- Nov 28, 2020
- 400
Sitchin in one of his books [14] takes the question up, who Yahweh may be. Is he also an Anunnaki?
He is visibly trying hard to show that Yahweh isn’t an Anunnaki, but the god of the Anunnaki. His argumentation is, however, not very convincing. In my book [1] I demonstrate that his reasoning can also be seen to demonstrate that Yahweh is Marduk, and that is something he certainly wants to deny. It is a question of the point of view.
Thus one can actually set up the hypothesis that Yahweh is an Anunnaki! And that he during their physical absence from the Earth is a kind of “governor” of the Anunnaki. This fits to what is stated above about his abominable cruelty, on one side, and on the other side the violent nutrition of the Anunnaki with our life energies.
Does he supply the Anunnaki with such energies from the Earth during their hibernation?
Yahweh, then (together with two other, see above) had Sodom and Gomorrah (more correctly ‘Amorah') destroyed. There are indications that this could have been done by means of a nuclear explosions. Certain geological peculiarities in the area may be such an indication. This allegedly was done because the inhabitants of the cities were prone to sin.
However, Sitchin's understanding of the clay-plate texts claims that the Anunnaki in the area were operating a basis for space traffic with Nîbiru.
One gets the impression that they wanted to destroy this and eliminate all traces before they at that time gave up their three-dimensional physical presence on Earth. Sinai would at the time have been a forbidden area for humans. And that is from where Yahweh came - he is in the history of religions described to be a war-god from Sinai [2]!
The thing about “sin” may then rather have been an excuse… or the “sin” was being in or too close to the forbidden area (so that they knew about it, which others should not).
It is written in the Bible that the lord let “brimstone” and fire fall on the two towns. The Hebrew word that is here translated as “brimstone” is graphite, which rather means “pitch” (bitumen or tar) and generally refers to “inflammable material” [3], which may well be connected with explosions. Lot’s wife became a “pillar of salt” when this occurred (Gen 19:26).
She had hesitated, stopped and looked back, and thus probably was too late to find protection and security, so that her body instantly died and became white from the radiation. As concerns “sin”, rabbinic sources like Talmud and Tanach but also gospels mention hostility towards strangers and denying hospitality [15], but later interpretations want to see voluptuousness and especially homosexuality here.
If the latter would be true: why should so many heterosexuals and even children be punished along with the others? Actually: whatever the “sin” may have been: why punish also all the innocent?
Here we again come to the unjust cruelty…
And who is Jesus’ God?
In the New Testament Jesus presents a divine father to us, who much more corresponds to our expectations of universal love and universal good.
He also talks about the Holy Spirit, who by many original Christians and by the Gnostics was understood to be a female manifestation of God. God as the prime creator thus appears as male and female at the same time.
The prime creators Apsû und Ti’âmat were described as a pair - prime God and prime Goddess. Could there be a connection between the Holy Spirit and Ti’âmat?
It isn’t easy to reduce the God, about whom Jesus spoke and Yahweh to a common denominator.
The following quotation from the Gospel of John may be mentioned hereto:
It can hardly have been Abraham, to which those he spoke to refer (8:39). The story of Abraham in the Old Testament gives no reason for that. It has been suggested that Jesus here spoke about Yahweh. One might object that the persons he spoke to probably were devoted to worldly things, materialists and in their true attitude servants of Mamon (the lord of richness).
In that case they were rather paying lip service in their belief. Is it imaginable that Jesus would speak about Yahweh as “the devil” or even “Satan”?
The Greek text here has diabolos, which actually means “calumniator” or “defamer” and that would probably be a more suitable translation. That Yahweh isn’t the prime creator, but an anunnakian tribal god among others may in view of his undeniable cruelty even appear probable… Looked at it that way, the translation “calumniator” would fit.
But quite generally: Did Jesus want to teach original truths and was he for this reason killed by means of anunnakian influence? Did one want to prevent an attempt to give truth back to people?
Has one for this purpose infiltrated the Church when it became clear that the new teachings could not be abolished [16]?
People expected a Messiah, who would liberate them from Roman rule - but maybe someone came, who would show us the way to liberation from the Anunnaki, and no one really understood him…
A hypothesis about Jesus’ mission and the Christianity
Against the background of these considerations I have come to the following hypothesis.
Jesus came from above, sent with a revolutionary message to humanity and born in the very area, where the Anunnaki had had their center. These still had an invisible influence over humanity from “behind the veil”. Jesus gradually brought people a truth, which these invisible rulers didn’t want them to know.
His teachings about love, peace and spiritual as well as human independence were seen as a threat. Then he also in a cautious way taught that his “Father” isn’t the god they believed in. As it came that far, he had to die for it. The invisible ruler hoped that, with his death, his teachings would with time become forgotten.
