News Incels Should Go Back to



Mar 6, 2024
670 has fallen from grace, but in more ways than one, as time has continued to show that most members here on incels are not the rational, MGTOW kind who are able to realize that women are retarded whores, and so move on with their lifes, but are instead racial purists and dog cuckers who believe that dogs are currently fucking all the foids. I wonder if incels have ever heard of getting thier dog neutered, I guess not, but even so, I do agree that dog cuckery or the idea of a women having sex with a dog, is certainly a prime example of why all women should kill themselves lest alone be executed. As I've stated, I'm a half-incel, but I'm more of just a MGTOW with an obsession with having waifus love me back.

I am slightly sympathetic to the plight of the incel, to be rejected based on looks, social behavior and the like, and I certainly know how that feels to an extent, however, we need to realize that at the end of the day, people will be rejected one way or another, and that is the nature of all women, so instead of being attracted to these rather awful, subhuman creatures, we should seek to do things, for ourselves, by ourselves, of ourselves, right? Certainly my MGTOW has found great solace in a community full of resentful men against soyciety? Of course fucking not, they all make up whatever bullshit up to keep on justifying thier unholy attraction to women, and what's worse is that almost a majority of these incels on .net would probably just become a wagiefag or worse asend, and never look back because we are "so inferior" because we don't have a women.

These men don't hate women, they hate that they don't have a women, and so hate women because of that. I find such people disgusting, inhumane, and ultimately subhuman, as instead of accepting the truth, and becoming a MGTOW for the rest of thier lives, and keeping "virginity" which is retarded, you can even fuck a pillow and loose your virginity, they instead chose to hold on to this retarded narrative, and I'm willing to bet most of them, would unironically become normiefags again, as it's common for some members here to use social media, as a normiefag would, that certainly is helping your case....yeah....certainly....

The ONLY reason .net is like that is because .is is to incompetent to keep these subhuman rejects and would rather pass it down to .net because .net is totally a server for incels... (it isn't), and also usurpingly, mot incels here are r/notincelsbychoice, which only just further proves my point, that if these posers were given the opportunity to fuck a foid, they would do it, no questions asked, again, another degusting way to approach things. If it weren't already obvious, incels...this isn't and you faggots need to stop treating as such, and fortunately there's a place where incels can go to rot away for their rest of their lives, it's called

I will say it loud and clear, if you are an incel, and not a neetcel, then you, yes, you, need to get the fuck out of here, return back to and consider killing yourself, because I would rather find that a satisfying conclusion than listen to any of you fucking incelfags go on about how blacks are so inferior or how whites are the master race, let alone bitch about how dogs will cuck you. You are not welcome here, get the fuck out of my sight, now...


Feb 11, 2024
You are not welcome here, get the fuck out of my sight, now...
1711926830329k 1


Feb 9, 2024
1,211 has fallen from grace, but in more ways than one, as time has continued to show that most members here on incels are not the rational, MGTOW kind who are able to realize that women are retarded whores, and so move on with their lifes, but are instead racial purists and dog cuckers who believe that dogs are currently fucking all the foids. I wonder if incels have ever heard of getting thier dog neutered, I guess not, but even so, I do agree that dog cuckery or the idea of a women having sex with a dog, is certainly a prime example of why all women should kill themselves lest alone be executed. As I've stated, I'm a half-incel, but I'm more of just a MGTOW with an obsession with having waifus love me back.

I am slightly sympathetic to the plight of the incel, to be rejected based on looks, social behavior and the like, and I certainly know how that feels to an extent, however, we need to realize that at the end of the day, people will be rejected one way or another, and that is the nature of all women, so instead of being attracted to these rather awful, subhuman creatures, we should seek to do things, for ourselves, by ourselves, of ourselves, right? Certainly my MGTOW has found great solace in a community full of resentful men against soyciety? Of course fucking not, they all make up whatever bullshit up to keep on justifying thier unholy attraction to women, and what's worse is that almost a majority of these incels on .net would probably just become a wagiefag or worse asend, and never look back because we are "so inferior" because we don't have a women.

These men don't hate women, they hate that they don't have a women, and so hate women because of that. I find such people disgusting, inhumane, and ultimately subhuman, as instead of accepting the truth, and becoming a MGTOW for the rest of thier lives, and keeping "virginity" which is retarded, you can even fuck a pillow and loose your virginity, they instead chose to hold on to this retarded narrative, and I'm willing to bet most of them, would unironically become normiefags again, as it's common for some members here to use social media, as a normiefag would, that certainly is helping your case....yeah....certainly....

