What was your first post on the forum?



Eternal Night
Aug 23, 2023
@Lain decided to talk about DXM:
DXM is a potent NMDA antagonist and antidepressant but it also has a plethora of negative side effects that quickly become apparent if you abuse it, I know because I've had serotonin syndrome that lasted for roughly 5 days after abusing DXM. It felt as if my body was burning up and I was mentally incapable of doing anything or even moving, as it felt like a heavy weight was on my chest. There's other drugs that work similarly but more efficiently then DXM with few, if any, side effects. The most notable one I'd recommend is memantine. Check out psychonaut and read around more but in a nutshell, memantine's half-life is 60-80 hours, meaning you can take a dose and that shit will last ages. I'd recommend like 10-15mg every 3 days.

Other "life fuel" tips I'd recommend is eating a shit ton of meat, they're rich in amino acids. Amino acids are precursors to dopamine, serotonin, etc. You get those in your diet = they make feel good chemicals. Avoid processed sugary shit, large amounts of sugar disrupts your hormones and reduces the availability of dopamine receptors you have. Start sleeping + exercising consistently. Those are the basics but if you aren't doing those, you can't complain about feeling like shit. It's well established in essentially every animal (including humans) that sedentary lifestyles and sleep deprivation will cause feelings of anhedonia. I could go more in depth into WHY this occurs but to keep it short, your prefrontal cortex which regulates emotion is essentially rotted away by a sedentary lifestyle. Your brain physically changes and in a negative way which causes you to be more afraid, more depressed, more miserable.

Food for thought. First post here, Lain here, not a foid. Just a NEET who's been a NEET for 10 years.

@IGiveUp was talking about blacks:
I’m actually surprised there aren’t more blacks on these websites especially on this forum specifically, I mean 99% of them are reviving neetbux from the government.

@Haruhi Suzumiya began his journey by starting a thread about anime:
just like the title says, I want to know how your taste in anime has evolved over the years you've spent consuming.

@Disorder dropped a Joy Division song in Music Megathread:

@Nameless_sunflower proclaimed "gu gu gu":

@Unemployed started his own personal blog:

This is my personal blog.

Only I am allowed to post here.

Read the rules before replying.

Your co-operation is appreciated.

Thank you! :feelsjuice:

@Zangano1 confessed he isn't a NEET:

I wish I was neet

One way you can look it up is here, but it won't be entirely correct if someone bumped the thread since then.


Eternal Night
Aug 23, 2023
I wanted to include @Kpwat, but forgot. The guy thought it would be cool to live in Silent Hill, if not for the fog
Like, a while ago I was playing Silent Hill 2 and thought, damn, if it wasn't for all this fog, ruined roads and supernatural bullshit, if it was all sunny and nice, it would've been such a cute little place to live in.
『 』

『 』

Tat Tvam Asi
Dec 13, 2020
@Lain decided to talk about DXM:

@IGiveUp was talking about blacks:

@Haruhi Suzumiya began his journey by starting a thread about anime:

@Disorder dropped a Joy Division song in Music Megathread:

@Nameless_sunflower proclaimed "gu gu gu":

@Unemployed started his own personal blog:

@Zangano1 confessed he isn't a NEET:

One way you can look it up is here, but it won't be entirely correct if someone bumped the thread since then.
All I remember is that it was probably cringe as hell. I'd like to forget some of my older posts 😓


Eternal Night
Aug 23, 2023
All I remember is that it was probably cringe as hell. I'd like to forget some of my older posts 😓
You were thinking about forum's future


Eternal Night
Aug 23, 2023
I could’ve sworn my first post was being surprised @chudur-budur was also on the forum
According to my calculations, you first interact with chudur-budur on September 16th, then on September 17th.

You've made more than 20 posts before that.

