Discussion The most important thread you will find here



Kyrie, fons bonitatis
Mar 28, 2023
Albert Pike was a Grand Master and 33rd degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Albert Pike (born December 29, 1809, Boston—died April 2, 1891, Washington) was an American lawyer, soldier, and writer. Albert Pike was recognized as a genius, spoke sixteen languages, and achieved the rank of Brigadier General in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. Albert Pike made a splash by publishing the work Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (or simply Morals and Dogma), which dealt with the degrees of the Scottish Rite. He was well-versed in the Jewish occult system, the Kabbalah, the fundamental system of the New World Order, and exerted a strong influence on the Masonic presidents of the United States. His connection to the Ku Klux Klan (he was apparently one of its co-founders) and his racism (against blacks), which was common among white southern Americans, mark the dark side of his biography.

Albert Pike was the Grand Commander of American Freemasonry from 1859 to 1891. During his term, he had a vision of how the New World Order could be established. The plan called for three world wars. The First and Second World Wars occurred exactly as predicted. The plan foresees that the Antichrist will emerge from the smoke, dust and destruction caused by a Third World War, which will be fought between Arabs and Israelis. This war is now imminent! Pike had a vision and described it in a letter addressed to Giuseppe Mazzini, dated January 22, 1870. This letter describes the general outlines for the creation of three world wars that would be necessary to bring about the New World Order.

Pike then received a demonic vision, described below. On January 22, 1870, Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini, one of his international co-conspirators, published the Plan for the Establishment of the New World Order. This plan was kept a great secret, revealed within Freemasonry circles from the time of its conception only to the other occult Illuminist conspirators. This information was obtained from a book written by a former Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis. The book is called Secrets of the Illuminati and reveals many hidden details that were previously known only to Illuminists. Pike's secret plan for world control called for the need for three world wars. Pause for a moment to remember the date of this prediction: January 22, 1870. This date is 44 years before the outbreak of World War I and 78 years before the creation of the nation or state of Israel in 1948. Pike’s plan to overthrow the Old World Order based on Judaism and Christianity and establish the Satanic New World Order called for war. However, this war would not be the kind of war the world was accustomed to seeing. This war was to be on a scale far greater than any recorded in history. It was to be a world war, a global war. The details of Pike's [January 22, 1870] plan for Three World Wars to establish the New World Order are as follows: As you read this demonic prophecy, remember the occult concept of the Thesis (Capitalism or Christianity) battling the Antithesis (Socialism or Occultism) to produce a new system called the Synthesis (Communism or Satanism). World Wars I and II were fought to establish the Antithesis, and to create the Cold War, that "controlled conflict or threat of conflict" that would produce the new system, the Synthesis.

God controls world events. God even controls the demonic host and their leader, Satan. Satan and his demonic host can do nothing that is not permitted by God. When God commands Satan to manipulate his human agents to accomplish something that fulfills Bible prophecy, God gets the glory. As far as the fulfillment of prophecy is concerned, all prophecies that have come from the mouth of God will be fulfilled. The greatest example of God’s omnipotence prevailing over Satan’s rebellion is the rebirth of the nation of Israel, exactly as predicted. Satan hates Israel because Israel is God’s chosen people. If Satan had his way, he would have moved heaven and earth to prevent Israel from returning to their land as a nation in 1948. In fact, he tried to prevent this from happening when he powerfully used Adolf Hitler to try to exterminate all the jews. However, he failed, and Israel returned to its land, just as God had predicted!