The ONLY reason .net is like that is because .is is to incompetent to keep these subhuman rejects and would rather pass it down to .net because .net is totally a server for incels... (it isn't), and also usurpingly, mot incels here are r/notincelsbychoice, which only just further proves my point, that if these posers were given the opportunity to fuck a foid, they would do it, no questions asked, again, another degusting way to approach things. If it weren't already obvious, incels...this isn't and you faggots need to stop treating as such, and fortunately there's a place where incels can go to rot away for their rest of their lives, it's called

I will say it loud and clear, if you are an incel, and not a neetcel, then you, yes, you, need to get the fuck out of here, return back to and consider killing yourself, because I would rather find that a satisfying conclusion than listen to any of you fucking incelfags go on about how blacks are so inferior or how whites are the master race, let alone bitch about how dogs will cuck you. You are not welcome here, get the fuck out of my sight, now...
Most guys are inkwells but it’s a pointless topic like religion or philosophy


Jul 19, 2021
Part of what makes the forum interesting is the varying opinions and limited censorship. There's a decent amount of members that are incels that will either eventually accept their situation or will work to change the situation or stay rotting but regardless, why kick them out? Because they've wrote a 10th thread complaining of no pussy? They just want to get laid and are frustrated and are coping. It's only a pain when they complain about other people getting laid, nigger that's what we all want to do, if a woman with juicy milkers came up to you and asked you to have sex are you gonna stay true to your beliefs? But I understand that belief, it pissed me off when I wasn't getting laid that someone else was so who am I to complain really?


Mar 6, 2024
Part of what makes the forum interesting is the varying opinions and limited censorship. There's a decent amount of members that are incels that will either eventually accept their situation or will work to change the situation or stay rotting but regardless, why kick them out? Because they've wrote a 10th thread complaining of no pussy? They just want to get laid and are frustrated and are coping. It's only a pain when they complain about other people getting laid.
No, of course not, I could care less about it. I hate normiefags, I see them as scum of the earth. My threads are often viewed negatively because I tell them what they don't want to hear, as in, they really are just normiefags. I don't mind incels, ones that hate women, as I hate women, I'm no foid supporter, but I make such threads to send a message, not because "I hate incels". In traditional retaliation their only meaingful resonse is dnr, which just proves they can't meaningfully reply to what I state.

nigger that's what we all want to do, if a woman with juicy milkers came up to you and asked you to have sex are you gonna stay true to your beliefs? But I understand that belief, it pissed me off when I wasn't getting laid that someone else was so who am I to complain really?
I like how you hold me to the same standards as others, which is reasonably fair. I have the fucking curse of being attracted to such subhuman foids, and yes, I would probably in a state of illrationality accept sex, because, as much as I hate to admit it, I am a human, and like humans, they can act like fucking animals. However, unlike most who willingly will accept this about themselves because "human" nature, I am not one to.

I'll resist sex or at least try to even if it goes against my "biological urges" as deep down, I know the truth, the truth of what these women really are, and should I really fuck them? This may sound silly, retarded even, but I would rather die a virgin, because, really, if animal instincts are the only reason we "tolerate" these women, then sorry, I'm not playing along. I would rather die young, then die old, I would rather die pure than die disloyal, I would rather die true rather than die false, even at the cost of my "own" happiness.


Apr 5, 2024
NO crabcels from .is allowed on this comfy LDAR site.
.net is for NEETsoc Nationalists first and foremost!


Jul 19, 2021
No, of course not, I could care less about it. I hate normiefags, I see them as scum of the earth. My threads are often viewed negatively because I tell them what they don't want to hear, as in, they really are just normiefags. I don't mind incels, ones that hate women, as I hate women, I'm no foid supporter, but I make such threads to send a message, not because "I hate incels". In traditional retaliation their only meaingful resonse is dnr, which just proves they can't meaningfully reply to what I state.

I like how you hold me to the same standards as others, which is reasonably fair. I have the fucking curse of being attracted to such subhuman foids, and yes, I would probably in a state of illrationality accept sex, because, as much as I hate to admit it, I am a human, and like humans, they can act like fucking animals. However, unlike most who willingly will accept this about themselves because "human" nature, I am not one to.

I'll resist sex or at least try to even if it goes against my "biological urges" as deep down, I know the truth, the truth of what these women really are, and should I really fuck them? This may sound silly, retarded even, but I would rather die a virgin, because, really, if animal instincts are the only reason we "tolerate" these women, then sorry, I'm not playing along. I would rather die young, then die old, I would rather die pure than die disloyal, I would rather die true rather than die false, even at the cost of my "own" happiness.
Do you tolerate your friends? You can belittle it and call it your animal instincts, but that's a part of who you are as a human being. A life spent rejecting a part of yourself is a painful life. People want to be loved, they want to have friends, it's a little scary though, a little frightening, what if this person rejects me? But that's life. There's billions of people brother with such a dizzying array of views and thoughts, you've set yourself up a pattern and reduced the world to this: women are whores.

