Discussion The illusion of choice has ruined women.....



Documenting my journey to the sewer
Oct 24, 2023
I remember long ago watching that Vsace video about choice. Basically the main takeaways from the video are that: Having a choice is not always a good thing, having too many options can lead to being unable to decide what to do and also it makes you regret your decisions because you keep thinking of "what if I made another choice, I would be better off now", so you're never happy when you have too many choices. I have experienced this myself with books. Thanks to pirating websites, I have a virtually unlimited amount of books, and whenever I make a choice of which ones to read, I feel great, but then a few days later I start to regret my decision and end up either not finishing the book or switching to something else that I think will be better. This has happened more times than I can count.

So then what about women? Women have virtually unlimited choices when it comes to dating in the modern age. Back in the day, they were stuck with whatever people lived on their village of 120 people, there wasn't much choice, but now women can comb an entire 50km radius with dating apps and search for the absolute best, the absolute chadest of the chads. Of course there are not enough chads to cover for all women, but enough of them pump and dumb below average bitches, that it gives them the illusion that they could have chad trapped in a relationship with them. This ruins women. Because now women can't even make a choice "should I go with Pedro? But Andrew had a bigger dick. But what about Marlo, he was cute", basically impossible to decide, and once they do finally decide, they're waaaay more likely to be unhappy with their choice, not because they guy was bad or anything, but rather because she had so many choices in the past, she can now never be happy with any one choice, just like I can never be happy with one book and always want to switch to another one.

Women who have had a taste of all their options are beyond saving, it's nor worth dating them. They will never be happy with you and will always find the smallest thing to complain about. Only women who have been untainted by social media, dating apps and who haven't had a million sexual and romantic partners are worth dating in my opinion. I used to be a cuck who said stuff like "I don't mind if a woman has a high body count, it just means she has had more experience and will be better in bed" but now I realize that this whores have been poisoned by the illusion of choice and they can never be happy with just me, they're ruined. This is the actual reason why women have such high standards for non-chads.

Now to be fair to women I do think some men have also been ruined by choice, and not only that, but a good chunk of men have been ruined by choice even though they're perma virgins: because of porn. Porn gives you virtually unlimited choices, you can jack off to an asian girl with a hairy pussy, a latina with an innie or a german girl with big areolas. So many choices, but then once you finally find a girlfriend she only has one body, she can't change her body to accommodate to whatever fetish you're feeling at the moment, so you're also going to be unhappy with her because you're gonna keep thinking about this porn star that has better tits or this other one who has a bigger ass. So yeah, I do believe porn also ruins men. Which means I am beyond saving since I've been a chronic porn watcher since I was 9. Although I do think you can more or less recover by quitting porn, so I should definitely quit.

Anyways, you should be aware of these paradoxical results relating to choice and how they affect yourself and women, so you can hopefully learn to be happy with your choices. Thanks for listening to me.
Pale God

Pale God

Feb 21, 2023
Us being addicted to porn is not that big of a deal. I wouldn't fap that much to porn or hentai drawings anymore if I had a girlfriend. Because I'd feel that I'd need to be able to perform whenever we meet so she is satisfied sexually and doesn't think about cheating on me behind my back.

Having a lot of choice when it comes to jobs was one of the reasons I became a NEET. I wanted to become an interpreter/translator but after having failed to get into university there was too much choice when it comes to apprenticeships but the problem is they all suck.
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Documenting my journey to the sewer
Oct 24, 2023
I wouldn't fap that much to porn or hentai drawings anymore if I had a girlfriend
From my own experience, this is false if you're a true addict like myself. I used to have a girlfriend and I still used porn just as much, she even caught me and almost broke up with me and made me promise I would stop watching. I stopped watching for about a month and then was back at it again. I just never told her I was back to doing it. Luckily back then I was young, my dick would get fully hard over anything, so it wasn't a problem. But now that I'm catching up in age, I feel like I need pornstar bodies in order to get it up. So I might not be able to perform with a perfectly normal and average girl.
So far there's no one here

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