Serious The New World Order orchestrated by the Jewish Elite[Important for NEETS]



May 27, 2023
The powerful Jewish Elite such as the Rothschild have orchestrated and engineered a grand plan for world domination where all gentiles will be made slaves of Jews. They created an unstable economic system which prevented people from learning actual skills and instead spend their entire young lives studying useless stuff in school for long hours(thus reducing time for socialization and physical activity). They created such an economy that no matter how long or how hard a man and his wife work they will never own enough to raise a family or even have time to be with each other. This reduces the birth rate of industrialized countries. Now this is where Africans come into play. Africans are mostly 65 IQ creatures who are closer to dumb animals than actual humans. They are also very submissive and do not possess the strength, willpower or basic intellect to oppose tyranny. This is why Africans needed thousands of white men to free them from slavery. There were no Black Spartacus or William Wallace as they are dumb animals who can be easily trained to perform manual labor. Africans are the ideal goyim of the Jews(dumb, slavish and easily cowed) and as such Jews want to replace all non Jews with Africans through forced immigration and promoting racial miscegenation. Africans were widely reviled before the 1970s when the Jews start pushing them on goyims in USA. All people universally abhorred them and the idea of breeding with one was downright repulsive to them. This is what Arabs who lived closest to them had to say.


Now off course we know more and more men and women are breeding with Africans due to the Jewish propaganda forced on them. The biggest proof that the supposed attractiveness is completely artificial and Jewish made lies in the fact that men and women outside of the West by and large detest and despise Africans(there are attempts by Jews to propagate into these lands right now). This establishes that non Africans breed with them due to cultural pressure and propaganda, not natural desire(divorce rate is very high in such unions). Unlike every other race(white, east Asian and Indians mostly) Africans are never dissuaded from having children and reduce overpopulation. It is hilarious our Policymakers complain about low workforce yet tell us we shouldn't have children and create economies where it is impossible to do so. Yet these unproductive Africans who live on aid provided by our country(they haven't learnt agriculture yet) are never told they should stop having kids. Jews ultimately want the great races of the world(Europeans, Arabs, Indians, East Asians) to be exterminated from the face of this world so they can lord over the coward negro with ease. 99% of all human innovations came from these four people and now they all face demographic crisis and are told to welcome African immigrants to their countries(even though most of these Africans are unskilled, uneducated and leech of welfare money). Then these Africans start committing crimes, forcing themselves on local culture, spread their degenerate cultures onto the locals and generally completely erode and destroy a nation's discipline and ability to function. The demoralized locals are also bombard with Jewish propaganda about how they should sacrifice their lives, happiness and dignity for these uncivilized negroes who are actively destroying their country. Once Africans outnumber the natives the nation completely breaks down and is subsequently destroyed(South Africa being an example). These Africans then mass immigrate to another healthy country in the form of refugees. They are like a parasitic canker which keeps feeding. Once the Four Great Races are gone Jews will unleash themselves on these Africans(Jews control USA and Russia, two powerful countries) and make proper slaves of them. The African unable to fight against a proper enemy will quickly submit to Jewish masters. Them Jews will create beautiful ethnic enclaves for themselves and the Africans will toil 24/7 to meet the needs of their Jewish masters.

Why is this important to you guys ? Because your NEETdom is the fault of the Jews and their unsustainable economic system. The Jews are the reason you have no meaningful work and community. You can help in stopping this by making more people aware of this conspiracy against them. Once enough people know they will attack and destroy the Jews and their African Slaves and thus save our world from doom.


May 14, 2023
you missed out the fact normies are WEF goydrones and they plan to control the normies with total information control laws against what they deem as 'misinformation' so there is never gonna be a revolution against these 'people' instead you will just get a slow decay and eventual disappearance of western culture as a whole

plus ww3 is probably gonna happen so they can just mass cull most europeans soon anyway effectively completing their depopulation agenda


Jan 26, 2023
You forgot that also Arabs and (brown) Spics are going to replace whites in almost any country.

But, guess what? Latin America is also losing population.