If you go on Crystal Cafe, you'll see women say that all men are scum, all men are trash, all men act in this way, there's never any exceptions. It's intellectually dishonest to oneself and we do it because it's easy. People don't want to feel pain and the feeling of rejection is the worst one, so they say they're unlovable, just too ugly, too poor, too stupid, they say this and internalize this and they cope.

Nobody wants to directly look at their flaws, when I do sometimes, it hurts. It's so much easier to point the finger at someone else. I know I'll fall into this trap again in the future, because it's more comforting in a sense, short term. Think of everything you've read, everything you've consumed, that have essentially moulded you into the human being you are today. Do you like being full of hate brother?

But I'm a hypocrite, I know! I know! That's the human condition for you. So let it go on! Just know I love you brother, wishing you the best.
Pale God

Pale God

Feb 21, 2023
5,443 has fallen from grace, but in more ways than one, as time has continued to show that most members here on incels are not the rational, MGTOW kind who are able to realize that women are retarded whores, and so move on with their lifes, but are instead racial purists and dog cuckers who believe that dogs are currently fucking all the foids. I wonder if incels have ever heard of getting thier dog neutered, I guess not, but even so, I do agree that dog cuckery or the idea of a women having sex with a dog, is certainly a prime example of why all women should kill themselves lest alone be executed. As I've stated, I'm a half-incel, but I'm more of just a MGTOW with an obsession with having waifus love me back.

I am slightly sympathetic to the plight of the incel, to be rejected based on looks, social behavior and the like, and I certainly know how that feels to an extent, however, we need to realize that at the end of the day, people will be rejected one way or another, and that is the nature of all women, so instead of being attracted to these rather awful, subhuman creatures, we should seek to do things, for ourselves, by ourselves, of ourselves, right? Certainly my MGTOW has found great solace in a community full of resentful men against soyciety? Of course fucking not, they all make up whatever bullshit up to keep on justifying thier unholy attraction to women, and what's worse is that almost a majority of these incels on .net would probably just become a wagiefag or worse asend, and never look back because we are "so inferior" because we don't have a women.

These men don't hate women, they hate that they don't have a women, and so hate women because of that. I find such people disgusting, inhumane, and ultimately subhuman, as instead of accepting the truth, and becoming a MGTOW for the rest of thier lives, and keeping "virginity" which is retarded, you can even fuck a pillow and loose your virginity, they instead chose to hold on to this retarded narrative, and I'm willing to bet most of them, would unironically become normiefags again, as it's common for some members here to use social media, as a normiefag would, that certainly is helping your case....yeah....certainly....

The ONLY reason .net is like that is because .is is to incompetent to keep these subhuman rejects and would rather pass it down to .net because .net is totally a server for incels... (it isn't), and also usurpingly, mot incels here are r/notincelsbychoice, which only just further proves my point, that if these posers were given the opportunity to fuck a foid, they would do it, no questions asked, again, another degusting way to approach things. If it weren't already obvious, incels...this isn't and you faggots need to stop treating as such, and fortunately there's a place where incels can go to rot away for their rest of their lives, it's called

I will say it loud and clear, if you are an incel, and not a neetcel, then you, yes, you, need to get the fuck out of here, return back to and consider killing yourself, because I would rather find that a satisfying conclusion than listen to any of you fucking incelfags go on about how blacks are so inferior or how whites are the master race, let alone bitch about how dogs will cuck you. You are not welcome here, get the fuck out of my sight, now...

You're an incel just like the majority of us here.
Pale God

Pale God

Feb 21, 2023
5,443 has fallen from grace, but in more ways than one, as time has continued to show that most members here on incels are not the rational, MGTOW kind who are able to realize that women are retarded whores, and so move on with their lifes, but are instead racial purists and dog cuckers who believe that dogs are currently fucking all the foids. I wonder if incels have ever heard of getting thier dog neutered, I guess not, but even so, I do agree that dog cuckery or the idea of a women having sex with a dog, is certainly a prime example of why all women should kill themselves lest alone be executed. As I've stated, I'm a half-incel, but I'm more of just a MGTOW with an obsession with having waifus love me back.

I am slightly sympathetic to the plight of the incel, to be rejected based on looks, social behavior and the like, and I certainly know how that feels to an extent, however, we need to realize that at the end of the day, people will be rejected one way or another, and that is the nature of all women, so instead of being attracted to these rather awful, subhuman creatures, we should seek to do things, for ourselves, by ourselves, of ourselves, right? Certainly my MGTOW has found great solace in a community full of resentful men against soyciety? Of course fucking not, they all make up whatever bullshit up to keep on justifying thier unholy attraction to women, and what's worse is that almost a majority of these incels on .net would probably just become a wagiefag or worse asend, and never look back because we are "so inferior" because we don't have a women.

