Serious The advantages of being a NEET



Dec 17, 2020
1. A conservative 60 extra free hours per week (even excluding overtime, “team building” obligations, added housework, cooking or shopping) until death or decrepitude for physical and intellectual development, personal projects, leisure and no psychological preoccupation with work outside the copious hours of preparing early to go to work, getting to work, being at work, returning from work, tying up loose ends after work, recovering from work and getting to bed earlier for the next workday (wageslaves are sometimes even preoccupied with work in their sleep: they are never truly free of it, whether conscious or unconscious). Wageslaves spend years looking forward to retirement while the NEET has been “retired” all along.

2. Not compelled to spend 5-10 hours per week getting to the gym, at the gym and returning from the gym as a de facto part time job: freedom from sedentary wage slavery eliminates the need to buy a membership and engage in mechanical workouts (often to annoying pop music), potentially while surrounded by individuals or groups that you don’t like.

3. No incentive to scrounge free time as a NEET: the desire for autonomy from work leads many wageslaves to damage their sleeping patterns by staying up too late; draining energy, increasing stress the following day and harming their health. Wageslaves then attempt to catch up on sleep during weekends, which both wastes the weekends and fails to fully refresh them.

4. No chance of being in a vehicle collision, hitting pedestrians or suffering a breakdown on a long, boring, frustrating, sedentary journey getting to work or returning from work.

5. Much smaller chance of being burgled, carjacked, robbed, fined, sued, blackmailed, arrested, threatened, attacked or killed, either on the way to work, at work or returning from work.

6. No exhaustion, boredom, injury, illness, stress, conformity, compulsion, humiliation, surveillance, regrets, depression or suicide from work, conserving your energy, health, autonomy, privacy, dignity and personality.

7. Not driven to intermittently binge on junk food (work-induced starvation), caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, porn (broken sleep pattern), video games, propagandising and mind-numbing TV or indulge in consumeristic excesses to alleviate work-related deprivations and pressures.

8. Can eat, drink, defecate, urinate, sleep, wake up, enjoy the sun or avoid bad weather and live life without an externally imposed routine: every weekday is a de facto Saturday (but without the crowding and congestion from 9:45am-3:30pm on non-holidays) and you’re not a slave to the alarm clock.

9. A free schedule allows you to take advantage of opportunities that would otherwise be obstructed by work and work-related obligations.

10. Untaxed money every month (adjusted with inflation) to fund your activities, extracted from wageslave labour by the government, either for nothing or in exchange for half a dozen bogus applications (you never have to waste time and energy and endure the stress and humiliation of making sincere applications for jobs only to be rejected) and contacting the job centre (free bus ride there and back available or take a phone call) for 5-30 minutes every 1-5 weeks, at worst: your only contact with the “liberal” system is to parasite on it.

11. No finance-related stress or zero-sum status consumption, limited costs and time/energy expenditure: income tax, tax returns, national insurance, VAT, excise duties, capital gains, “education”, “training”, actionable debt/interest, driving lessons, cars, car insurance, fuel, parking, tolls, tickets, MOT, servicing, repairs, car tax, depreciation, car theft, private rent, utilities, mortgage, stamp duty, home maintenance, insurance and repairs, council tax, gym memberships, legal fees, clubbing, dates, alimony, child support, branded or work clothes, tech gadgets, phone contracts, games, television, films, recreational drugs, snacks/meals/drinks out, expensive holidays etc.

12. Sense of organic community from sharing home with your family/friends (probably in a larger, more desirable house in a wealthier, more scenic and ethnically homogeneous location), divided labour (shopping for essentials, home cooking, cleaning, tidying, vacuuming, laundry, ironing, dishes, refuse, gardening, pet maintenance, guardianship and protecting the house, all of which benefit your family/friends rather than external institutions), shared household goods (fridge, freezer, cooking equipment, ironing equipment, washing machine, hoover, dishwasher, strimmer, furniture, storage, library, gym, weapons, vehicles, oil, water, gas, electricity, ablutions, landline, internet) and basic living expenses (water, hygiene, energy, accommodation) are covered by reimbursing your family/friends (rather than a rapacious landlord) with a portion of your NEETbux. You have far more opportunity to help family/friends personally and be rewarded for it. When living with your family you are likely to be visited more by friends of the family and both uprooted and extended members of your family.

13. Can speak, associate and act much more freely (in the absence of a boss, customers, co-workers, a landlord or mortgage) without the possibility of being socially sanctioned, forced to take a pay cut, demoted or fired, divorced and made to pay alimony or child support, consumed by actionable debt or rendered homeless (permitting a higher rate of investment). This increased sense of security and autonomy increases your confidence and your limited financial prospects further incentivise you to develop physically and mentally. The authorities are also less likely to give you trouble for things you say when you’re living with your family.

