My oneitis is pregnant 😪😪



Dec 18, 2020
I just found out my oneitis is prego by her abusing, black unemployed, alcoholic piece of shit fuck budy. I was putting in work then she dropped the bombshell and told me she has a little bastard in her cunt.

Worst part is she works full time at the front desk of my apartment complex. So I have to see the bitch every fucking day. It makes my blood boil cause she sexually frustrates me every time I walk through the lobby. She has a donkey booty so my caveman instincts are triggered every time I see this bitch. She makes me sick what a dumb bitch.
Cope Artist

Cope Artist

Satire account
Nov 26, 2020
Sorry to hear that man. How much do you desire her? If she were to have the baby, and if her current lover had left, would you consider trying your chance? You'd obtain her at the expense of being a cuck. Would you do it?


Dec 18, 2020
oneitis after being blackpilled?

I'm only human she was thrusted upon me I have no choice her donkey booty captivated me I literally cant get to my fucking front door with out seeing the bitch other wise that shit would of never happen

it's like the neet gods are playing some kind of sick practical joke on this neet shes just like the rest a soul less self absorbed worthless cunt trying to play a roll she seen on sex in the city

if I had it my way the bitch would of been fired a long time ago I cant stand the bitch but my little head begs to differ it wouldn't matter anyways though my dick is so numb from the grip of death from choking my chicken that I wouldn't be able to get it up even if I wanted to

I'd be like that fat guy in the end of a bukkakie porn who creeps up at the end to bust a nut with a small limp dick having his fat belly over hanging his tity whites I'm such a pathetic neet human being fuck this world to hell and back


Dec 18, 2020
99% will rave about how disgusting a roasty is and how we'd never touch them but if she started hugging you and stroking your dick you'd prob fuck her, that's just biology
Ding or how about even some eye contact shit or accidentally touching your hand is enough for me to catch feelings I'm so fucking lonely it's not really even about the sex anymore then it is about having some one to talk to shit I can go get a hooker for 40 bucks any time I want but I need a bitch to fully be relieved anyone who says otherwise is a lying piece of shit


Dec 18, 2020
Sorry to hear that man. How much do you desire her? If she were to have the baby, and if her current lover had left, would you consider trying your chance? You'd obtain her at the expense of being a cuck. Would you do it?
Thank u for the sympathy your a nice person I can tell but to answer your question Absolutely not shes only my oneitis cause she is always in the lobby so I cant get away from her I've managed to completely isolate myself from humans thank god but in this case I cant get to my fucking front door with out seeing the bitch and her donkey booty

I'm Ngl I have developed feelings for her but its probably cause I have no other options. I hope she gets fired so she can stop tormenting me with her badanka donkey.

She is very self absorbed but we do share the same values and are both animal enthusiasts so we share that bond however she is into watching sabrina the witch type crap that I despise and she has nappy hair and she is aloof which is a major turn off

she wouldn't get with me even if I wanted to cause i asked her out before the prego news and she rejected me but i always have small talk with her when i get home cause I'm so fucking lonely i have nobody to talk to my own family has never come to visit me cause there pieces of shit I'm a lost soul praying to die soon so I can be relived from all the emotional pain I suffer everyday seeing people smile makes me physically Ill I'm a crabby son of a bitch cause I've had nothing but failure and rejection in my life time with no hope in sight please dont judge
Cope Artist

Cope Artist

Satire account
Nov 26, 2020
Thank u for the sympathy your a nice person I can tell but to answer your question Absolutely not shes only my oneitis cause she is always in the lobby so I cant get away from her I've managed to completely isolate myself from humans thank god but in this case I cant get to my fucking front door with out seeing the bitch and her donkey booty

I'm Ngl I have developed feelings for her but its probably cause I have no other options. I hope she gets fired so she can stop tormenting me with her badanka donkey.

She is very self absorbed but we do share the same values and are both animal enthusiasts so we share that bond however she is into watching sabrina the witch type crap that I despise and she has nappy hair and she is aloof which is a major turn off

she wouldn't get with me even if I wanted to cause i asked her out before the prego news and she rejected me but i always have small talk with her when i get home cause I'm so fucking lonely i have nobody to talk to my own family has never come to visit me cause there pieces of shit I'm a lost soul praying to die soon so I can be relived from all the emotional pain I suffer everyday seeing people smile makes me physically Ill I'm a crabby son of a bitch cause I've had nothing but failure and rejection in my life time with no hope in sight please dont judge
I understand how you feel. Do you have the option to move out, to another apartment? If you keep seeing her every day it'll be torture, especially after she gives birth. If you can definitely move out, maybe you'll find new people where you'd move.