These men don't hate women, they hate that they don't have a women, and so hate women because of that. I find such people disgusting, inhumane, and ultimately subhuman, as instead of accepting the truth, and becoming a MGTOW for the rest of thier lives, and keeping "virginity" which is retarded, you can even fuck a pillow and loose your virginity, they instead chose to hold on to this retarded narrative, and I'm willing to bet most of them, would unironically become normiefags again, as it's common for some members here to use social media, as a normiefag would, that certainly is helping your case....yeah....certainly....

The ONLY reason .net is like that is because .is is to incompetent to keep these subhuman rejects and would rather pass it down to .net because .net is totally a server for incels... (it isn't), and also usurpingly, mot incels here are r/notincelsbychoice, which only just further proves my point, that if these posers were given the opportunity to fuck a foid, they would do it, no questions asked, again, another degusting way to approach things. If it weren't already obvious, incels...this isn't and you faggots need to stop treating as such, and fortunately there's a place where incels can go to rot away for their rest of their lives, it's called

I will say it loud and clear, if you are an incel, and not a neetcel, then you, yes, you, need to get the fuck out of here, return back to and consider killing yourself, because I would rather find that a satisfying conclusion than listen to any of you fucking incelfags go on about how blacks are so inferior or how whites are the master race, let alone bitch about how dogs will cuck you. You are not welcome here, get the fuck out of my sight, now...
"Unholy attraction towards women" I think you meant biological. What are you? Some brainwashed religious person? A so called Christian?


Mar 6, 2024
"Unholy attraction towards women" I think you meant biological. What are you? Some brainwashed religious person? A Christian?
No, I'm a frantic NEET prophet.
Pale God

Pale God

Feb 21, 2023
No, I'm a frantic NEET prophet.
I'm tired of self-proclaimed prophets plus it's just religious non-sense all over again. At least self-proclaimed revolutionaires tell the truth as in the system being shit.
Pale God

Pale God

Feb 21, 2023
Do you tolerate your friends? You can belittle it and call it your animal instincts, but that's a part of who you are as a human being. A life spent rejecting a part of yourself is a painful life. People want to be loved, they want to have friends, it's a little scary though, a little frightening, what if this person rejects me? But that's life. There's billions of people brother with such a dizzying array of views and thoughts, you've set yourself up a pattern and reduced the world to this: women are whores.

If you go on Crystal Cafe, you'll see women say that all men are scum, all men are trash, all men act in this way, there's never any exceptions. It's intellectually dishonest to oneself and we do it because it's easy. People don't want to feel pain and the feeling of rejection is the worst one, so they say they're unlovable, just too ugly, too poor, too stupid, they say this and internalize this and they cope.

Nobody wants to directly look at their flaws, when I do sometimes, it hurts. It's so much easier to point the finger at someone else. I know I'll fall into this trap again in the future, because it's more comforting in a sense, short term. Think of everything you've read, everything you've consumed, that have essentially moulded you into the human being you are today. Do you like being full of hate brother?

But I'm a hypocrite, I know! I know! That's the human condition for you. So let it go on! Just know I love you brother, wishing you the best.
Women are despicable most of the time though and women mostl complain about Chads or guys out of their league. Plus they are bad judges of character and too dumb to analyze them.


Sep 9, 2022
I don't agree with gatekeeping however I disagree with the incel ideology. It attracts extremely dark triad people but they are given a pass because they virtue signal about how big of a victim they all are.


Jun 14, 2024
mgtow is retarded and Jewish

But “eh”
Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

I'm fucking the foid in my PFP
Jun 20, 2024
I was banned from . is


Dec 7, 2020
We live in a post incel culture now. Even the prettiest e-boy has "cel" in his username on TikTok. You guys are latching onto a very dead identity. Real "incels" just stop caring about foids, eventually. You can only talk about the same thing for so long until you accept your fate and try to find happiness in other things


Jun 4, 2024
I agree with that this website is infested with incel stuffs and losing purpose of primarily being place to discuss NEETdom instead of inceldom. but I don't think we should be hostile to incel in particular, they are on our side of being socially counter cultural, and many of them are NEET too.


Jennings & Rall contractor. Based in Jericho, KS.
Feb 19, 2024
would if I could
Uggo Mongo seems not to allow me to register any accounts for some odd reason. But truth be told, I'm more incel than half of that forum's userbase.
So far there's no one here

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