Feb 9, 2024
The powerful Jewish Elite such as the Rothschild have orchestrated and engineered a grand plan for world domination where all gentiles will be made slaves of Jews. They created an unstable economic system which prevented people from learning actual skills and instead spend their entire young lives studying useless stuff in school for long hours(thus reducing time for socialization and physical activity). They created such an economy that no matter how long or how hard a man and his wife work they will never own enough to raise a family or even have time to be with each other. This reduces the birth rate of industrialized countries. Now this is where Africans come into play. Africans are mostly 65 IQ creatures who are closer to dumb animals than actual humans. They are also very submissive and do not possess the strength, willpower or basic intellect to oppose tyranny. This is why Africans needed thousands of white men to free them from slavery. There were no Black Spartacus or William Wallace as they are dumb animals who can be easily trained to perform manual labor. Africans are the ideal goyim of the Jews(dumb, slavish and easily cowed) and as such Jews want to replace all non Jews with Africans through forced immigration and promoting racial miscegenation. Africans were widely reviled before the 1970s when the Jews start pushing them on goyims in USA. All people universally abhorred them and the idea of breeding with one was downright repulsive to them. This is what Arabs who lived closest to them had to say.

View attachment 113059

Now off course we know more and more men and women are breeding with Africans due to the Jewish propaganda forced on them. The biggest proof that the supposed attractiveness is completely artificial and Jewish made lies in the fact that men and women outside of the West by and large detest and despise Africans(there are attempts by Jews to propagate into these lands right now). This establishes that non Africans breed with them due to cultural pressure and propaganda, not natural desire(divorce rate is very high in such unions). Unlike every other race(white, east Asian and Indians mostly) Africans are never dissuaded from having children and reduce overpopulation. It is hilarious our Policymakers complain about low workforce yet tell us we shouldn't have children and create economies where it is impossible to do so. Yet these unproductive Africans who live on aid provided by our country(they haven't learnt agriculture yet) are never told they should stop having kids. Jews ultimately want the great races of the world(Europeans, Arabs, Indians, East Asians) to be exterminated from the face of this world so they can lord over the coward negro with ease. 99% of all human innovations came from these four people and now they all face demographic crisis and are told to welcome African immigrants to their countries(even though most of these Africans are unskilled, uneducated and leech of welfare money). Then these Africans start committing crimes, forcing themselves on local culture, spread their degenerate cultures onto the locals and generally completely erode and destroy a nation's discipline and ability to function. The demoralized locals are also bombard with Jewish propaganda about how they should sacrifice their lives, happiness and dignity for these uncivilized negroes who are actively destroying their country. Once Africans outnumber the natives the nation completely breaks down and is subsequently destroyed(South Africa being an example). These Africans then mass immigrate to another healthy country in the form of refugees. They are like a parasitic canker which keeps feeding. Once the Four Great Races are gone Jews will unleash themselves on these Africans(Jews control USA and Russia, two powerful countries) and make proper slaves of them. The African unable to fight against a proper enemy will quickly submit to Jewish masters. Them Jews will create beautiful ethnic enclaves for themselves and the Africans will toil 24/7 to meet the needs of their Jewish masters.

Why is this important to you guys ? Because your NEETdom is the fault of the Jews and their unsustainable economic system. The Jews are the reason you have no meaningful work and community. You can help in stopping this by making more people aware of this conspiracy against them. Once enough people know they will attack and destroy the Jews and their African Slaves and thus save our world from doom.
Imagine being a neet then scizo posting this
Frank N. Stein

Frank N. Stein

Jul 27, 2024
Copy-paste bait? If so, nicely done :p.

Aside from the overblown anti-black stuff it's a plausible theory. In fact, it's more than plausible. I would suggest that the elimination of the race that can compete with askenazis enough to pose a threat to them ("whites") will happen through the judeo-masonic ideal of a cosmopolitan beige or ambiguously brown egyptian-looking human. It is hoped that the despised "goyim" will believe the brainwashing from the ask-a-nazis about races being equal or race not being a category and not existing except in "debunked" antiquated pseudo-science by virtue of the fact that when everyone becomes egyptian-like there will no longer be a control group against which to test any differences. The goydrones as one poster put it, will believe, for a couple of generations, that the races were equal and then that "race" is a misleading and useless concept, and eventually that different human subspecies (aka races) never existed. A new set of historical indoctrination programs will be added to holocaustianity in which the "happy slaves" of the world were always egyptian-looking joo-simps and the cosmobrahminical god avatar mandarin masters (jews) were always god avatars and benevolent (very)tough love slave masters.

