Discussion PPM Activity Level: Comparison Between the Top Two Users of This Site



Dec 3, 2020
At the rate I am at, I will surpass @Eren real soon.

Soon I will post mog him and post per minute mog him.

I have 176 posts, and I have been on here for 2922 minutes

176 posts/2922 minutes = 0.060 ppm (post per minute)

Eren is 345 posts and 3,295 minutes

345 posts/3295 minutes = 0.105.

If we cut his post by a ratio 1.13 to equalize to my join date

345/1.13 = 305 posts

305 posts / 2922 minutes = 0.104

But if we factor in my post growth rate, I should catch up and surpass in no time.
jaded jabble

jaded jabble

Nov 30, 2020
At the rate I am at, I will surpass @Eren real soon.

Soon I will post mog him and post per minute mog him.

I have 176 posts, and I have been on here for 2922 minutes

176 posts/2922 minutes = 0.060 ppm (post per minute)

Eren is 345 posts and 3,295 minutes

345 posts/3295 minutes = 0.105.

If we cut his post by a ratio 1.13 to equalize to my join date

345/1.13 = 305 posts

305 posts / 2922 minutes = 0.104

But if we factor in my post growth rate, I should catch up and surpass in no time.
I’ll probably post less due there being so little activity


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Nov 28, 2020
When I first joined I had a hot streak & people I knew from looksmax were active. @Proex is probably responsible for >100 of my rep. Recently got cold feet & been posting less & looksmaxers have mostly left except for my brother @Disorder.
Anyways your real competition is with @jaded jabble. He's gonna be #1 soon. & good luck bro :)
So far there's no one here