Discussion My theory on why theres no constructive discussion about inceldom



Sep 9, 2022
I beleive its a hierarchical thing, as in "us vs them". IT cucks and foids will never admit to the black pill having validity because it doesn't benefit women for people to know human nature. They don't really care if its true or not. Incels on the other hand don't have much self reflection because it would put agency on them, and hence paint their struggles as illegitimate. Even though its valid to say that incels have some hypocrisy, even if their situations not their fault this would be giving the IT cucks and foids too much leverage.

People have tried to have constructive discussions but reddit bans every single one of them. Incels.is isn't really a place to talk about yourself, rather its an edgelord place for teenagers to attack eachother all day.

There will never be a contrusctive discussion about inceldom due to the hierachical nature of the topic. You have to side with incels or women, and theres no middleground unless you are not a hierchical thinker. Any discussion among incels will be seen as "attacking incels" and shutdown. Any constructive discussion about female nature will be censored.

Tell me what you think


Apr 20, 2024
IT cucks and foids will never admit to the black pill having validity because it doesn't benefit women for people to know human nature. They don't really care if its true or not
That's a sperg understanding of polemics and shared truths, people know who's attractive and who's not. The objection to BP and incels as such is more about the baggage that comes with it. As you say, it's ideology.

When you have divides like these, when you have stale partisanship, what works usually sounds eirenic and common sense, you need to drop the rhetoric for the sake of rhetoric. A lot of people fail as soon as they default to their verbal tics, "cucks", "foids", etc.

A website like .is can't even agree on what counts as "success" and who is "incel". Their sense of community is more like case-by-case happenstance of aligned resentment.
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Jul 19, 2021
At the end of the day, you either become someone that a woman wants to mate with (resources, looks, personality/manipulator, something) or you don't. It's not fair and never was fair and until we're all in a simulated VR world, it's not changing. People are deterministic creatures, so there really is no self-agency either, you either get a set of lucky cards or you don't. In saying that, it's not as black and white, since you can always come up with a deck of lucky cards randomly throughout your life. For example, if someone tells you that looksmaxxing will help you get a gf and you firmly adopt that belief system and over time becoming more physically attractive, you've suddenly picked up a lucky card that'll help. I say lucky because it's still a randomized situation that you couldn't control that led you to looksmaxxing.

Or, for example, let's say you're poor at socializing. Absolutely bottom of the barrel, stuttering, brain goes haywire, all of that. One day you meet a mate like that, who says something like "Hey, let's get better at socializing, I want to get laid" and you decide to go to the local mall for an hour a day with the friend, to socialize with randoms and to push each other onwards to get better at talking, no matter how awkward it is. After some time, after being desensitized, you would become 10x better at socializing and that'd be another lucky card. Point I'm making is that even though this would seem to be in your sphere of influence, it's still outside events and random clicks and whirrs of neurotransmitters and hormones that'd actually make you agree with the proposition to begin with. Maybe a discussion on inceldom shouldn't be prefaced with making one guilty for not acting in an ideal way but with techniques of consciousness change to act in a more ideal way?


Sep 9, 2022
That's a sperg understanding of polemics and shared truths, people know who's attractive and who's not. The objection to BP and incels as such is more about the baggage that comes with it. As you say, it's ideology.

When you have divides like these, when you have stale partisanship, what works usually sounds eirenic and common sense, you need to drop the rhetoric for the sake of rhetoric. A lot of people fail as soon as they default to their verbal tics, "cucks", "foids", etc.

A website like .is can't even agree on what counts as "success" and who is "incel". Their sense of community is more like case-by-case happenstance of aligned resentment.
Idk what else to call them other than "cucks", theres no official term other than the meme term.
At the end of the day, you either become someone that a woman wants to mate with (resources, looks, personality/manipulator, something) or you don't. It's not fair and never was fair and until we're all in a simulated VR world, it's not changing. People are deterministic creatures, so there really is no self-agency either, you either get a set of lucky cards or you don't. In saying that, it's not as black and white, since you can always come up with a deck of lucky cards randomly throughout your life. For example, if someone tells you that looksmaxxing will help you get a gf and you firmly adopt that belief system and over time becoming more physically attractive, you've suddenly picked up a lucky card that'll help. I say lucky because it's still a randomized situation that you couldn't control that led you to looksmaxxing.

