5'2" ugliest currycel, freak of nature
- Nov 26, 2020
- 4,200

Btw, there are many posters on that sub who regularly post on /r/inceltears.
For example:

u/gatemansgc: A human feces fetishist who is also a participant on IT and mods two IncelTears alt subreddits - Ruqqus
IT users are full of shit... literally. Special thanks to @anincel for alerting me to this wretched specimen.

Inceltear say we're Pathetic and disgusting but you look through there post history to find this shit | Incels.co - Involuntary Celibate
u/Brazilian_Sigma https://ruqqus.com/+ITcelTears/post/2vex/the-infamous-ubraziliansigma-a-mod-of u/CalLil6 https://ruqqus.com/+ITcelTears/post/2wlk/this-is-ucallil6-a-30yearold-rinceltear u/iamaninsect https://ruqqus.com/+ITcelTears/post/4fxg/uiamaninsect-a-user-of-various-incel u/RoseAvara...

ITcels on suiwatch.