But it came to be differently.
Christianity spread, and through the murder of Jesus it was rather reinforced than weakened. Seeing this, the invisible rulers conceived a new strategy. They intended to infiltrate this Christianity and modify it in there own sense, so that it would no more be a threat to them but serve their purposes.
This was done and led to the formation of a Church, while the original Gnostic Christianity was lost.
Jesus’ teachings became twisted and falsified. In their place came the dogma of the Church and the real Christ was replaced by a fake “Christ”.
In every Church, the dead Jesus hangs on a cross with nails in hands and feet, with thorns in his head and with a wound in his side. This is a real voodoo-technique for blocking his power.
The subconscious message to us is:
He “converted” from being Saul, an enemy of Christians, to become the “apostle” Paul, who in a clever and sneaky way modified the teachings. That is how the alienation began, which was later continued by Constantine and others. They thereby also strove for a return to earlier patriarchal conditions, away from positive attitude to women that Jesus had.
A new misogyny came into Christianity through the back door, the way the invisible patriarchal rulers wanted to have it. The possibility for a return of the Goddess could not be allowed. The female quality of the Holy Spirit should again be forgotten, and all tendencies for devotion to a divine femininity were tactically diverted to Mary.
She is, of course, revered in her own right, but this reverence at the same time serves a secret deviation from the Goddess, who anew became forgotten.
And who, then, is Allah?
Islam arose around 600 years after Christianity and reveres Allah as the one and only god.
The word actually means “The God” and thus isn’t really a name but a designation (like “Yahweh” isn’t really a name either, but also a designation that means “he is”).
One of the central basic principles of Islamic confession is:
On one side in order to have a have a “second track” for his influence and on the other side in order to be able to play the two off against each other in a Machiavellian sense of “divide and rule”.
Also other extraterrestrial visits?
It is highly probable that humans of this Earth have had contacts with extraterrestrials already before. It seems quite possible that the Egyptians, Incas, Mayas and Aztecs had such contacts and that these extraterrestrials will not always have been Anunnaki.
Regressions with persons, who once lived in Atlantis, indicate that the culture there had contacts with extraterrestrials, who gave them higher knowledge as a kind of development aid.
They withdrew disappointedly when they saw that the knowledge was abused. One client experienced himself as a hybrid between extraterrestrials and humans, and suffered from being discriminated by both sides, since he didn’t really look like an Earth human, but also not like an extraterrestrial.
Very evil chapters of human history on our planet are the cruel conquests and destructions of above all the Latin-American cultures through European Yahwistic cultures.
Why did the latter want that?
A logical answer will be that Yahweh manipulated humans to that end, since he didn’t want competition in his influence on mankind. Thus this will concern influence of other extraterrestrials than the Anunnaki or, maybe, rivaling Anunnaki groups.
It may be assumed that there were also other cultures on Earth before the anunnakian manipulation of human life here, and that they may in many cases have had benevolent contacts with other extraterrestrials.
In India, an ancient knowledge has to a large extent survived that probably also has to do with very early extraterrestrial contacts.
The yahwistic attempts to eradicate this by means of the British rule (and earlier through the Muslim Moguls) luckily didn’t really work. Instead, the knowledge became accessible to the entire world, since ancient Sanskrit texts were translated to English!
As if the plan backfired… (but to day business globalization is, instead, doing much damage to the Indian culture).
Are then all “Gods” only extraterrestrials?
There are authors who seem to claim that. But the true creator God certainly isn’t in that sense an extraterrestrial, since he - beyond that concept - is everywhere.
That then some of his creations were regarded as “gods”, when they came from somewhere else to visit the Earth, is quite another matter.
The Anunnaki want to claim that they are our creators!
The Anunnaki are not our creators!
They have by means of genetic manipulation in very ancient times only created the bodies of our prime ancestors but not created them out of pure energy, as the prime creator did when he created our souls.
They are in no way our creators!
Are the Anunnaki mentioned in the Bible?
The Bible mentions a tall people called Anakim, the sons of Anak. They have to do with the Nephilim, who are the above-mentioned “sons of the gods” who came down to Earth to have children with the “daughters of man”.
The following Bible passages mention “Anakim” and “Anak”:
He is visibly trying hard to show that Yahweh isn’t an Anunnaki, but the god of the Anunnaki. His argumentation is, however, not very convincing. In my book [1] I demonstrate that his reasoning can also be seen to demonstrate that Yahweh is Marduk, and that is something he certainly wants to deny. It is a question of the point of view.
Thus one can actually set up the hypothesis that Yahweh is an Anunnaki! And that he during their physical absence from the Earth is a kind of “governor” of the Anunnaki. This fits to what is stated above about his abominable cruelty, on one side, and on the other side the violent nutrition of the Anunnaki with our life energies.