The Kalergi Plan is named Kalergi just like the Ponzi scheme (financial fraud is Italian??) and the "mafia" (organized crime is Sicilian?) are named something other than what it usually is: jew.

The end goal of judaism is for jews to rule over the entire planet and for each jew to have a certain number of "goy" slaves. What's bizarre is that whether jews are religious or not, they all seem to be on the same page beneath the superficial disagreements that they think prove they're smarter and more ethical (LOL Yes, the people who turn a genocide with white phosphorous bombs and no painkillers into a maccabre livestreamed sitcom and who run child sex trafficking as a means of corrupting influential people are apparently "bringing morality to the world"). Even the non-religious ones have said that there should be a world government with Jerusalem as the capital.

Anyone who's been close to jews for extended periods of time will have noticed the obscene hypocrisy and manipulative deceit that distinguishes them from pretty much everyone else. They are racist anti-racists, fascist anti-fascists, belicose pacifists and nuclear armed anti-proliferationists but perhaps that shouldn't come as a suprise given that their entire mindset is derived from a revolting set of texts in which they are chosen magic people who a beligerent skypimp/realtor/producer-of-incestporn/"god" commanded to murder everyone else, steal their land, make sure to also murder all their slaves and animals with the noteable caveat that young girls are to be kept alive...for sex.

This could be the premise for weird dystopian novel written in the style of a jewish sitcom but I don't have the energy or sufficient morale to follow through with anything. Or a sufficiently high intellect to make it something worth reading in the first place.


my dick is her happiness
Jul 3, 2024
Copy-paste bait? If so, nicely done :p.

Aside from the overblown anti-black stuff it's a plausible theory. In fact, it's more than plausible. I would suggest that the elimination of the race that can compete with askenazis enough to pose a threat to them ("whites") will happen through the judeo-masonic ideal of a cosmopolitan beige or ambiguously brown egyptian-looking human. It is hoped that the despised "goyim" will believe the brainwashing from the ask-a-nazis about races being equal or race not being a category and not existing except in "debunked" antiquated pseudo-science by virtue of the fact that when everyone becomes egyptian-like there will no longer be a control group against which to test any differences. The goydrones as one poster put it, will believe, for a couple of generations, that the races were equal and then that "race" is a misleading and useless concept, and eventually that different human subspecies (aka races) never existed. A new set of historical indoctrination programs will be added to holocaustianity in which the "happy slaves" of the world were always egyptian-looking joo-simps and the cosmobrahminical god avatar mandarin masters (jews) were always god avatars and benevolent (very)tough love slave masters.

The Kalergi Plan is named Kalergi just like the Ponzi scheme (financial fraud is Italian??) and the "mafia" (organized crime is Sicilian?) are named something other than what it usually is: jew.

The end goal of judaism is for jews to rule over the entire planet and for each jew to have a certain number of "goy" slaves. What's bizarre is that whether jews are religious or not, they all seem to be on the same page beneath the superficial disagreements that they think prove they're smarter and more ethical (LOL Yes, the people who turn a genocide with white phosphorous bombs and no painkillers into a maccabre livestreamed sitcom and who run child sex trafficking as a means of corrupting influential people are apparently "bringing morality to the world"). Even the non-religious ones have said that there should be a world government with Jerusalem as the capital.

Anyone who's been close to jews for extended periods of time will have noticed the obscene hypocrisy and manipulative deceit that distinguishes them from pretty much everyone else. They are racist anti-racists, fascist anti-fascists, belicose pacifists and nuclear armed anti-proliferationists but perhaps that shouldn't come as a suprise given that their entire mindset is derived from a revolting set of texts in which they are chosen magic people who a beligerent skypimp/realtor/producer-of-incestporn/"god" commanded to murder everyone else, steal their land, make sure to also murder all their slaves and animals with the noteable caveat that young girls are to be kept alive...for sex.

