and consider "attractive", I dont want to hear your takes on beauty and how its defined
So far there's no one here

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