Does he supply the Anunnaki with such energies from the Earth during their hibernation?
Yahweh, then (together with two other, see above) had Sodom and Gomorrah (more correctly ‘Amorah') destroyed. There are indications that this could have been done by means of a nuclear explosions. Certain geological peculiarities in the area may be such an indication. This allegedly was done because the inhabitants of the cities were prone to sin.
However, Sitchin's understanding of the clay-plate texts claims that the Anunnaki in the area were operating a basis for space traffic with Nîbiru.
One gets the impression that they wanted to destroy this and eliminate all traces before they at that time gave up their three-dimensional physical presence on Earth. Sinai would at the time have been a forbidden area for humans. And that is from where Yahweh came - he is in the history of religions described to be a war-god from Sinai [2]!
The thing about “sin” may then rather have been an excuse… or the “sin” was being in or too close to the forbidden area (so that they knew about it, which others should not).
It is written in the Bible that the lord let “brimstone” and fire fall on the two towns. The Hebrew word that is here translated as “brimstone” is graphite, which rather means “pitch” (bitumen or tar) and generally refers to “inflammable material” [3], which may well be connected with explosions. Lot’s wife became a “pillar of salt” when this occurred (Gen 19:26).
She had hesitated, stopped and looked back, and thus probably was too late to find protection and security, so that her body instantly died and became white from the radiation. As concerns “sin”, rabbinic sources like Talmud and Tanach but also gospels mention hostility towards strangers and denying hospitality [15], but later interpretations want to see voluptuousness and especially homosexuality here.
If the latter would be true: why should so many heterosexuals and even children be punished along with the others? Actually: whatever the “sin” may have been: why punish also all the innocent?
Here we again come to the unjust cruelty…
And who is Jesus’ God?
In the New Testament Jesus presents a divine father to us, who much more corresponds to our expectations of universal love and universal good.
He also talks about the Holy Spirit, who by many original Christians and by the Gnostics was understood to be a female manifestation of God. God as the prime creator thus appears as male and female at the same time.
The prime creators Apsû und Ti’âmat were described as a pair - prime God and prime Goddess. Could there be a connection between the Holy Spirit and Ti’âmat?
It isn’t easy to reduce the God, about whom Jesus spoke and Yahweh to a common denominator.
The following quotation from the Gospel of John may be mentioned hereto:
About whom did Jesus speak here?“Then said Jesus to those Jews …”
“’…If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God…”
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.’”
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It can hardly have been Abraham, to which those he spoke to refer (8:39). The story of Abraham in the Old Testament gives no reason for that. It has been suggested that Jesus here spoke about Yahweh. One might object that the persons he spoke to probably were devoted to worldly things, materialists and in their true attitude servants of Mamon (the lord of richness).
In that case they were rather paying lip service in their belief. Is it imaginable that Jesus would speak about Yahweh as “the devil” or even “Satan”?
The Greek text here has diabolos, which actually means “calumniator” or “defamer” and that would probably be a more suitable translation. That Yahweh isn’t the prime creator, but an anunnakian tribal god among others may in view of his undeniable cruelty even appear probable… Looked at it that way, the translation “calumniator” would fit.
But quite generally: Did Jesus want to teach original truths and was he for this reason killed by means of anunnakian influence? Did one want to prevent an attempt to give truth back to people?
Has one for this purpose infiltrated the Church when it became clear that the new teachings could not be abolished [16]?
People expected a Messiah, who would liberate them from Roman rule - but maybe someone came, who would show us the way to liberation from the Anunnaki, and no one really understood him…
A hypothesis about Jesus’ mission and the Christianity
Against the background of these considerations I have come to the following hypothesis.
Jesus came from above, sent with a revolutionary message to humanity and born in the very area, where the Anunnaki had had their center. These still had an invisible influence over humanity from “behind the veil”. Jesus gradually brought people a truth, which these invisible rulers didn’t want them to know.
His teachings about love, peace and spiritual as well as human independence were seen as a threat. Then he also in a cautious way taught that his “Father” isn’t the god they believed in. As it came that far, he had to die for it. The invisible ruler hoped that, with his death, his teachings would with time become forgotten.
But it came to be differently.
Christianity spread, and through the murder of Jesus it was rather reinforced than weakened. Seeing this, the invisible rulers conceived a new strategy. They intended to infiltrate this Christianity and modify it in there own sense, so that it would no more be a threat to them but serve their purposes.
This was done and led to the formation of a Church, while the original Gnostic Christianity was lost.
Jesus’ teachings became twisted and falsified. In their place came the dogma of the Church and the real Christ was replaced by a fake “Christ”.