14. Not forced by any organisation to regularly associate with individuals or groups that you don’t like: free from degrading subservience to an exploitative, sadistic or incompetent (possibly wage-thieving) boss (with the imperatives being to further their interests and slave away to make them ever more money, while the wageslave gets a fraction of what he produces) and/or haughty, entitled, unreasonable customers, with no requirement for inauthentic benevolence to everyone in public; vapid, toadying, passive-aggressive co-workers included (some of whom may well be promoted more quickly than you despite less initial seniority due to their greater conformism).

15. Minimises the burden of frustration, resentment and humiliation concomitant with consistent monotonous labour while single and lacking meaningful bonds of friendship. Such deprivations typically force sex-starved wageslaves to interact with women on a basis of discomfort and desperation. NEETdom reduces pressure in male-female interactions and diminishes the fear of rejection, further increasing your confidence and self-respect.

16. NEETs know that if they have a woman or friends, they are not with them for financial reasons.

17. Aren’t validating the wageslave status trap through conformist participation in a rigged game, which is good for your self-esteem and bitter, partly jealous outrage over your rational abstention and shameless “self-entitlement” only serves to confirm the wisdom of your decision.

18. Ironic and macabre though it is, your status as a NEET is higher than it would be if you were in a bottom-tier, dead-end wageslave job like supermarket cashier, call centre worker, fast food worker, store greeter, delivery driver, shelf stacker, waste collector, ditch digger, litter picker, road sweeper, traffic warden, TV licence enforcer, sewer worker, janitor or toilet cleaner. People instinctively feel greater sympathy for those in positions that they or those close to them could plausibly find themselves in (or have already experienced) as the result of a “cruel” twist of fate and they will often give you “the benefit of the doubt”, assuming that you are temporarily involuntarily unemployed with at least some potential above that of the lowly menial, rather than a “lazy bum” living life more on your own terms and some will even have a grudging respect for your independent-mindedness.

19. Gain a sense of fraternity with other NEETs.

20. The more things you have, the more you have to lose, the more there is to manage, the more you want and the less you are content with. Provided you have a basic minimum, the lower your costs and the fewer your possessions, the more freedom you can enjoy.

21. Rise every morning knowing that you are not an easily replaceable producer-consumer and tax-farmed slave-cog for tax-evading plutocrats or bureaucratic social engineers and you don’t have to pretend to be thankful for them.​


Out, out! Brief candle
Dec 27, 2023
1. A conservative 60 extra free hours per week (even excluding overtime, “team building” obligations, added housework, cooking or shopping) until death or decrepitude for physical and intellectual development, personal projects, leisure and no psychological preoccupation with work outside the copious hours of preparing early to go to work, getting to work, being at work, returning from work, tying up loose ends after work, recovering from work and getting to bed earlier for the next workday (wageslaves are sometimes even preoccupied with work in their sleep: they are never truly free of it, whether conscious or unconscious). Wageslaves spend years looking forward to retirement while the NEET has been “retired” all along.

2. Not compelled to spend 5-10 hours per week getting to the gym, at the gym and returning from the gym as a de facto part time job: freedom from sedentary wage slavery eliminates the need to buy a membership and engage in mechanical workouts (often to annoying pop music), potentially while surrounded by individuals or groups that you don’t like.

3. No incentive to scrounge free time as a NEET: the desire for autonomy from work leads many wageslaves to damage their sleeping patterns by staying up too late; draining energy, increasing stress the following day and harming their health. Wageslaves then attempt to catch up on sleep during weekends, which both wastes the weekends and fails to fully refresh them.

4. No chance of being in a vehicle collision, hitting pedestrians or suffering a breakdown on a long, boring, frustrating, sedentary journey getting to work or returning from work.

5. Much smaller chance of being burgled, carjacked, robbed, fined, sued, blackmailed, arrested, threatened, attacked or killed, either on the way to work, at work or returning from work.

6. No exhaustion, boredom, injury, illness, stress, conformity, compulsion, humiliation, surveillance, regrets, depression or suicide from work, conserving your energy, health, autonomy, privacy, dignity and personality.

7. Not driven to intermittently binge on junk food (work-induced starvation), caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, porn (broken sleep pattern), video games, propagandising and mind-numbing TV or indulge in consumeristic excesses to alleviate work-related deprivations and pressures.

