Kyrie, fons bonitatis
- Mar 28, 2023
- 1,888
Albert Pike was a Grand Master and 33rd degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Albert Pike (born December 29, 1809, Boston—died April 2, 1891, Washington) was an American lawyer, soldier, and writer. Albert Pike was recognized as a genius, spoke sixteen languages, and achieved the rank of Brigadier General in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. Albert Pike made a splash by publishing the work Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (or simply Morals and Dogma), which dealt with the degrees of the Scottish Rite. He was well-versed in the Jewish occult system, the Kabbalah, the fundamental system of the New World Order, and exerted a strong influence on the Masonic presidents of the United States. His connection to the Ku Klux Klan (he was apparently one of its co-founders) and his racism (against blacks), which was common among white southern Americans, mark the dark side of his biography.
Albert Pike was the Grand Commander of American Freemasonry from 1859 to 1891. During his term, he had a vision of how the New World Order could be established. The plan called for three world wars. The First and Second World Wars occurred exactly as predicted. The plan foresees that the Antichrist will emerge from the smoke, dust and destruction caused by a Third World War, which will be fought between Arabs and Israelis. This war is now imminent! Pike had a vision and described it in a letter addressed to Giuseppe Mazzini, dated January 22, 1870. This letter describes the general outlines for the creation of three world wars that would be necessary to bring about the New World Order.
Pike then received a demonic vision, described below. On January 22, 1870, Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini, one of his international co-conspirators, published the Plan for the Establishment of the New World Order. This plan was kept a great secret, revealed within Freemasonry circles from the time of its conception only to the other occult Illuminist conspirators. This information was obtained from a book written by a former Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis. The book is called Secrets of the Illuminati and reveals many hidden details that were previously known only to Illuminists. Pike's secret plan for world control called for the need for three world wars. Pause for a moment to remember the date of this prediction: January 22, 1870. This date is 44 years before the outbreak of World War I and 78 years before the creation of the nation or state of Israel in 1948. Pike’s plan to overthrow the Old World Order based on Judaism and Christianity and establish the Satanic New World Order called for war. However, this war would not be the kind of war the world was accustomed to seeing. This war was to be on a scale far greater than any recorded in history. It was to be a world war, a global war. The details of Pike's [January 22, 1870] plan for Three World Wars to establish the New World Order are as follows: As you read this demonic prophecy, remember the occult concept of the Thesis (Capitalism or Christianity) battling the Antithesis (Socialism or Occultism) to produce a new system called the Synthesis (Communism or Satanism). World Wars I and II were fought to establish the Antithesis, and to create the Cold War, that "controlled conflict or threat of conflict" that would produce the new system, the Synthesis.
God controls world events. God even controls the demonic host and their leader, Satan. Satan and his demonic host can do nothing that is not permitted by God. When God commands Satan to manipulate his human agents to accomplish something that fulfills Bible prophecy, God gets the glory. As far as the fulfillment of prophecy is concerned, all prophecies that have come from the mouth of God will be fulfilled. The greatest example of God’s omnipotence prevailing over Satan’s rebellion is the rebirth of the nation of Israel, exactly as predicted. Satan hates Israel because Israel is God’s chosen people. If Satan had his way, he would have moved heaven and earth to prevent Israel from returning to their land as a nation in 1948. In fact, he tried to prevent this from happening when he powerfully used Adolf Hitler to try to exterminate all the jews. However, he failed, and Israel returned to its land, just as God had predicted!
Albert Pike was the Grand Commander of American Freemasonry from 1859 to 1891. During his term, he had a vision of how the New World Order could be established. The plan called for three world wars. The First and Second World Wars occurred exactly as predicted. The plan foresees that the Antichrist will emerge from the smoke, dust and destruction caused by a Third World War, which will be fought between Arabs and Israelis. This war is now imminent! Pike had a vision and described it in a letter addressed to Giuseppe Mazzini, dated January 22, 1870. This letter describes the general outlines for the creation of three world wars that would be necessary to bring about the New World Order.
Pike then received a demonic vision, described below. On January 22, 1870, Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini, one of his international co-conspirators, published the Plan for the Establishment of the New World Order. This plan was kept a great secret, revealed within Freemasonry circles from the time of its conception only to the other occult Illuminist conspirators. This information was obtained from a book written by a former Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis. The book is called Secrets of the Illuminati and reveals many hidden details that were previously known only to Illuminists. Pike's secret plan for world control called for the need for three world wars. Pause for a moment to remember the date of this prediction: January 22, 1870. This date is 44 years before the outbreak of World War I and 78 years before the creation of the nation or state of Israel in 1948. Pike’s plan to overthrow the Old World Order based on Judaism and Christianity and establish the Satanic New World Order called for war. However, this war would not be the kind of war the world was accustomed to seeing. This war was to be on a scale far greater than any recorded in history. It was to be a world war, a global war. The details of Pike's [January 22, 1870] plan for Three World Wars to establish the New World Order are as follows: As you read this demonic prophecy, remember the occult concept of the Thesis (Capitalism or Christianity) battling the Antithesis (Socialism or Occultism) to produce a new system called the Synthesis (Communism or Satanism). World Wars I and II were fought to establish the Antithesis, and to create the Cold War, that "controlled conflict or threat of conflict" that would produce the new system, the Synthesis.
God controls world events. God even controls the demonic host and their leader, Satan. Satan and his demonic host can do nothing that is not permitted by God. When God commands Satan to manipulate his human agents to accomplish something that fulfills Bible prophecy, God gets the glory. As far as the fulfillment of prophecy is concerned, all prophecies that have come from the mouth of God will be fulfilled. The greatest example of God’s omnipotence prevailing over Satan’s rebellion is the rebirth of the nation of Israel, exactly as predicted. Satan hates Israel because Israel is God’s chosen people. If Satan had his way, he would have moved heaven and earth to prevent Israel from returning to their land as a nation in 1948. In fact, he tried to prevent this from happening when he powerfully used Adolf Hitler to try to exterminate all the jews. However, he failed, and Israel returned to its land, just as God had predicted!
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