In every Church, the dead Jesus hangs on a cross with nails in hands and feet, with thorns in his head and with a wound in his side. This is a real voodoo-technique for blocking his power.
The subconscious message to us is:
Then the triumph over his death was symbolized with the torture and murder tool he was killed with: the cross… If they had hanged him, I suppose the symbol of the Dogma would have been a rope with a slipknot… Paul played an important role, maybe as an unconscious agent for the invisible rulers.“Jesus is dead! Now we are in power!”
He “converted” from being Saul, an enemy of Christians, to become the “apostle” Paul, who in a clever and sneaky way modified the teachings. That is how the alienation began, which was later continued by Constantine and others. They thereby also strove for a return to earlier patriarchal conditions, away from positive attitude to women that Jesus had.
A new misogyny came into Christianity through the back door, the way the invisible patriarchal rulers wanted to have it. The possibility for a return of the Goddess could not be allowed. The female quality of the Holy Spirit should again be forgotten, and all tendencies for devotion to a divine femininity were tactically diverted to Mary.
She is, of course, revered in her own right, but this reverence at the same time serves a secret deviation from the Goddess, who anew became forgotten.
And who, then, is Allah?
Islam arose around 600 years after Christianity and reveres Allah as the one and only god.
The word actually means “The God” and thus isn’t really a name but a designation (like “Yahweh” isn’t really a name either, but also a designation that means “he is”).
One of the central basic principles of Islamic confession is:
This reminds strongly of Yahweh’s,“There is no god except ‘The God’” (La ilaha illa Allah).
Under the hypothesis that Yahweh saw himself threatened by Christianity and, therefore, infiltrated it, one can envision that the same Yahweh wanted to create an analogous religion under a new denomination in a related people.“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
On one side in order to have a have a “second track” for his influence and on the other side in order to be able to play the two off against each other in a Machiavellian sense of “divide and rule”.
Also other extraterrestrial visits?
It is highly probable that humans of this Earth have had contacts with extraterrestrials already before. It seems quite possible that the Egyptians, Incas, Mayas and Aztecs had such contacts and that these extraterrestrials will not always have been Anunnaki.
Regressions with persons, who once lived in Atlantis, indicate that the culture there had contacts with extraterrestrials, who gave them higher knowledge as a kind of development aid.
They withdrew disappointedly when they saw that the knowledge was abused. One client experienced himself as a hybrid between extraterrestrials and humans, and suffered from being discriminated by both sides, since he didn’t really look like an Earth human, but also not like an extraterrestrial.
Very evil chapters of human history on our planet are the cruel conquests and destructions of above all the Latin-American cultures through European Yahwistic cultures.
Why did the latter want that?
A logical answer will be that Yahweh manipulated humans to that end, since he didn’t want competition in his influence on mankind. Thus this will concern influence of other extraterrestrials than the Anunnaki or, maybe, rivaling Anunnaki groups.
It may be assumed that there were also other cultures on Earth before the anunnakian manipulation of human life here, and that they may in many cases have had benevolent contacts with other extraterrestrials.
In India, an ancient knowledge has to a large extent survived that probably also has to do with very early extraterrestrial contacts.
The yahwistic attempts to eradicate this by means of the British rule (and earlier through the Muslim Moguls) luckily didn’t really work. Instead, the knowledge became accessible to the entire world, since ancient Sanskrit texts were translated to English!
As if the plan backfired… (but to day business globalization is, instead, doing much damage to the Indian culture).
Are then all “Gods” only extraterrestrials?
There are authors who seem to claim that. But the true creator God certainly isn’t in that sense an extraterrestrial, since he - beyond that concept - is everywhere.
That then some of his creations were regarded as “gods”, when they came from somewhere else to visit the Earth, is quite another matter.
The Anunnaki want to claim that they are our creators!
The Anunnaki are not our creators!
They have by means of genetic manipulation in very ancient times only created the bodies of our prime ancestors but not created them out of pure energy, as the prime creator did when he created our souls.
They are in no way our creators!
Are the Anunnaki mentioned in the Bible?
The Bible mentions a tall people called Anakim, the sons of Anak. They have to do with the Nephilim, who are the above-mentioned “sons of the gods” who came down to Earth to have children with the “daughters of man”.
The following Bible passages mention “Anakim” and “Anak”:
The conclusion near at hand would be that these are Anunnaki (in their three-dimensional appearance) or probably rather there off-spring resulting from their sexual involvement with humans of the Earth.Num 13:22; 13:28; 13:33, Deut 1:28; 2:10-11; 2:21, 9:2, Josh 11:21-22; 14:12; 14:15; 15:13-14; 21:11, Judg 1:20.