I wish I could be 8 years younger.



I want to be the richest man in Laos! I love Laos!
Nov 25, 2022
Every job looked like a nightmare when I was young. I was so depressed, one of the many reasons was not liking any possible career path, knowing I'd be miserable all my life.

But that's wrong. Some jobs are so much better than others.

Sure every job has major downsides. But they're not all the same.

I wish I could go into medicine now. Or be a cop. Or hell, anything that's a proper career.

But nope. Not only have I gotten totally useless degrees that have no value I guarantee you, I also burned myself out so hard in the process that I don't want to ever step foot in a university again. Well technically I'd do it if I could become a doctor or some shit but I'm too old for that.
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Based Vampire

Based Vampire

Sleep late, and read trashy books!
Mar 23, 2023
But nope. Not only have I gotten totally useless degrees that have no value I guarantee you, I also burned myself out so hard in the process that I don't want to ever step foot in a university again. Well technically I'd do it if I could become a doctor or some shit but I'm too old for that.
you said it. literally me. But you shouldnt worry too much about this. Im 22 but Im not much different from you and I do not expect good things to come to me. Nothing really matters as much as we think it does and pretty soon everything will come to an end. So just take it easy and enjoy the ride as much as possible.


Jun 8, 2023
you said it. literally me. But you shouldnt worry too much about this. Im 22 but Im not much different from you and I dp not expect good things to come to me. Nothing really matters as much as we think it does and pretty soon everything will come to an end. So just take it easy and enjoy the ride as much as possible.
Your still young though, anon is almost hitting 30 & regrets his current lifestyle. You could go to college or uni & find a good career (provided you are average or high IQ).


I wanna revive Hitler but I can't figure out how
Jul 2, 2022
Well yeah now it's too late but if I went into medicine at 18 it wouldn't be so bad, just get done with that period of your life asap and move on to being a doctor.
anon1822 as a forensic pathologist after graduating med school:


I want to be the richest man in Laos! I love Laos!
Nov 25, 2022
thats what I will try to do. But if I fail I'll have to become an average wagecuck
Bro there's such a big difference these 5 years can make, please please please go get a good degree. Not even foids matter as much, get a good degree asap. Go be an accountant or something. SO IMPORTANT. PLEASE DO.


Nov 28, 2020
But nope. Not only have I gotten totally useless degrees that have no value I guarantee you, I also burned myself out so hard in the process that I don't want to ever step foot in a university again. Well technically I'd do it if I could become a doctor or some shit but I'm too old for that.
Okay, brother. Seems like you need some motivation. A little pat on the back to let you know it's still not too late.

Let me tell you a little story about a low-value man who cheated his way into being a high-value man.

This story is about Kevin Samuels. A fifty something Black doode from the ghetto.

All Black people know him. Ask @Saito if you don't believe me.

0. He began his career on Youtubes reviewing fragrances

Some stores in Atlanta refused to sell him products because he would try the fragrance for Youtube and return it to the store. It wasn't limited to only fragrances. He would return absolutely everything, including incense candles.

1. This guy was known for being a non-bs lifestyle & dating coach.
This goofy ass mofo was living from hand to mouth barely getting any pussey before blowing up on Youtubes. Just look at this goofy looking brother.

2. He called himself an image consultant. A certified image consultant.
His broke ass signed up for Alpha M's courses for image consultants, downloaded all the episodes and asked for a refund. He also plagiarized Alpha M's content.

3. He had many conservative opinions that triggered a lot of women and resonated with men.
This motherfucker had a daughter from his previous marriage. He was so fucking sleazy that he refused to pay child support until he started earning big yootooba monies. We know this because there's a court order exists of his deadbeat fatherism. Yet, it didn't stop him from preaching about accountability to his 2 million something subscribers.

4. He said he graduated from the university of Oklahoma for chemical engineering.
He never graduated.

5. Before taking a job at sales for a big company.
He worked as a telemarketer.

6. He then told about being an image consultant for wealthy people and Hollywood celebrities.
Some clothing stores in Atlanta had to ban him from entering their shops, as he would try to sell his stylist services to unsuspecting customers. Yeah... a stylist/image consultant for the celebrities alright.

If this broke ass loser motherfucker in his fifties can FRAUD his way into mainstream success having interviews with Nicki Minaj, Future etc...

So can you. Hell. You're not even in your 30s yet. Kevin Samuels started his career of being a fraud in his late 40s.
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