This could be the premise for weird dystopian novel written in the style of a jewish sitcom but I don't have the energy or sufficient morale to follow through with anything. Or a sufficiently high intellect to make it something worth reading in the first place.
Dualism will always exist, even if Jews slaved all other races, a new hierarchy will emerge, so it is capitalism, not the Jews, who deconstruct humans " dehumanize them."
Frank N. Stein

Frank N. Stein

Jul 27, 2024
Dualism will always exist, even if Jews slaved all other races, a new hierarchy will emerge, so it is capitalism, not the Jews, who deconstruct humans " dehumanize them."
Jews are the embodiment of the worst behaviors and abusive enslavement, regardless of theories about dialectics or capitalism. We really only have a firm grasp of history for the last 2500 yrs or so during which they've always been identified as a problem. Hey, I'm not trying to kink shame you if you have a compulsion to suck mutilated dicks and beg for kosher cum because you find it refreshing as it slides down your throat but anyone over the age of 12 who isn't brainwashed will notice that horrible behaviors and psychological traits are what distinguishes jews from the rest of the population, which mechanically and logically leads to hating what is detestable: jews, not "dualism" or capitalism.


my dick is her happiness
Jul 3, 2024
Jews are the embodiment of the worst behaviors and abusive enslavement, regardless of theories about dialectics or capitalism. We really only have a firm grasp of history for the last 2500 yrs or so during which they've always been identified as a problem. Hey, I'm not trying to kink shame you if you have a compulsion to suck mutilated dicks and beg for kosher cum because you find it refreshing as it slides down your throat but anyone over the age of 12 who isn't brainwashed will notice that horrible behaviors and psychological traits are what distinguishes jews from the rest of the population, which mechanically and logically leads to hating what is detestable: jews, not "dualism" or capitalism.
I don't believe in moral code for reasons I won't mention here, but idc about Jews, I only see them as high-IQ people who will save and rule the global civilization in the next hundreds years, they already have a global network. I am being realistic instead of emotional or moralistic. I don't support the Jews, but I support the finest intelligences in the universe, and if it happened to be in Jews, I am ready to overlook their evil.
Frank N. Stein

Frank N. Stein

Jul 27, 2024
I don't believe in moral code for reasons I won't mention here, but idc about Jews, I only see them as high-IQ people who will save and rule the global civilization in the next hundreds years, they already have a global network. I am being realistic instead of emotional or moralistic. I don't support the Jews, but I support the finest intelligences in the universe, and if it happened to be in Jews, I am ready to overlook their evil.
That makes you a psychopath and a steaming pile of shit but at least you're honest.

As I've mentioned before I don't think they're actually as smart as the propaganda they put out over the internet suggests but even if the askenazis are smarter, they are so evil and mentally ill that if they are the ones who become the slavemasters of the global transhumanist future I feel sorry for any fools/retards who will be around to cheer them on. Sucking up to whoever is most powerful is pathetic and undignified but it's also something that powerful psychopaths don't respect. They will enjoy betraying you the most :).


my dick is her happiness
Jul 3, 2024
That makes you a psychopath and a steaming pile of shit but at least you're honest.

As I've mentioned before I don't think they're actually as smart as the propaganda they put out over the internet suggests but even if the askenazis are smarter, they are so evil and mentally ill that if they are the ones who become the slavemasters of the global transhumanist future I feel sorry for any fools/retards who will be around to cheer them on. Sucking up to whoever is most powerful is pathetic and undignified but it's also something that powerful psychopaths don't respect. They will enjoy betraying you the most :).
If you read Nick Land's accelerationism "not white supremacists one" , and bataille philosophy, you will realize why I said that, humans are sick, and they need to transcend through capitalism and technology by any means, even if it means surrendering to Askenazi Jews.
Frank N. Stein

Frank N. Stein

Jul 27, 2024
If you read Nick Land's accelerationism "not white supremacists one" , and bataille philosophy, you will realize why I said that, humans are sick, and they need to transcend through capitalism and technology by any means, even if it means surrendering to Askenazi Jews.
I disagree about the "by any means...even surrendering to jews" part.
So far there's no one here

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