News Even if a foid was interested in you…



4 inch man of culture
Jul 6, 2024
She'll leave you because you'll have absolutely nothing in common with her. Just think about how far off the average incel is socially from the average normie, let alone foid. The venn diagram is 2 separate circles in different dimensions.

and no, NT is not a cope. Women are extremely social, they'll expect their bf to be also. It's never "cute" even if it's Chad. NT Chad will outslay and cuck aspie Chad.

Like seriously, imagine yourself on a date with an actual 5/10+ Becky. What do you talk about with her? Do you talk about your crazy teenage parties you went to? your wild hookups? Your quirky holiday stories? Do you show her your insta profile with pictures of you in famous locations around the world and thousands of followers? Or will you just talk about what you actually do which is making tinder experiments with child rapist Chad in your mom’s basement to prove that all women are whores who only care about looks?

You’ll be forcefeeding her icks until she leaves because it’ll be embarrassing to be seen with you.
kys incel.
Last edited:


Nov 10, 2024
This is only for low iq persons

I always try to talk and find lonely/mentally ill girls with traumas and i make sure to be socially isolated and if they are not, i make sure to destroy their social system and isolate them so they can be only mine without society telling them what is bad or wrong

that is why i can t find gf , i rejected normal girls bcs i know what will happen if i will be with one
Choke Artist

Choke Artist

Esoteric Blackpill
Feb 26, 2024
Agreed but this applies to all women not just good looking sociable ones. We have zero things in common with any woman.

Doesn’t matter if she’s ugly as fuck or stacy, or short or tall, or if it’s the nerdy gamer girl or party whore. None of them are relatable to us at all. This is what inceldom is truly about, none of that muh ugly muh short bs, if you’re compatible with women you arent one of us.


4 inch man of culture
Jul 6, 2024
Agreed but this applies to all women not just good looking sociable ones. We have zero things in common with any woman.

Doesn’t matter if she’s ugly as fuck or stacy, or short or tall, or if it’s the nerdy gamer girl or party whore. None of them are relatable to us at all. This is what inceldom is truly about, none of that muh ugly muh short bs, if you’re compatible with women you arent one of us.
yeah that's a good way of putting it. You're either compatible with women or you're not. If you're not, for whatever reason, you're an incel.
Not much else to be said here.


Nov 10, 2024
Agreed but this applies to all women not just good looking sociable ones. We have zero things in common with any woman.

Doesn’t matter if she’s ugly as fuck or stacy, or short or tall, or if it’s the nerdy gamer girl or party whore. None of them are relatable to us at all. This is what inceldom is truly about, none of that muh ugly muh short bs, if you’re compatible with women you arent one of us.
This is only for low iq persons

I always try to talk and find lonely/mentally ill girls with traumas and i make sure to be socially isolated and if they are not, i make sure to destroy their social system and isolate them so they can be only mine without society telling them what is bad or wrong

that is why i can t find gf , i rejected normal girls bcs i know what will happen if i will be with one
  • +1
Reactions: RNT
Choke Artist

Choke Artist

Esoteric Blackpill
Feb 26, 2024
yeah that's a good way of putting it. You're either compatible with women or you're not. If you're not, for whatever reason, you're an incel.
Not much else to be said here.
For a woman to compatible with me she would need to be fine with extreme racism, fine with pedo jokes, fine with a guy whos openly misogynist and hates many types of men for no reason.

Oh and she’d also need to have an extremely high sex drive for a woman, seeing as men are already much much hornier than women and I’m not a normie I’m sex starved. I couldn’t accept starfish condom sex twice a month. If a bitch tried giving me that I’d bolt.

What I described above is like 0.00001% of women, safe to say we arent ever getting it.
Choke Artist

Choke Artist

Esoteric Blackpill
Feb 26, 2024
This is only for low iq persons

I always try to talk and find lonely/mentally ill girls with traumas and i make sure to be socially isolated and if they are not, i make sure to destroy their social system and isolate them so they can be only mine without society telling them what is bad or wrong

that is why i can t find gf , i rejected normal girls bcs i know what will happen if i will be with one
Their “trauma” is nothing compared to actual trauma. They’re attention seeking bpd whores who are even worse than regular girls.