Dec 18, 2020
I understand how you feel. Do you have the option to move out, to another apartment? If you keep seeing her every day it'll be torture, especially after she gives birth. If you can definitely move out, maybe you'll find new people where you'd move.
I'm working on moving but I have to wait another year to transfer to another low income apartment cause I'm a poor neeto mosquito so unfortunately I will have to endure seeing here fat and pregnant and it makes me sick knowing that she got knocked up buy a low life scum bag too it wouldn't be as bad if I thought he was worthy but I guess she doesn't realize her value or mine for that matter it's the story of my life I'm a back ground caricature nothing but discarded trash in a dumpster some where waiting to be discovered but never am fuck my life and I have bad knee pain from a botched surgery so that doesn't help either
Cope Artist

Cope Artist

Satire account
Nov 26, 2020
I'm working on moving but I have to wait another year to transfer to another low income apartment cause I'm a poor neeto mosquito so unfortunately I will have to endure seeing here fat and pregnant and it makes me sick knowing that she got knocked up buy a low life scum bag too it wouldn't be as bad if I thought he was worthy but I guess she doesn't realize her value or mine for that matter it's the story of my life I'm a back ground caricature nothing but discarded trash in a dumpster some where waiting to be discovered but never am fuck my life and I have bad knee pain from a botched surgery so that doesn't help either
It'll be hard but you can overcome this man. Good luck.


Dec 18, 2020
Agreed I'll just try and ignore her as best I can thank u for the sympathy I appreciate it all these other neeto want to get on there high horse like there above catching feelings wich is asinine


Nov 26, 2020
shes just like the rest a soul less self absorbed worthless cunt trying to play a roll she seen on sex in the city

So you are not in love then? She’s no better than a hooker.

I had a oneitis once, kinda still do, I can’t contact her anymore it is illegal for me, but there was a time when we were so close, and she cared about me... We would talk for hours under the stars...

Never did anything, never got to kiss her, lick her, feel her exposed body...

She fucked someone else, probably. It’s over, I am just coming out of a several month long depression, there is no worse feeling in the world, I would take lashes and punches over this.

Getting cucked, it’s the worst, it’s like a tank shell penetrating a thin wooden wall, you cannot stop the pain, it gets in and through your every organ and puts you to your knees, I have never ever felt so weak.


Dec 18, 2020
Sorry to hear about your oneunitis sounds like u have deep feelings for her? Did she get a restraining order on u? Getting cucked is unfortunately to common for me however it's been a while I try my best to stay away from cunts but this bitch was thrusted upon me.

To answer your question. Probably not in love but I could be but she has too much baggage and she is kind of weird in many ways so I'd say not in love but I have zero options and she is always around my building so I cant get her off my mind. I'm a lonely soul so that doesn't help. All I can think about though is her naked body up against mine. But it's over I'm trying my best to avoid her as much as possible. But it's kind of impossible unless I move which I'm working on.


Dec 18, 2020
YTA = you’re the asshole
You think your so special dont u. But your just a fucking nerd that I would kick the shit out of if we met in person you fucking anama dweeb looser dork.


Dec 18, 2020
Thanks for the gold kind stranger :soy:
Your a piece of shit as if u have never had feelings for a bitch your the scum of the earth vomit retard I bet your a skinny little dweeb that I could kick the shit out of your stupid ass


uwu :3
Nov 29, 2020
Sorry to hear that man. How much do you desire her? If she were to have the baby, and if her current lover had left, would you consider trying your chance? You'd obtain her at the expense of being a cuck. Would you do it?
just take care of a kid for starfish sex theory lossus also i have no friends
Cope Artist

Cope Artist

Satire account
Nov 26, 2020
just take care of a kid for starfish sex theory lossus also i have no friends
Would you do it? I mean, it's still sex right? I personally wouldn't be able to stand the idea of being cucked, so I'd say no but I'm sure there are many desperate men out there who would accept this deal in a heartbeat.


uwu :3
Nov 29, 2020
Would you do it? I mean, it's still sex right? I personally wouldn't be able to stand the idea of being cucked, so I'd say no but I'm sure there are many desperate men out there who would accept this deal in a heartbeat.
i would fuck her a couple times leave her alone with the kid


Dec 20, 2020
Would you do it? I mean, it's still sex right? I personally wouldn't be able to stand the idea of being cucked, so I'd say no but I'm sure there are many desperate men out there who would accept this deal in a heartbeat.
if its really that good i could see someone doing it

wouldnt want to be promoted to stepdad for years and years though i dont think many people wanna live their lives like that


Nov 29, 2020
Oneitis is more about your protective instincts going haywire. All you can do is leave and the pain lasts until you get someone to replace her. You need someone who needs you badly. It's a vicious cycle with no end. She will pop into your mind many times and fuck your day. There is nothing you can do about it since it's chemicals in your body. If you have the looks, keep fucking and you'll get exposed to female nature more.


Dec 21, 2020
I'd like if my oneitii got pregnant, married to some abusive guy, etc... because at least I know it's over and they're worse off.


I wanna lock in and i think i’m remembering how
Dec 2, 2020
Cope Artist

Cope Artist

Satire account
Nov 26, 2020
kid has chad genetics tho so itll nwver be poor in any way shape or form also im autistic
The mother probably has trash genetics though. My father was a slayer, it was my mother's side that destroyed me.


xiǎo bái liǎn
Dec 2, 2020
So far there's no one here

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