- Dec 18, 2020
- 15,379
I'm new to this form. Im starting to notice a pattern about 80 percent of the neets hear a fucking bully pricks and should be ashamed of themselves for neet on neet bullying. I'm very disappointed in the cruelty that I have endured and witnessed to other neets. It's not right to put others down when they show there vulnerabilities. From now on I will block any one who says some thing that is ment to belittle me. This place is supposed to be a safe haven for other neets and a support system. Dont know maybe I'm asking to much from the evil neets but all I got to say is if you want to be rude eat a bag if dicks. Now humor is acceptable only if it's in the proper context other then that dont be a inconsiderate piece of shit. Cause I'm about to move on from here if yall neet jerks dont stfu.