Serious There are four types of people who decide to have children

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2837
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Deleted member 2837

Oct 24, 2024
1. Hedonists and sensualists – those people focus on sensual and sexual aspects of this existence the most, thus they are most likely to impregnate someone (in the case of a male) or to get pregnant by someone (in the case of females). Modern times make it actually possible to prevent unwanted pregnancies, therefore people who have kids solely due to their hedonistc/sexual actions are contemporary the most common in third world countries where contraception isnt as easily available as in more developed countries. Obviously throughout the human history many people ended up having unwanted children due to their hedonistic/sexual actions, that is probably one of the main reasons why poor peasants throughout history had the most offsprings which stands in a stark contrast with quantity of children higher classes (like nobility) possessed. Those people put no reasoning behind having offsprings as they mostly follow their animalistic instincts and do not care about their children being conscious, suffering and forced to experience different stages of life individuals who will live for decades. Single mothers (Excluding all females whose partner has died during their pregnancy, whilst children was already born or some other special circumstances) are a good example of people from this group.

2. Ignorants/Idealists – This type of people oftentimes decide to have children out of the sheer faith that lives of their children will be enjoyable and worthy. Many people who belong to this cathegory didnt have easy lives themselves yet they believe their children will have it much better than them because for example – “the times have changed for the better”, “I have worked my entire life to guarantee their lives will turn out just right”, yet as we know it this realm is of a cyclical nature and even if things get better they virtually never stay that way for a long time, for there time is the biggest enemy of the humankind as it kills every single person belonging to that species like a grim reaper without any mercy whatsoever, you also cant have full control over your life, surroundings and even “your own” body, for there you are merely a leaf that is being carried by the strong wind. People who decide to have kids because they consider human life to be a gift or sacred are extremely ignorant and delusional as they conveniently ignore the raw, cruel and brutal truth concerning existence In this body and this realm. Your kid will inevitably suffer one way or another, they will inevitably decay, age and ultimately die. There are much more ways of failing in this sinful world that achieving success/any sort of desirable outcome. For there the only thing that is truly guaranteed in this fallen realm of flesh is suffering and pointless struggles. Human body is inherently sinful and cursed in its very essency as it craves to cause death to other beings for the purpose of devouring their flesh, it causes a tremendous delight for the body. From the perspective of the divine spirit existence in such a low and impure state Is simply put just an abomination of the highest order, thats why those who have renounced the flesh (eating meat and sex) are blessed. Thus we can conclude that human life is inherently negative as suffering of self and others caused by the existence of the physical human body definitively outweighs brief, transient and often illusory positive aspects of existence. People belonging to this category can by summarized simply by using a bluepill matrix metaphor (they are not aware of the true reality of this existence and reality)

3. Sociopaths/Psychopaths/Sadists/Materialists – Those people decide to have kids solely due to the fact it in some way benefits them, for example – “My kids will take care of me when I get older”, “My children will work and give me money when they grow up”, “Someone will worship me and I will have total power and control over them”. People like that are often driven to a high extent by the illusion of their ego and self in life. They want to be powerful and have control over other beings, (yet they often times unable to exert any real power over anyone thus they decide to have children who they will have total control over), being that will worship them as the one that has “given them the chance to exist”. Monarchs, nobility and all other members of higher classes and “special” bloodlines belong to this group as they care about their family name and legacy the most, although in this case what offsets the negative aspects of the existence of the children born in such scenario is a mere yet fact with tremendous connotations that they live better than 99% + of humanity. The main goal of people who decide to have children out of pure selfishness is to have a little servant that will be under their control and will do whatever they are told by their “life givers”.

4. Social conformists – Those people have children because of social pressure (mainly family, friends and broader societal system). In a way they are cowards as many of them dont want to genuinely have children but because they fear social exclusion and ostracism they decide to have offsprings any way. People like that are often miserable and interact with their kids basically as having to do chores and consider existence of their kids a sad necessity. Those are a type of people who are likely to kick out their children when they turn 18 because they consider that arbitrary age a moment when their responsibility as a parent end and they have “fulfilled their goal of raising another member of society”.


Jennings & Rall contractor. Based in Jericho, KS.
Feb 19, 2024
Okay, you're smart and shit but TL;DR?

VVV Warning, a Pajeet commentator
The Doctor

The Doctor

Aug 27, 2023
You forgot sub Saharan Africans and pajeets

Deleted member 2822

Friendly Neet
Oct 18, 2024
Okay, you're smart and shit but TL;DR? VVV Warning, a Pajeet commentator Same it's actually really interesting post but I don't have the attention span 😭


total foid death
Sep 9, 2023
what about those who believe it is their duty as a human to have children
Choke Artist

Choke Artist

Esoteric Blackpill
Feb 26, 2024
My parents are #1 they have to be
So far there's no one here

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