Comfy Schools are a complete scam and joke


Abi No

Nov 26, 2020
Modern school is a way for parents to put in a pseudo daycare, that's literally why schools exist and the only reason. Schools went from a place of being a way to create wage slaves back in the industrial era to a way for parents to send their kids off somewhere for up to 8 hours a day to save themselves the time and money of having to take care of their child.

The information you learn is useless, most information is just trivia about the world that you will never find useful for your entire life, it's a bloated ass 8 hour long long session of learning trivia and fun facts while on a chair. They wouldn't care cut all the useless trash because doing so would only make school last for a short time, making schools lose fees and failing it's purpose.

Degrees are a scam too to fuel funds for college, you can't self learn anything or get the skills from an employee, you are forced to spend an abstract amount of time in a college to get a degree that says "Ok I know the bare minimum", you're not even guaranteed to get a job when received either jfl.


Nov 28, 2020
Schools in the third world suck at least the public schools I was forced to go to. stupid, resentful and ignorant teachers and a student body of children of failed parents and systematic zoombies. With this quarantine and the coronavirus I hope that soon the teachers will be replaced by useless ones, I prefer a thousand times to learn at home with special programs than in that hell called school.
I wish I had never gone to school or high school.


North-Atlantid Slayer. 6.5 inch dick. Blue-Eyes #1
Dec 9, 2020
True i dropped out of lawschool 2 years in Because it's fucking pointless. You just learn 4 years so you can get a garbage job working 8hrs 5 days a week, maybe more.
My internship was trash too would not recommend.
JFL at people who fall for the "lawyer and doctor" meme. Law workers aren't that smart, it's just a ton of memorization. As for medicine a leading cause of patients death is doctors misdiagnosis so I've heard.
The only good paths are NEET, Self-employed or be insanely good at poker. (Was actually alright at poker but I got bored of it and not willing to invest real money)
Don't get me started on highschool, in my country we have highschool "profiles" and they don't help you get a job at all.
"Envy" isn't the right word, but i wish I was like one of those NEETS who is talented at something, even if they're not getting rich off it.


Nov 27, 2020
During the time I attended school I have very similar thoughts. Every time we received assignments or tests it seemed like they served no purpose in terms of helping me being prepared for life outside of school. This had always bothered me until I decided to leave early. It wasn't until later that the true purpose of the education system occurred to me.
It seems like the knowledge that they are supposed to give to you is not the primary function of the education system. Their purpose is to socially and mentally condition you and forcing you to go along with pointless tasks is part of that process. By getting you to do pointless work, you are conditioning people to not question why they are doing something and instilling the mentality of "it's pointless but I have to do it to succeed". This is how you make good worker drones. Schools also teach you to accept the idea that all knowledge comes from authority and that there is only one correct answer to a question.
It's all to condition people into productive workers who do exactly what they are told and don't stop to question the reason for which they are doing it for.


Maximum OverNEET
Dec 9, 2020
I'm a high school drop-out and never pursued formal education since (despised school, still do) but it hasn't been entirely useless to me. I think my main problem with school is that it's just very, very rigid and people are very, very different from each other. Even if you don't account for interests/personalities/etc., things such as your SES (socio-economic status) play a very large role in your success. As an example, homework has repeatedly been shown to be discriminatory against low SES household because low SES children are expected to help around the house or generally just reside in a noisier, more cramped space (Timmy may have a desk in his own, quiet room to do homework in whereas Jimmy has to do his homework literally on the floor in the living room because he doesn't even have his own room). Private schools are usually significantly better than public schools as well, which again selects for SES. Finland is quite unique in how they handle their school system, searching 'finnish school system' on youtube gives you a ton of useful videos showing you its features.

I think the 'expert' (scientific) consensus, as far as there is one, is that schooldays are generally too long and start too early in the morning. Unfortunately it is rare (but not completely unheard of) to see these 'experts' address the discrepancy between the genders (boys are greatly failing in school compared to girls), but I guess we're all used to men getting shafted by now because anything that suggests women are doing better than men doesn't fit the gynocentric narrative of today's society.

