Abi No
- Nov 26, 2020
- 781
Just be more optimistic about being forced to work or else go homeless bro
Being a slave is a privilege and we should be grateful about itI GET to go to work
It's made by corporate kikes and coping wages who need to pat themselves on the bat for working while shitting on NEETs, because they subconsciously wish they could live the NEET lifestyleI don't think anyone wants to go to work tbh, sounds like a gigacope kek.
shit mindset
this is why i can't get along with normies tbh jfl at having that mindset.
Thank God I get to flip burgers in a soul numbing wageslave job
I don't think anyone wants to go to work tbh, sounds like a gigacope kek.
Being a slave is a privilege and we should be grateful about it
fucking wageslave propaganda
I wish i was rich so i could neet of my millions
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- I understand this is an old thread, but want to reply anyway