8. Can eat, drink, defecate, urinate, sleep, wake up, enjoy the sun or avoid bad weather and live life without an externally imposed routine: every weekday is a de facto Saturday (but without the crowding and congestion from 9:45am-3:30pm on non-holidays) and you’re not a slave to the alarm clock.

9. A free schedule allows you to take advantage of opportunities that would otherwise be obstructed by work and work-related obligations.

10. Untaxed money every month (adjusted with inflation) to fund your activities, extracted from wageslave labour by the government, either for nothing or in exchange for half a dozen bogus applications (you never have to waste time and energy and endure the stress and humiliation of making sincere applications for jobs only to be rejected) and contacting the job centre (free bus ride there and back available or take a phone call) for 5-30 minutes every 1-5 weeks, at worst: your only contact with the “liberal” system is to parasite on it.

11. No finance-related stress or zero-sum status consumption, limited costs and time/energy expenditure: income tax, tax returns, national insurance, VAT, excise duties, capital gains, “education”, “training”, actionable debt/interest, driving lessons, cars, car insurance, fuel, parking, tolls, tickets, MOT, servicing, repairs, car tax, depreciation, car theft, private rent, utilities, mortgage, stamp duty, home maintenance, insurance and repairs, council tax, gym memberships, legal fees, clubbing, dates, alimony, child support, branded or work clothes, tech gadgets, phone contracts, games, television, films, recreational drugs, snacks/meals/drinks out, expensive holidays etc.

12. Sense of organic community from sharing home with your family/friends (probably in a larger, more desirable house in a wealthier, more scenic and ethnically homogeneous location), divided labour (shopping for essentials, home cooking, cleaning, tidying, vacuuming, laundry, ironing, dishes, refuse, gardening, pet maintenance, guardianship and protecting the house, all of which benefit your family/friends rather than external institutions), shared household goods (fridge, freezer, cooking equipment, ironing equipment, washing machine, hoover, dishwasher, strimmer, furniture, storage, library, gym, weapons, vehicles, oil, water, gas, electricity, ablutions, landline, internet) and basic living expenses (water, hygiene, energy, accommodation) are covered by reimbursing your family/friends (rather than a rapacious landlord) with a portion of your NEETbux. You have far more opportunity to help family/friends personally and be rewarded for it. When living with your family you are likely to be visited more by friends of the family and both uprooted and extended members of your family.

13. Can speak, associate and act much more freely (in the absence of a boss, customers, co-workers, a landlord or mortgage) without the possibility of being socially sanctioned, forced to take a pay cut, demoted or fired, divorced and made to pay alimony or child support, consumed by actionable debt or rendered homeless (permitting a higher rate of investment). This increased sense of security and autonomy increases your confidence and your limited financial prospects further incentivise you to develop physically and mentally. The authorities are also less likely to give you trouble for things you say when you’re living with your family.

14. Not forced by any organisation to regularly associate with individuals or groups that you don’t like: free from degrading subservience to an exploitative, sadistic or incompetent (possibly wage-thieving) boss (with the imperatives being to further their interests and slave away to make them ever more money, while the wageslave gets a fraction of what he produces) and/or haughty, entitled, unreasonable customers, with no requirement for inauthentic benevolence to everyone in public; vapid, toadying, passive-aggressive co-workers included (some of whom may well be promoted more quickly than you despite less initial seniority due to their greater conformism).

15. Minimises the burden of frustration, resentment and humiliation concomitant with consistent monotonous labour while single and lacking meaningful bonds of friendship. Such deprivations typically force sex-starved wageslaves to interact with women on a basis of discomfort and desperation. NEETdom reduces pressure in male-female interactions and diminishes the fear of rejection, further increasing your confidence and self-respect.

16. NEETs know that if they have a woman or friends, they are not with them for financial reasons.

17. Aren’t validating the wageslave status trap through conformist participation in a rigged game, which is good for your self-esteem and bitter, partly jealous outrage over your rational abstention and shameless “self-entitlement” only serves to confirm the wisdom of your decision.

18. Ironic and macabre though it is, your status as a NEET is higher than it would be if you were in a bottom-tier, dead-end wageslave job like supermarket cashier, call centre worker, fast food worker, store greeter, delivery driver, shelf stacker, waste collector, ditch digger, litter picker, road sweeper, traffic warden, TV licence enforcer, sewer worker, janitor or toilet cleaner. People instinctively feel greater sympathy for those in positions that they or those close to them could plausibly find themselves in (or have already experienced) as the result of a “cruel” twist of fate and they will often give you “the benefit of the doubt”, assuming that you are temporarily involuntarily unemployed with at least some potential above that of the lowly menial, rather than a “lazy bum” living life more on your own terms and some will even have a grudging respect for your independent-mindedness.