As for how school helped me, it gave me a pretty good baseline of languages which allowed me to develop them further. Aside from my native language (Dutch) and English I can have rudimentary conversations in French and German and I would be lying if I told you this was not because of school. I am naturally good at languages though, and I imagine someone more gifted in for example mathematics would have retained more from mathematics class instead and considered that to be very useful.

It's hard to say for sure but I'm fairly certain I've not learned anything useful from biology, physics, chemistry and so forth, it was all needlessly specific. Did you know that together with sunlight and water, chloroplasts (organelles in a cell, 'organelles' meaning 'stuff that has a specific function') produce adenosine-tri-phosphate, which in turn grows the plant? Did you know that chloroplasts turn into chromoplasts and that this signals the ripening of a fruit by providing it with vibrant colors? No? Probably because it's useless information to you just like it is to 99%+ of kids, yet it was taught to 100% of kids. How does that make sense? The only reason I remember this so vividly is because I had a bet with a friend that I could score higher than him on the next biology test so I grossly overstudied, and organelles and their function were part of the test.

As for maths: probability, elementary statistics and percentages I've found to be consistently very useful in daily (weekly?) life as it helps you make informed decisions as well as interpret research or minmax your character in whatever degenerate videogame you're playing, but have you ever used Pythagoras' equation unironically in a real life situation? I've only used it in stupid IQ tests I'd take online but never once in real life, yet it was drilled into me like I would be building bridges every day for the rest of my life.


Dec 3, 2020
schools are just glorified daycare, whatever they pay grade school teachers is too much


aspiring mentalcel
Nov 28, 2020
The only things I remember from that school were my schools fitness where i do bench press


Nov 29, 2020
I was told Nazis turned Jews into soap. I don't think that is true. Propaganda history and bullshit religion overwhelmed me. Basic wage slave programming with bad nutrition.
jaded jabble

jaded jabble

Nov 30, 2020
Modern school is a way for parents to put in a pseudo daycare, that's literally why schools exist and the only reason. Schools went from a place of being a way to create wage slaves back in the industrial era to a way for parents to send their kids off somewhere for up to 8 hours a day to save themselves the time and money of having to take care of their child.

The information you learn is useless, most information is just trivia about the world that you will never find useful for your entire life, it's a bloated ass 8 hour long long session of learning trivia and fun facts while on a chair. They wouldn't care cut all the useless trash because doing so would only make school last for a short time, making schools lose fees and failing it's purpose.

Degrees are a scam too to fuel funds for college, you can't self learn anything or get the skills from an employee, you are forced to spend an abstract amount of time in a college to get a degree that says "Ok I know the bare minimum", you're not even guaranteed to get a job when received either jfl.
I hate school


Nov 30, 2020
The only thing I remember is my bullies.
Same. I'm still at high school though, and I'm definitely going to drop out with a bang (I will bring a baseball bat at school and leave my bullies with a fractured head) but before that I must make sure that I have my own stable source of income first, it's either pokermax, daytrademax, ewhoremax or whatever thing I can to get me enough money to live independently, I'm screwed if I don't because my parents won't give me money anymore if I dropped out of school.


The Court Jester
Dec 9, 2020
School system is basically the same since the Industral Revolution. They still expect us to sit on a chair for seven hours, do homework, take exams, and forget everything after it. They would have changed the school system if they gave a fuck but they won't since schools are useful for creating more wagecucuks and NPCs.


Nov 26, 2020
school would unironically be infinitely more useful if all kids did all day was hard gymcelling


Nov 29, 2020
The education system was literally designed by the (((Rockefeller's)))


Intangible Pulse
Dec 15, 2020
It’s highly outdated and pretty useless.The only things you really need are maths and a little English mainly maths. Everything else should be optional to see if it would be of use in a future career prospects (most of the time it won’t be)

i think the concept of homework is also silly. A perfect school system for me will be definitely maths particularly Bidmas,
and learning about data and statistics. English too it doesn’t need to be perfect but good enough.

And some basic science and IT. everything else is optional. School should be short and finish around 1pm. for the rest of they day they should do what ever leisure activities according to their taste e.g: biking, swimming etc.


Nov 26, 2020
I hate the idea of school in general, families should just teach their own kids.
So far there's no one here

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