Or, for example, let's say you're poor at socializing. Absolutely bottom of the barrel, stuttering, brain goes haywire, all of that. One day you meet a mate like that, who says something like "Hey, let's get better at socializing, I want to get laid" and you decide to go to the local mall for an hour a day with the friend, to socialize with randoms and to push each other onwards to get better at talking, no matter how awkward it is. After some time, after being desensitized, you would become 10x better at socializing and that'd be another lucky card. Point I'm making is that even though this would seem to be in your sphere of influence, it's still outside events and random clicks and whirrs of neurotransmitters and hormones that'd actually make you agree with the proposition to begin with. Maybe a discussion on inceldom shouldn't be prefaced with making one guilty for not acting in an ideal way but with techniques of consciousness change to act in a more ideal way?
Thanks for the comment, I have been thinking about this all day however I haven't ha the energy to really leave a comment. Thanks for posting.


Lord protector of the realm
Jan 7, 2025
I believe its a hierarchical thing, as in "us vs them". IT cucks and foids will never admit to the black pill having validity because it doesn't benefit women for people to know human nature. They don't really care if its true or not. Incels on the other hand don't have much self reflection because it would put agency on them, and hence paint their struggles as illegitimate. Even though its valid to say that incels have some hypocrisy, even if their situations not their fault this would be giving the IT cucks and foids too much leverage.

People have tried to have constructive discussions but reddit bans every single one of them. Incels.is isn't really a place to talk about yourself, rather its an edgelord place for teenagers to attack eachother all day.

There will never be a constructive discussion about inceldom due to the hierarchical nature of the topic. You have to side with incels or women, and there's no middle ground unless you are not a hierchical thinker. Any discussion among incels will be seen as "attacking incels" and shutdown. Any constructive discussion about female nature will be censored.

Tell me what you think
The topic can be conversed, but it requires rational agents to think it through, some must sit aside with respect- watch and learn. To your post, if we would have these conversations it requires us to submit to the truth of the matter "Thou, Nature, art my goddess; to thy law My services are bound."-Spoken by Edmund, Act 1, Scene 2. From personal experience man only admits to reality when it serves his will, but when it serves another he condemns them as if they were the devil themselves; the topic itself cannot be understood by the slang of its users but by fact, analysis and observation, this also means looking at the current circumstance from different perspectives and taking different perspectives the concept of the black pill holds few words to its main idea: genetics, determinism, looks. Considering that the other options are seen as either unrealistic or untrue, therefore the blackpill its self must be considered a theory and not principles for it to must stand under the scientist, reflected by the philosopher and prayed on by the priest. It must be tested, reasoned through, observation and physical test conducted to understand the reality of the situation. Henceforth, we must not hold to any concept of 'pills' but let it go and submit to demonstratable fact and when evidence is proven counter to it and can be assured with complete objective proof without error then we shall submit to it. Science deals only in facts NOT emotion, or ideals, but what can be demonstrated as having occurred.

Man has suffered and in his suffering he has found a method to explain it, from it he found himself within it, realizing that this may be it; the result is that the horror's that exist & nothing is fixed. The men of these views laugh at those who desire hope and believe themselves justified & there are those who just want out, who want this suffering to end once and for all, to gain control not of matter but of themselves against circumstance. This violence and terror against the self cannot last, this environment we allowed ourselves to create as a result of the hell within our minds must end.

Overall, if we would submit ourselves to truth itself, if we would be as the scientist, philosopher, priest, we must not hinder our minds by blind emotion for even our experiences are muddied until we examine them and allow ourselves to feel honestly what had occurred.
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