Methhead Cannibal
- Dec 1, 2020
- 3,315
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than wageslaving. Honestly, think about it rationally. Day in day out, week to week, year after year. You are slaving away the prime years of your life to retirement age solely so someone else can profit off your work. All the hard work you put into your product or service, the sweat and tears of working countless hours, all the education, applications, and work put into getting to where you are now. All of it has one simple result: some chad CEO gets to profit off your hardwork.
Did your work perfectly without complaints, trying to play up the promotional ladder? Great, if you're lucky maybe you'll be promoted to manager. But the man who did nothing to get to where he is now besides being born to the right attractive and rich parents with their connections now gets to share in your profit while doing nothing, and he ends up paying less taxes. There he is entertaining other rich shareholders on his yacht diddling little kids while they hoard their riches off-shore where it's tax-free and just sitting in a bank doing nothing.
As a wageslave cuck, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 40+ years until retirement age of your life simply to funnel money to the rich while you struggle to live day to day. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Just think about it.
Did your work perfectly without complaints, trying to play up the promotional ladder? Great, if you're lucky maybe you'll be promoted to manager. But the man who did nothing to get to where he is now besides being born to the right attractive and rich parents with their connections now gets to share in your profit while doing nothing, and he ends up paying less taxes. There he is entertaining other rich shareholders on his yacht diddling little kids while they hoard their riches off-shore where it's tax-free and just sitting in a bank doing nothing.
As a wageslave cuck, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 40+ years until retirement age of your life simply to funnel money to the rich while you struggle to live day to day. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Just think about it.