Venting Can you figure out what's going on with you

Uruma shun

Uruma shun

No rep no reply no interaction
Apr 13, 2024
Do you know what's wrong with you,
Do you know what you are doing. With your life. With yourself.

Do you feel overwhelmed by your own mind.
Ppl often use the metaphor "library" for our brain and how everything is organised and categorized. It's our own private library.

What's the status of your library. Is it neat. Or is it a mess.

Mine is a mess. Book all across the room with some pages ripped off and a few books missing.

And I don't want to clean it up. I am tired of cleaning up this mess everytime. Because a state is never permanent.
It's bound to change. To the worse or the better.

In my case it keeps getting worse and worse and worse.

And now am at the point where I am contemplating about my life and trying to decide where did I mess up int he past.
Present is shit. Future is like a fog. I csnt see what's in there but I do know the chanced of crashing is pretty high.

I don't seem to be driven by anything anymore. Nothing seems to have a worth. Everything is pointless and useless to me.
I dont know what to do anymore.


No one is coming to save you.
Apr 29, 2024
Do you know what's wrong with you: Yes, I'm non-NT and a truecel
Do you know what you are doing. With your life. With yourself: Yes, cope till I rope

Do you feel overwhelmed by your own mind: No, because I'm always distracted by my copes
Ppl often use the metaphor "library" for our brain and how everything is organised and categorized. It's our own private library:
Sure, but by distracting myself I basically don't enter this library, atleast not often

What's the status of your library. Is it neat. Or is it a mess: I don't access my library because only bad things are in there.

Mine is a mess. Book all across the room with some pages ripped off and a few books missing: Ok

And I don't want to clean it up. I am tired of cleaning up this mess everytime. Because a state is never permanent.
It's bound to change. To the worse or the better: Just don't enter your library theory

In my case it keeps getting worse and worse and worse: My library is like an abyss, if I stare into it, it stares back into me. So I don't do it at all.

And now am at the point where I am contemplating about my life and trying to decide where did I mess up int he past.
Present is shit. Future is like a fog. I csnt see what's in there but I do know the chanced of crashing is pretty high: Don't worry about it, just enjoy the moment and always tell yourself there's people who have it worse

I don't seem to be driven by anything anymore. Nothing seems to have a worth. Everything is pointless and useless to me: Life is pointless and useless, so just try to find fun things to do and enjoy your time as much as you can.
I dont know what to do anymore: Try different hobbies and see which one is fun to you
Uruma shun

Uruma shun

No rep no reply no interaction
Apr 13, 2024
Sure, but by distracting myself I basically don't enter this library, atleast not often
I don't access my library because only bad things are in there.
Just don't enter your library theory

My library is like an abyss, if I stare into it, it stares back into me. So I don't do it at all.
Well that's what I thought at one point of my life.
Dort face it.
Don't go inside
Cope with something outside.

But never did I imagine u can run out of copes too. The thing that was keeping me away from myself disappeared as if it never existed

There is only so much you can cope. When you start facing reality on every turn you take. On every breath you take.

You have no choice to face it. And that will never guarantee you success. You ca either come out unscathed or you can be ripped apart.

But there is only so much you can do.

During this fight people fall into a void they are unaware of. And when they realise where they are. It's too late to take any action


عثمان دان فوديو الثاني
Jan 23, 2024
Do you know what's wrong with you
Yes I am severely depressed malnourished and have attention problems
Do you know what you are doing. With your life. With yourself.
No. Cope till I rope.
Do you feel overwhelmed by your own mind.
Sometimes, but I don't let it bother me often.
Ppl often use the metaphor "library" for our brain and how everything is organised and categorized. It's our own private library.

What's the statu
Disagree. My mind is an endlessly deepening abyss full of poly dimensional entities beyond my understanding. Organising it is a practice in futility. My only chance at understanding myself is death. Rebirth among the gods.
And now am at the point where I am contemplating about my life and trying to decide where did I mess up int he past.
I know where I messed up but it's too far in the past to do anything about it. I have no chance of recovery and no longer care. Cope then rope.
Uruma shun

Uruma shun

No rep no reply no interaction
Apr 13, 2024
Yes I am severely depressed malnourished and have attention problems
I have severe adhd and have been on medication since I was 14.

But these meds became my way to cope to the point I was overdosing on them.

I threw all my meds and since then life has become even more miserable.
It's hard to explain what goes inside my mind right now. I need my meds.

But I am too broke. I don't have money to afford it.

Cope till I rope.
Guess am already at he end of my rope.
Disagree. My mind is an endlessly deepening abyss full of poly dimensional entities beyond my understanding. Organising it is a practice in futility. My only chance at understanding myself is death. Rebirth among the gods.
I have given up on understanding myself. And I am doubtful about God.

Both make me feel guilty. I hate myself for it
I know where I messed up but it's too far in the past to do anything about it. I have no chance of recovery and no longer care. Cope then rope.
Yup so do I.
I no longerc care for the decisions I make. As if I have extra lives remake the scenerio and choose a different option.

Like a worn down tree in the middle of nowhere. No wind or rain or thunder makes it fall. They only destroyed. It will fall when it decides


Sep 3, 2021
30 minutes of cardio daily. That's what you want
So far there's no one here

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