jesus loves you
- Jan 9, 2023
- 240
Mr. Beast's Beast Games is a 2000 man gameshow wherein contestents must betray each other or compete in various games to move on and win millions of dollars, thereby increasing the probability of their life improving afterwards through the cash rewards, invested in passive income or family generational wealth mostly wherein they now become capable of truly becoming the chads they always envisioned due to the status increase mr beast gives them and they can then justify all the things they do to achieve that wealth as a result thus the games are cutthroat and survival is always desired to enjoy the benefits of winning, survival is what makes people betray their groups of fellow contestents for money like NEETs betraying society now enjoying neetbux and not working since we are discriminated against or are disabled which is why it is highly relatable thus emotionally satisfying and gives us a higher purpose which is survival rather than focusing on the negatives, everyone survive their own life by whatever means possible emotionally and informationally which the NEETs do by leaving society We must do what we must in life even if it looks retarded to other people, even if we let down society and the people who have faith in us, even if nobody understands we must go after the neetbux, we must go after the coping and emotional catharsis we must thrive Beast Games argues that nobody should ever feel sorry for what they do as long as it boosts their survival chances in an uncontrollable world or gameshow that has little conceivable rational, conventional gaming fairness friendship is basically a scam designed for moral high grounders to give themselves an ego boost and money and true fulfillment
is all that matters.