Clearpilled, for now
- Jun 25, 2024
- 76
PUAhate, sluthate, lookism, looksmax. These are the 4 main forums in the incelosphere (without considering love-shy, blackpill, incels.is, neets.net etc.) That serve a story of a young male and his ways of coping if you think about it.
Spoiler: BONUS FORUM: Bodybuilding.com
Bodybuilding.com is the first thing for a young male. He's interested in getting women, and think that women will just approach them without having to do anything just because he has big muscles. This is just a way of coping
First, youre getting used to going clubs and other places and seeing men cold approach several women, ones that they dont even like and getting more pussy than you do. Its unjust, so you start hating pickup artists, hence PUAhate. You also just base your inability to get girls on the fact that youre not a PUA. In reality its just cope.
Second, you start to realise that maybe its not the men who cold approach, its the women who get cold approached. Theyre all just sluts who are hungry for any mans cock, even yours. This causes you to hate sluts, hence sluthate. You also use this as a way to cope.
Third, you realise that even though you try to be a PUA and always aim for sluts, it doesnt seem to work. You then figure out its your looks, hence lookism. You cope that you were just born this way and women should still like you the way you are, no matter your looks. They dont.
Fourth, you decide to start researching what exactly women like about you and how to fix those problems. You start obsessing over the smallest things ever, even how you sit down in public. You try to maximise your looks and sexual market value, hence Looksmax.org. You cope that as long as you become completely looksmaxxed, you'll eventually find a stacy.
Now with story there is just one problem...
Where is the end?
Are we getting another coping forum eventually, or does one exist already? Or are we just going to get a chads.org forum?
This is the greatest theory .org had seen yet.
TLDR: Do you think we'll get another coping forum or a forum where everyone actually slays or LTRs?
Spoiler: BONUS FORUM: Bodybuilding.com
Bodybuilding.com is the first thing for a young male. He's interested in getting women, and think that women will just approach them without having to do anything just because he has big muscles. This is just a way of coping
First, youre getting used to going clubs and other places and seeing men cold approach several women, ones that they dont even like and getting more pussy than you do. Its unjust, so you start hating pickup artists, hence PUAhate. You also just base your inability to get girls on the fact that youre not a PUA. In reality its just cope.
Second, you start to realise that maybe its not the men who cold approach, its the women who get cold approached. Theyre all just sluts who are hungry for any mans cock, even yours. This causes you to hate sluts, hence sluthate. You also use this as a way to cope.
Third, you realise that even though you try to be a PUA and always aim for sluts, it doesnt seem to work. You then figure out its your looks, hence lookism. You cope that you were just born this way and women should still like you the way you are, no matter your looks. They dont.
Fourth, you decide to start researching what exactly women like about you and how to fix those problems. You start obsessing over the smallest things ever, even how you sit down in public. You try to maximise your looks and sexual market value, hence Looksmax.org. You cope that as long as you become completely looksmaxxed, you'll eventually find a stacy.
Now with story there is just one problem...
Where is the end?
Are we getting another coping forum eventually, or does one exist already? Or are we just going to get a chads.org forum?
This is the greatest theory .org had seen yet.
TLDR: Do you think we'll get another coping forum or a forum where everyone actually slays or LTRs?