19. Gain a sense of fraternity with other NEETs.

20. The more things you have, the more you have to lose, the more there is to manage, the more you want and the less you are content with. Provided you have a basic minimum, the lower your costs and the fewer your possessions, the more freedom you can enjoy.

21. Rise every morning knowing that you are not an easily replaceable producer-consumer and tax-farmed slave-cog for tax-evading plutocrats or bureaucratic social engineers and you don’t have to pretend to be thankful for them.​
The number one thing a neet has is time, control time and you dictate what a person may do.

Deleted member 1961

Jan 31, 2024
1. A conservative 60 extra free hours per week (even excluding overtime, “team building” obligations, added housework, cooking or shopping) until death or decrepitude for physical and intellectual development, personal projects, leisure and no psychological preoccupation with work outside the copious hours of preparing early to go to work, getting to work, being at work, returning from work, tying up loose ends after work, recovering from work and getting to bed earlier for the next workday (wageslaves are sometimes even preoccupied with work in their sleep: they are never truly free of it, whether conscious or unconscious). Wageslaves spend years looking forward to retirement while the NEET has been “retired” all along.

2. Not compelled to spend 5-10 hours per week getting to the gym, at the gym and returning from the gym as a de facto part time job: freedom from sedentary wage slavery eliminates the need to buy a membership and engage in mechanical workouts (often to annoying pop music), potentially while surrounded by individuals or groups that you don’t like.

3. No incentive to scrounge free time as a NEET: the desire for autonomy from work leads many wageslaves to damage their sleeping patterns by staying up too late; draining energy, increasing stress the following day and harming their health. Wageslaves then attempt to catch up on sleep during weekends, which both wastes the weekends and fails to fully refresh them.

4. No chance of being in a vehicle collision, hitting pedestrians or suffering a breakdown on a long, boring, frustrating, sedentary journey getting to work or returning from work.

5. Much smaller chance of being burgled, carjacked, robbed, fined, sued, blackmailed, arrested, threatened, attacked or killed, either on the way to work, at work or returning from work.

6. No exhaustion, boredom, injury, illness, stress, conformity, compulsion, humiliation, surveillance, regrets, depression or suicide from work, conserving your energy, health, autonomy, privacy, dignity and personality.

7. Not driven to intermittently binge on junk food (work-induced starvation), caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, porn (broken sleep pattern), video games, propagandising and mind-numbing TV or indulge in consumeristic excesses to alleviate work-related deprivations and pressures.

8. Can eat, drink, defecate, urinate, sleep, wake up, enjoy the sun or avoid bad weather and live life without an externally imposed routine: every weekday is a de facto Saturday (but without the crowding and congestion from 9:45am-3:30pm on non-holidays) and you’re not a slave to the alarm clock.

9. A free schedule allows you to take advantage of opportunities that would otherwise be obstructed by work and work-related obligations.

10. Untaxed money every month (adjusted with inflation) to fund your activities, extracted from wageslave labour by the government, either for nothing or in exchange for half a dozen bogus applications (you never have to waste time and energy and endure the stress and humiliation of making sincere applications for jobs only to be rejected) and contacting the job centre (free bus ride there and back available or take a phone call) for 5-30 minutes every 1-5 weeks, at worst: your only contact with the “liberal” system is to parasite on it.

11. No finance-related stress or zero-sum status consumption, limited costs and time/energy expenditure: income tax, tax returns, national insurance, VAT, excise duties, capital gains, “education”, “training”, actionable debt/interest, driving lessons, cars, car insurance, fuel, parking, tolls, tickets, MOT, servicing, repairs, car tax, depreciation, car theft, private rent, utilities, mortgage, stamp duty, home maintenance, insurance and repairs, council tax, gym memberships, legal fees, clubbing, dates, alimony, child support, branded or work clothes, tech gadgets, phone contracts, games, television, films, recreational drugs, snacks/meals/drinks out, expensive holidays etc.

12. Sense of organic community from sharing home with your family/friends (probably in a larger, more desirable house in a wealthier, more scenic and ethnically homogeneous location), divided labour (shopping for essentials, home cooking, cleaning, tidying, vacuuming, laundry, ironing, dishes, refuse, gardening, pet maintenance, guardianship and protecting the house, all of which benefit your family/friends rather than external institutions), shared household goods (fridge, freezer, cooking equipment, ironing equipment, washing machine, hoover, dishwasher, strimmer, furniture, storage, library, gym, weapons, vehicles, oil, water, gas, electricity, ablutions, landline, internet) and basic living expenses (water, hygiene, energy, accommodation) are covered by reimbursing your family/friends (rather than a rapacious landlord) with a portion of your NEETbux. You have far more opportunity to help family/friends personally and be rewarded for it. When living with your family you are likely to be visited more by friends of the family and both uprooted and extended members of your family.