Your posts:
I’m actually surprised there aren’t more blacks on these websites especially on this forum specifically, I mean 99% of them are reviving neetbux from the government.|Is there even one black neetcel on this forum except me|2021-09-11T09:18:43-0400|94192
Can no longer cope with video games, I get zero satisfaction playing them nowadays.|videogamemaxaxing|2021-09-11T09:38:58-0400|94194
Pics or I don’t believe you.|I have small underdeveloped testicles|2021-09-11T11:08:32-0400|94211
Technically a foid’s brain is smaller than here male counterparts, maybe this can explain it.|Why are women so stupid?|2021-09-11T12:22:19-0400|94222
Damn, even the Japanese Spider-Man outfit has squinty eyes lol.|Supaidāman 1978 Scenes|2021-09-11T13:24:03-0400|94236
Give them than, I may try them but probably not anytime soon since I’m broke right now.|videogamemaxaxing|2021-09-11T23:30:08-0400|94309
Sounds like some foid teehee shit ngl.|Pokes|2021-09-11T23:44:04-0400|94313
Should really be call RFK airport, but JFK mogs his little bother even after death.|I can no longer say "JFK airport"|2021-09-13T22:38:48-0400|95029
Stole my avi from Pixiv, and no I’m not going to give credit to the artist.|Coomer trait: You browse Pixiv 24/7|2021-09-13T22:47:14-0400|95041
Tfw when you finally release the light theme, but guy who’d requested it doesn’t even use the forum anymore… |Light theme|2021-09-13T23:48:24-0400|95071
Not me, the taller the better. |Why are men attracted to short girls?|2021-09-13T23:51:12-0400|95076
That’s what the lolipillers, call me and more half of the forum on .club.|Hi|2021-09-13T23:54:40-0400|95078
I like your white haired waifu too. |Hi|2021-09-14T00:00:07-0400|95085
Learn from the UPS niggas, they can teach you a thing or two. |Forgot how brutal waging was until today|2021-09-14T16:15:05-0400|95282
Thanks for crushing my dreams. ; - ;|Why are men attracted to short girls?|2021-09-14T19:45:08-0400|95359
How does that even happened, did they directly injected that vaccine straight into his balls?|Over for vaccincels|2021-09-14T22:11:27-0400|95391
Wait, did you even spoke a word to the foid beforehand? If no, why develop these feelings for some who doesn’t even know you existed?|oneitis almost made me rope over the weekend|2021-09-14T23:49:00-0400|95412
Trying to gain infamy among random niggas from the internet, how admiring.|Over for vaccincels|2021-09-15T00:04:30-0400|95419
Rookie mistake tbh, on .club some guy was a teacher and got in trouble for browsing the site using school wifi.|At school rn|2021-09-15T10:04:15-0400|95518
No he was just given a warning, and then decided to downgrade into a part time teacher.|At school rn|2021-09-15T12:17:47-0400|95535

Your interactions with chudur:
What if Jeff Bezos offer you one billion dollars, would you do it?|How much would it take for you to get hypothetically fucked in the ass by a rich faget|2021-09-16T19:06:23-0400|96111
Cope! I showed my face where’s my infamy? Be like instead @chudur-budur, shitpost until college foids recognize you.|How can I become a blackpill icon?|2021-09-17T23:59:58-0400|96515
@chudur-budur will be on suicide watch, after hearing this |Has any one had sex with there grandma??|2021-10-02T21:34:04-0400|101787
@chudur-budur has my ultimate respect, for not bragging about his current salary. |Got fired today|2021-10-10T22:10:20-0400|104362
Did @chudur-budur wrote the script for this anime, sounds like something he’ll say.|daily reminder|2021-10-17T09:38:37-0400|106043
@chudur-budur should’ve been put as India he’s a true currycel.|Chans of neets.me|2021-11-01T10:47:07-0400|110181
Thank you @chudur-budur !|thank you india|2021-11-05T13:58:06-0400|111258
@chudur-budur please translate this for me. |inspiration needed|2021-12-15T16:01:16-0500|124709

Last number is post id and you can access the post by typing "neets.net/posts/<post_id>" in browser's address bar.


