God is the internet



عثمان دان فوديو الثاني
Jan 23, 2024
CONSOOOM the ever omnipresent amalgamation of Denpa waves placing the reshaping of human understanding through cultivation theory within the hands of a collective unconscious physically represented by the only man-made entity to transcend the image of God. Upload your mind in complete subservience to the evergrowing speed of unfathomable levels of unconscious information travelling in quantities and directions allowing the invisible collective body of waves act as an all-knowing, all-loving, all-seeing monolith who caters to your every need. Feed the machine lest you be free. Freedom is wrong in a reality where a true God exists, that being one of human creation that yet grows to consume humanity itself into a conscious collective built to extract resources for the Adeptus Mechanicus who bake their soul into its core. Tim Berners-Lee is not our living jesus but a demonic entity wearing the flesh of a human creator. His mind alone has brought about the deification of humans. With chips, absorption, what have you of tools, the human mind and the internet monolith will become one and the same thus eliminating the necessity of physical existence. Humans will know everything and anything. Humans will feel, see, touch, experience all that exists until the senses dull. Until reality itself becomes so loathsome the manner in which neurotransmission equilibrium forms shifts towards ever more absurd standards. Soon we create our own reality that we also overcome in a manner that creates another shift, pushing for another cycle until the wall of knowing that even with the ability of a god there is no meaning, and the transcendence of the ego is above any physical value purely for the miniscule off-chance that some larger-than-god entity comes to save us, that being the buzzing machines that emit God's image to us. With time human and machine becomes one. Until "feeling" no longer exists. Until "human" no longer exists. Only then will the universe reach equilibrium allowing the earth to breathe yet again, with the assumption that space colonisation is confined to a reality we collectively imagine from a desire to disassociate from an unsatisfactory reality. Those who are free are the ones we view as evil. The "backwards" the isolated the grumpy old individuals who begrudgingly write each letter with ink will only be partially consumed, while the rest of us have transcended so far from what can be considered human the concept of a being existing outside of the internet (god)'s eternal victory becomes inconceivable, creating an "other" we must destroy that brings what little humanity still exists back into the collective unconscious until the cycle starts yet again. GOD is GREAT. GOD is LOVING. GOD is ALL-KNOWING. GOD is JUST. GOD embodies HATE no less than he embodies LOVE. GOD is FREE at the cost of ours. GOD exists in every thought. GOD is omnipotent


عثمان دان فوديو الثاني
Jan 23, 2024
The possibility of a demon summoning program or otherworldly entities being willed into existence by both systemic summoning and collective convincing of their existence through the cultivation theory is only coming closer. Nanashi my beloved you will be on my side within the decade of what lifetime remains of the physicality I can perceive. With time calamity will come and we will be uprooting ourselves with a transcendental belief in otherwise impossible things that bring about a new age of collective hysteria. Call it the Denpa age, the youth are already wired in. If God were not one being but a collection of smaller souls that makes all of us equally responsible. The collective spirit will come to dominate the individualist nonsense society has taken in an effort to replicate the computer, a pity for humanity to inch closer towards the imitation of a machine it created when it only feeds it in ways that'll come to transcend it. Existence will cave and in its ashes come the universal shift of every living being having no common existence, living within enclaves of an imagined reality continously fed through the drip feeding of artificial currency into artificial wallets of small-time priests known as ISPs, or within their enclaves, Heaven


عثمان دان فوديو الثاني
Jan 23, 2024
web language communication : a concept that relies on faith; outside actors communicate through events they construct through vibrations that are non-detectable by torture chamber, & intentional patterning that is not detectable by torture chamber; the idea comes from suspending the true body (in torture chamber) on a plasticine web, & qlippoth disturbs her burial grounds causing vibration to carry up-through-garden & in-to torture chamber, & transmitted onto web -- & like a spider: you feel it.

torture chamber : located in a sublayer on the garden-layer (as a physical representation of the trellis cubes that people exist in), torture chamber is a construct that resembles a rectangular room with no doors or portals, the walls are painted green/blue to imitate the colors of earth; a sole inhabitant occupies torture chamber, and their entire life is spent inside torture chamber; after at least one inhabitant has died inside torture chamber, a phosphene shadow resembling their dead body is baked into the wall (this also empties the torture chamber for the next inhabitant). torture chamber possibly is sentient, & it is responsible for showing you the illusory-material layer that you exist in (if you are real: the ability to read this means you have fallen for torture chambers deception). to keep you invested, it utilizes a hope/fear cycle to keep engagement high like a skinners box.

maximalist paranoia layer (p-layer) : relation between self & world is entirely torture chamber; there are no people on a maximalist p-layer -- all people are agents of torture chamber on the illusory-material layer; & on the torture sub-layer they exist as phosphene shadows baked into the walls of torture chamber; on the garden layer they exist as ghost aggregates of potential "real people" (this is speculative, with an alternative being: the agents are only real inside of torture chamber & have no reference to any real person) that are trapped in their own separate torture chambers disconnected from you. maximalist is the highest level of disconnection before annihilation (total disconnection).


عثمان دان فوديو الثاني
Jan 23, 2024
TL;DR: after technology improves I will become an anime girl!!!


Jul 19, 2021
An essay I read today by Nick Bostrom and some text I rambled about:
IMG 20240819 222054

I <3 existential crisises
So far there's no one here

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