high IQ thesis on shitlibs



Dec 21, 2023
For the big idea at your place and time to be correct on a thing, sure, like the bible can be correct about a specific event its talking about, or a Christian can be like "I think raping kids is bad, because it's a sin".But the ESSENTIALLY Christian stuff is basically always wrong. Or Marx can say things like "all value comes from labor" - which is a trivial truth that Ricardo and Smith would not disagree with. But the rejection of marginal utility and the classification of the capitalist as doing no labor at all is what is essentially Marxist. Or a Marxist may say "there is a problem in capitalism with outsized wealth - Musk, Bezos, Gates, etc." - and I personally agree. But those criticisms of capitalism long predate Marx, they're not essentially marxist. (In fact, criticisms of capitalism actually predate capitalism! The whole justification for the whole guild-feudalism-monopoly economy was precisely to prevent the instability of free-floating prices, freedom of profession and what we think of as "private property").Those things which ARE essentially Marxist - rejection of marginal utility, the categorical description of the capitalist as a class as parasitical, and of course the Marxist progression to stateless communism - everything in Marx's writing that is ESSENTIALLY Marxist is wrong.And the reason is that Marx is a systematic thinker that all stems from HIS particular labor theory of value.So, can a shitlib say something true? Sure, he can say that like, Donald Trump is a shitty person, which I agree with. But something essentially shitlib would be "Donald Trump is an existential threat to our clown show!", and that's clearly false.But I bring up the analogy of the broken clock because maybe a marxist, shitlib or christian can say something which is essentially that-religion, which just so happens to be true. But these religions start from a kernel, and those kernels are all wrong. With shitlibs, it's the equality presumption that everything is equal. Since that's wrong, every specific claim or prediction is not going track sober, reasoned analysis, but is going to just be motivated argumentation for the correct conclusion that stems from the kernel.Like christians and their giant intellectual corpus for denying evolution, shitlibs have likewise developed a giant corpus to deny evolution in humans which conflicts with the equality presumption.This also gets to why "conservatives" are so stupid. Because "woke" is simply the consistent application of the equality presumption. US "conservatives", in the main, agree with the equality presumption, but hate "woke".The problem is that, if you think blacks and whites have equal genetic capabilities, why aren't they the same in all measurable life outcomes? And the further you get from 1965, and the more the discrimination and sinecures fail to bring about equal outcomes, the crazier the religion has to become. It's similar to a messianic religion that predicts some big event that doesn't happen. They get crazier and crazier.So the plan-truster type, who today manifests as a shitlib, in the 700s, would be a full-believer in the Jesus story. The plan not-truster, would disbelieve. The dumbass goes "maybe there's some truth to the Jesus story, but I don't believe all of it. I believe in walking on water, but curing leprosy? Too much." I haven't seen IQ data, but I would guess that biblical creationists are a LOT smarter than sunday christians. Sunday Christians end up being less wrong, but their "reasoning" is either really bad or non-existent.Shitlibs are like creationists, sunday-christians are like "conservatives", and atheists are like the "alt-right" or whatever the pejorative term is for the plan not-trusters in the current year.Obviously christianity and creationism aren't the going concerns they used to be, but it's the same types of people and how they react to hegemonic belief-systems.And all hegemonic belief systems are systemically wrong, because they don't come about as a result of inquiry and learning. When denying biological race, anthropologists didn't compare humans and other animals and go "yep, humans don't have the requisite dissimilarities that subspecies of chimpanzee or wolves". On that, we know that older anthropologists did not change their minds - it wasn't "new information found, minds changed". What actually happened was deans and presidents placed the minority of anthropologists who denied race in the teaching positions, thus destroying the field of anthropology.They'll deny this, and say old anthropology was biased, but their only basis for the supposed bias of old anthropology was that it concluded that humans - a species with a global range - happens to have identifiable subspecies, and their brains are going to be different.Or take "woke" taking over big companies like Disney. Did the guys at Disney commission some big studies to determine if it was "correct" to have girlbosses and unrealistically intelligent blacks in their movies? No, a few morons at the top got sold this by various intellectuals, likely in person, and became convinced that this was the smart thing and the "right side of history", under the false assumption that due diligence was done at the universities. And of course, the universities are held in reverence like the Per Ankh, and they do the same trick that the Per Ankh did. The Per Ankh had, for the time, advanced medical knowledge. What they'd do is cure what ailed a lot of people, and then say "this works because Osiris" or whatever, and so the religious wing was elevated by the material wing of the temple.Medieval Cathedral schools were similar. They had courses typically in medicine and natural philosophy, right next to the courses in theology. And so theology is elevated by part of the same cathedral school as those materialistic studies. They also taught law but I think that's kind of it's own thing, and doesn't elevate or drag down anything it's connected to because there's nothing "true" about it, it's just an understanding of how the law at a place and time works.And there are two big clues that what I'm saying is true:1. In the 1980s and 1990s, minor theistic cults were very popular. These faded away, and their evaporation coincided with the rise of "woke". Not by that name, that came later, but basically people started to care a lot more about "equality" just as minor theistic cults began to evaporate.2. As theology departments started to decline in US universities (remember, universities are really just the old cathedral schools; there's no seminal event when they stopped being cathedral schools and became "secular" universities. Oxford was founded in 1096.), this coincided with the rise of "social science". The name is a givaway, "science" was in, so the new religious thinkers can only peddle their wares - and themselves be taken in by - that which calls itself "science". So, "social science", quite directly, replaces theology.Today, you see "conservatives" correctly point out the chasm of rigor between the "social sciences" and "STEM". And this is absolutely correct, just as their was a chasm of rigor between medicine / natural philosophy vs. theology in 1096.And just like christianity and marxism, shitlibs present themselves as team-super-nice-good-guy-squad, when they're really the source of most of our misfortunes.


Oct 18, 2023
It's not even the DNR factor bro you're just not coherent

Maybe run it through chatgpt

Deleted member 82



Apr 20, 2024
It's not even the DNR factor bro you're just not coherent
it's a "yoooo the woke are kinda like priests huh I just thought of this" soliloquy
I'd say more but I don't engage with moldbugisms because of how the man looks


Apr 27, 2024
There are an awful lot of quotes in this so-called thesis. It's irritating to read, frankly. Also, self-proclaiming oneself as having a high IQ is cringe-inducing and makes me think otherwise, or that you are seeking validation from people whom you consider worthy of the label.
So far there's no one here

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