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Kyrie, fons bonitatis
Mar 28, 2023
1. World War I
“It must be so conducted as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars of Russia and ensure that that country becomes a stronghold of atheistic Communism. The differences caused by Illuminati agents between Germany and England will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be created and used to destroy other governments and to weaken religion.” This war was planned to enable the Czarist government in Russia to be completely overthrown. The new Russian government was predicted to be atheistic and militaristic. Furthermore, Pike specified that this new Russian government would be communist. Karl Marx had published his Communist Manifesto in 1848, exactly 22 years before this occult prophecy by Albert Pike. History records that this First World War did indeed occur as described. The Western powers in Europe, together with the United States, financed Lenin’s expedition to Russia, financed his government, and thereafter financed Russian Communism at least once every decade thereafter.
2. World War II
“It must be waged in such a way as to take advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must arise so that Nazism is destroyed and political Zionism becomes strong enough to establish a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, international Communism must become strong enough to counterbalance Christianity, which must then be restrained and held in check until such time as we shall again need it for the final social cataclysm.” This war was predicted to originate between Great Britain and Germany. However, one of the planned results of this war was to strengthen the new Russian Communist government so that it would weaken and destroy the other governments and religions. History records again that World War II did indeed accomplish this goal. The war began when Germany invaded Poland, causing Britain to declare war on Germany. Then the three powers became involved in this war. The Black Magic occultists allied themselves when Germany made a pact with Italy and Japan; the White Magic occultists allied themselves when Britain united with the United States and Russia. Make no mistake; this war was between two forces of the New World Order: the "evil" alliance of the Axis Powers, and the "good" alliance of the Allied Powers; the war was between the forces of Black Magic against the forces of White Magic. Certainly, Pike's vision of World War II transforming Russian Communism into a superpower was fulfilled to an astonishing degree. Historians have always been puzzled and have never been able to understand why Churchill and Roosevelt handed over all of Eastern Europe to the Soviets when the preponderance of power was against them. Clearly, when Roosevelt and Churchill ceded all of Eastern Europe to the Russians, the communist government of Russia, now known as the USSR [Union of Soviet Socialist Republics], completed its transition to superpower status, just as Pike envisioned. And let us not forget that World War II gave Russia capabilities it did not possess before the war. Not only did it build up Russia’s military to a terrifying level, but it also built entire factories east of Moscow, which gave Russia a large industrial base. Although Russia paid a heavy price in human lives during the war, it emerged from the conflict as a superpower. Thanks to Roosevelt, Russia now had a kingdom to go with its new military and industrial base. Now you know that Freemason Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave this territory to Russia simply and solely because he was being true to Pike’s vision in 1870! You will never read this true story in any of his books!
3. The Third World War
“It must be fomented in such a way as to take advantage of the differences caused by the Illuminati agents between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. This war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Arab Muslim world) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be forced to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion. We will then unleash the nihilists and the atheists, and then we will provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will clearly show to all nations the consequences of absolute atheism; the origin of savagery and the most bloody unrest. Then, everywhere, the citizens, forced to defend themselves against the revolutionary minorities, will exterminate these destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, yearning for an ideal but not knowing where to direct their worship, will receive the true light of the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought at last to the public eye. This manifestation will be the result of a general reactionary movement in which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” This war was predicted to be between Judaism and Islam. This prophecy is incredible in many respects, beginning with the fact that this prophecy about a Third World War was made in 1870, when Israel did not yet exist as a country and when only fundamentalist Christians believed that Israel would ever exist again. Watch the events in Israel carefully, for the final chapter is being written there. The demonic 'guiding spirits' of Freemasonry, the leaders of the New World Order Plan, are planning a final World War III that will begin between Israel and her Arab neighbors and spread throughout the world. Literally, out of the smoke and destruction of this Third World War, the Antichrist will step onto the scene!



Kigger Niller
May 24, 2024
Albert Pike letter in 2024


Feb 24, 2024
Pause for a moment to remember the date of this prediction: January 22, 1870. This date is 44 years before the outbreak of World War I and 78 years before the creation of the nation or state of Israel in 1948.
What are these numbers supposed to mean? they seem random

Deleted member 2206

Apr 20, 2024
Interesting essay, so according to this we are pawns in a great stage play where this Machiavellian God wants to prove his superiority compared to Lucifer - or perhaps it's some entertaining chess game for novelty?
I prefer the theory about demons being literal parasites causing mental illness.
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Kyrie, fons bonitatis
Mar 28, 2023
Forget everything I wrote here. I was off my meds.
Unfortunately I can't delete this thread, so I kindly ask some janitor to delete this thread in name of the Democratic values.
Please @Haruhi Suzumiya @Master @IGiveUp

Deleted member 2206

Apr 20, 2024
Forget everything I wrote here. I was off my meds.
Unfortunately I can't delete this thread, so I kindly ask some janitor to delete this thread in name of the Democratic values.
Please @Haruhi Suzumiya @Master @IGiveUp
I thought it was good
So far there's no one here

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Deleted member 2485