xiǎo bái liǎn
- Dec 2, 2020
- 19,182
saw this shit come by with this top comment so i had to give my take on it not even 1 min and some inceltear cuck starts barkin for me
I know, the only reason I have tiktok installed is for coomfuelbtw @Disorder, tiktok is really good fapfuel if you like jbs. There are many young girls there that will do anything for updoots including shaking their asses.
Women don't take these things into consideration. All that matters to women when chosing a mate is whether he gives her pussy tingles or not.I don't get this "height=good genetics"
who do you want doing brain surgery on you: the 5'5" licensed doctor or the 6'5" gigachad who barely graduated high school
which do you want a society filled with?
Human brains didn't change drastically since the last 3 million years, if you take a neanderthal baby and put him in modern nursery school, he will grow up to be just like us, going to university, doing job etc.I don't get this "height=good genetics"
who do you want doing brain surgery on you: the 5'5" licensed doctor or the 6'5" gigachad who barely graduated high school
which do you want a society filled with?
even in the stone age it was the intelligent who won as long as they aren't physically feeble, take a olympic athlete and a trained survivalist, put them in the woods, and see who survives
no such thing as human intelligence most greatest inventions were accidental but we can apply logic and reasoning because the human brain is so overdeveloped we have consciousnessHuman brains didn't change drastically since the last 3 million years, if you take a neanderthal baby and put him in modern nursery school, he will grow up to be just like us, going to university, doing job etc.
Therefore, if you let the foids choose their mates fully based on their biological instinct, they're gonna choose the same type of mates that cave-foids in the Pleistocene era used to choose. Being intelligent was somewhat important 3 million years, but not as important as being tall, strong, and good looking.
In fact, intelligence was never a "primary" selection criteria in the case human evolution, if it was, we would have been a space faring civilization by now.
It depends on how you define intelligence, many non-human animals sometimes show quite high-level of reasoning and such thing as human intelligence most greatest inventions were accidental but we can apply logic and reasoning because the human brain is so overdeveloped we have consciousness
It depends on how you define intelligence, many non-human animals sometimes show quite high-level of reasoning and such thing as human intelligence most greatest inventions were accidental but we can apply logic and reasoning because the human brain is so overdeveloped we have consciousness
It depends on how you define intelligence, many non-human animals sometimes show quite high-level of reasoning and logic.
In none of these animals their females choose the male with respect to their intelligence. For example, in the case of orang-utans, the females always choose the male with the biggest cheekpad. That's why you see more orang-utan males with comparatively bigger cheekpad than males with no cheekpads. Even if an orang-utan male has a highIQ and if he doesn't have a good cheekpad, he won't be able to breed. His highIQ gene will go extinct.
In the case of crows, the selection criteria is their quality of male bird's plumage, voice, strength etc.
In the case of humans, it's chad (specially in a gynocentric, feminist, lowIQ society).
And consciousness is very hard to define. I have no idea how to define it. How do you know these animals are not conscious to some level?