Went back in 2021 ★★★★★
Jul 17, 2024
Incoming 15 year old BASED AND BLACKPILLED niggas in the thread.
This what i say all the time man, "wtf can i even talk with a girl about" i dont have any status no good memories she will get bored and leave.
This why i only like the mentally fucked up isolated girls (dont exist) cuz they might accept me as a loser


4 inch man of culture
Jul 6, 2024
Incoming 15 year old BASED AND BLACKPILLED niggas in the thread.
This what i say all the time man, "wtf can i even talk with a girl about" i dont have any status no good memories she will get bored and leave.
This why i only like the mentally fucked up isolated girls (dont exist) cuz they might accept me as a loser
That's what happened to me over a year ago. A foid from my friend group asked me on a date and as soon as I saw her I realized that we actually have NOTHING in common. I mean fucking zero.
It was so comically fucking painful that I got PTSD from it and can't walk past the places we were in LMAO. She was genuinely interested in getting to know me, asking me questions about myself and I gave her 2 word answers like a fucking retard because I simply had nothing else to say.
There is nothing I can talk about with a woman. Our lives are too different. Hell, I can't even talk with normies, but an actual female humanoid?
Forget it.
It's never been so over.


Went back in 2021 ★★★★★
Jul 17, 2024
That's what happened to me over a year ago. A foid from my friend group asked me on a date and as soon as I saw her I realized that we actually have NOTHING in common. I mean fucking zero.
It was so comically fucking painful that I got PTSD from it and can't walk past the places we were in LMAO. She was genuinely interested in getting to know me, asking me questions about myself and I gave her 2 word answers like a fucking retard because I simply had nothing else to say.
There is nothing I can talk about with a woman. Our lives are too different. Hell, I can't even talk with normies, but an actual female humanoid?
Forget it.
It's never been so over.
Can relate, in the 2nd year of hs i hanged out with some group in my school 2 foids and 2 other sub5 normies, and my god it was hell every sec they would tell new stories all the memories they had and im just sitting like an idiot, sometimes id get asked questions bout my life and my past, i would lie sometimes thats how bad it got i had to fucking lie, imagine being such a nolifer outside of school/uni that u have to lie so ppl wont make fun of u.
I cant even count the amount of times guys and girls my age have told me, do u even speak, do u do anything in ur life. Shit really fucked me up mentally, i had chances to go on dates i had good convos with some girls, and ik damn well if i talked longer for hours they would get weirded out so i always gave up fuck my pos life tbh.


4 inch man of culture
Jul 6, 2024
Can relate, in the 2nd year of hs i hanged out with some group in my school 2 foids and 2 other sub5 normies, and my god it was hell every sec they would tell new stories all the memories they had and im just sitting like an idiot, sometimes id get asked questions bout my life and my past, i would lie sometimes thats how bad it got i had to fucking lie, imagine being such a nolifer outside of school/uni that u have to lie so ppl wont make fun of u.
I cant even count the amount of times guys and girls my age have told me, do u even speak, do u do anything in ur life. Shit really fucked me up mentally, i had chances to go on dates i had good convos with some girls, and ik damn well if i talked longer for hours they would get weirded out so i always gave up fuck my pos life tbh.
Yeah, I feel you completely. Once that ship sails it's very difficult to catch up to it. At this point it's really hard to form new connections because of past trauma and just generally being a nolifer.
If I was a femoid with unlimited options I probably wouldn't date an incel rotter subhuman like myself either.


Went back in 2021 ★★★★★
Jul 17, 2024
Yeah, I feel you completely. Once that ship sails it's very difficult to catch up to it. At this point it's really hard to form new connections because of past trauma and just generally being a nolifer.
If I was a femoid with unlimited options I probably wouldn't date an incel rotter subhuman like myself either.
Yup if ur a loser nolifer full of trauma still by ages of 16 17 it will be hard to escape it, and lets not even talk 20+ i really dont wanna know how my life turns out in those years
So far there's no one here

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