high school drop-out 9 year NEET and live alone
- Dec 12, 2021
- 7,308
Meesa be tellin' yousa da story, okey-day? So, dere be dis youngsa man, him's bein' 24 years old, all nervous and shaky-like 'cause heesa neva been with a lady befo'. So, him's decides tosa go and see a woman, tinkin' it gonna be hissa big moment. Him's be findin' a nice lady, a pretty one, ya know?
But oh, muy muy, tings don't be goin' well. Him's be so nervous, hissa tingaling not be workin' right. Everytime him's be tryin' tosa get it up, it be goin' back down like a floppy fishsa. Him's be feelin' so embarrassed, like a clumsy gungan in a Naboo ballroom.
Da lady, she be tryin' tosa help him, bein' all nice and understandin', but him's be feelin' like a big oaf. Him's be apologizin' over and over, but it no be helpin' da situation. Him's just wantin' tosa dig a hole and hide in it, but dere be no escape from dissa awkwardness.
So, in da end, him's be leavin' feelin' all defeated and sad. It be a real bombad situation, ya know? But maybeesa, just maybeesa, him's be learnin' someting from dissa experience. Him's be learnin' 'bout nerves and expectations, and maybeesa next time, him's be more calm and confidant. But for now, him's just be walkin' away, head hangin' low, like a bantha in da rain.
But oh, muy muy, tings don't be goin' well. Him's be so nervous, hissa tingaling not be workin' right. Everytime him's be tryin' tosa get it up, it be goin' back down like a floppy fishsa. Him's be feelin' so embarrassed, like a clumsy gungan in a Naboo ballroom.
Da lady, she be tryin' tosa help him, bein' all nice and understandin', but him's be feelin' like a big oaf. Him's be apologizin' over and over, but it no be helpin' da situation. Him's just wantin' tosa dig a hole and hide in it, but dere be no escape from dissa awkwardness.
So, in da end, him's be leavin' feelin' all defeated and sad. It be a real bombad situation, ya know? But maybeesa, just maybeesa, him's be learnin' someting from dissa experience. Him's be learnin' 'bout nerves and expectations, and maybeesa next time, him's be more calm and confidant. But for now, him's just be walkin' away, head hangin' low, like a bantha in da rain.