13. Can speak, associate and act much more freely (in the absence of a boss, customers, co-workers, a landlord or mortgage) without the possibility of being socially sanctioned, forced to take a pay cut, demoted or fired, divorced and made to pay alimony or child support, consumed by actionable debt or rendered homeless (permitting a higher rate of investment). This increased sense of security and autonomy increases your confidence and your limited financial prospects further incentivise you to develop physically and mentally. The authorities are also less likely to give you trouble for things you say when you’re living with your family.

14. Not forced by any organisation to regularly associate with individuals or groups that you don’t like: free from degrading subservience to an exploitative, sadistic or incompetent (possibly wage-thieving) boss (with the imperatives being to further their interests and slave away to make them ever more money, while the wageslave gets a fraction of what he produces) and/or haughty, entitled, unreasonable customers, with no requirement for inauthentic benevolence to everyone in public; vapid, toadying, passive-aggressive co-workers included (some of whom may well be promoted more quickly than you despite less initial seniority due to their greater conformism).

15. Minimises the burden of frustration, resentment and humiliation concomitant with consistent monotonous labour while single and lacking meaningful bonds of friendship. Such deprivations typically force sex-starved wageslaves to interact with women on a basis of discomfort and desperation. NEETdom reduces pressure in male-female interactions and diminishes the fear of rejection, further increasing your confidence and self-respect.

16. NEETs know that if they have a woman or friends, they are not with them for financial reasons.

17. Aren’t validating the wageslave status trap through conformist participation in a rigged game, which is good for your self-esteem and bitter, partly jealous outrage over your rational abstention and shameless “self-entitlement” only serves to confirm the wisdom of your decision.

18. Ironic and macabre though it is, your status as a NEET is higher than it would be if you were in a bottom-tier, dead-end wageslave job like supermarket cashier, call centre worker, fast food worker, store greeter, delivery driver, shelf stacker, waste collector, ditch digger, litter picker, road sweeper, traffic warden, TV licence enforcer, sewer worker, janitor or toilet cleaner. People instinctively feel greater sympathy for those in positions that they or those close to them could plausibly find themselves in (or have already experienced) as the result of a “cruel” twist of fate and they will often give you “the benefit of the doubt”, assuming that you are temporarily involuntarily unemployed with at least some potential above that of the lowly menial, rather than a “lazy bum” living life more on your own terms and some will even have a grudging respect for your independent-mindedness.

19. Gain a sense of fraternity with other NEETs.

20. The more things you have, the more you have to lose, the more there is to manage, the more you want and the less you are content with. Provided you have a basic minimum, the lower your costs and the fewer your possessions, the more freedom you can enjoy.

21. Rise every morning knowing that you are not an easily replaceable producer-consumer and tax-farmed slave-cog for tax-evading plutocrats or bureaucratic social engineers and you don’t have to pretend to be thankful for them.​
Its literally our time to do whatever we like tbh we are indeed less chances of being robbed etc. Also high iq thread. This should be te very first post new comers should see


forum is discriminatory
Jul 8, 2023
Sounds incredible, but how can an average sub5 guy go about funding this?


Feb 9, 2024
Time in exchange for societal rejection but if you was a reject before you don’t lose only gain money


Dec 17, 2020
Being a NEET is also something that can easily be framed as a defiant choice, both to yourself and others ("I don't want to be a conformist wageslave", "You're not firing me, I quit"), whereas having a low tier, average or personally undesirable job (which can entail the vast majority of jobs if the NEET has a grandiose view of his abilities or value) underlines your status as a failure, to yourself or others. The NEET is able to convince himself that he's winning/not losing because he isn't "playing", he isn't risking failure in his own terms.
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Dec 17, 2020
Another advantage:

As a NEET you can get away with not owning private internet devices far more easily. Wageslaves are frequently chained to their smartphones, laptops and desktops as preconditions of being employed, whereas NEETs do not generally need to own them to function. These devices can monopolise ones time and energy, leading to addiction, weakness and depression. Most NEETs have significant problems in relation to their ownership of private internet devices but these are not inherent problems with NEETdom itself, whereas wageslaves typically have no freedom to disengage from private internet devices.

I essentially discovered this for myself in the last 10 days, it's been a revelation.​
So far there's no one here

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