Jan 2, 2022

Its irrelevent they replaced it with an interesting ts negroid doomer
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: RNT


Eternal Night
Aug 23, 2023
replies dont count

That wasn't your first thread either.
Who is Celtictruecel?|2022-01-31T23:50:02-0500|neets.net/threads/13311
My femboy post was removed|2022-02-01T16:36:22-0500|neets.net/threads/13327
Is this place really shutting down?|2022-02-03T10:47:54-0500|neets.net/threads/13362
Make a trade|2022-02-07T23:52:41-0500|neets.net/threads/13502
The Game you've been waiting for is finally here!|2022-02-08T02:05:38-0500|neets.net/threads/13511
Its time that incels got a rebranding|2022-02-25T20:01:28-0500|neets.net/threads/13923


Jan 2, 2022
So my first post was: Who is Celtictruecel?


Eternal Night
Aug 23, 2023
So my first post was: Who is Celtictruecel?
Your first post was this one:
When I was a kid I had my arm pulled out of it's socket. I don't remember exactly how uncomfortable it was but I imagine it would likely be one of the more uncomfortable experiences

Here's another 100:
When I was a kid I had my arm pulled out of it's socket. I don't remember exactly how uncomfortable it was but I imagine it would likely be one of the more uncomfortable experiences|2022-01-07T05:29:58-0500|132703
Omg you know me! I'm vrcel! Women aren't worth it. It's good to have a woman in your house or even be intimate but their becoming sexually obsolete.|2022-01-07T05:34:16-0500|132706
I don't have an alt. I've long been interested in incels. Never really been a truecel. I joined "you are not alone.net" or whatever. It was boring. Most incels are boring. I am an old neet. I finally got neet bucks so I thought I would fit in. Main reason I avoid my fellow white p... I mean neets was that they seemed so much better than me with their neet bucks.|2022-01-11T08:44:13-0500|134664
$50 a month, need to look for work? What kinda pretend neetbux is this? Newyork emergency cash assistance?|2022-01-12T10:13:46-0500|135065
I think it's real. Incels aren't retarded enough for sjw pussy. Also his charisma is also very good. She gets all kinds of sjw points for looking past his body.|2022-01-12T10:28:57-0500|135078
I get $790 it's supposed to be $840 but I owe the government $10k|2022-01-12T17:09:04-0500|135200
My mom tricked me into moving in with her. From this position I acquired the disability status. She's moving out soon so I shall soon be king neet.|2022-01-13T10:35:03-0500|135379
Can I form the sexy neet brotherhood then?|2022-01-17T11:45:02-0500|136995
I used to but I'm not so judgemental of you monsters anymore.|2022-01-17T11:47:34-0500|136997
One of your alts neetgod?|2022-01-17T11:48:49-0500|136998
You know her name? You know where she's locked up? Contact them see if you can send her letters. I'm sure she'd be stoked to get your letters even though she might cuck you every single day she's locked up and after she's released.|2022-01-22T00:56:24-0500|138067
Not even current? Why didn't you say Tyrone? Why didn't u post current. Can means potentially. You should have said could've.|2022-01-22T23:12:18-0500|138230
6.9 inches. I'm also 5'11|2022-01-23T13:02:54-0500|138309
Bitches look like they need to get bread.|2022-01-23T17:54:55-0500|138381
Try shrooms|2022-01-23T23:14:38-0500|138457
Did this guy just get banned for penning a book on these forums lel|2022-01-24T02:42:59-0500|138489
Have you told him about Genkim?|2022-01-24T19:03:16-0500|138668
Then become citizen of a dif latin country that don't give a fuk like Colombia|2022-01-25T22:22:20-0500|138892
Because not doing so means you are an uptight KKK member not standing in solidarity against Derik Chauvinism|2022-01-26T17:25:14-0500|139118
How to make money eating at Disney? Rob people before they rob you.|2022-01-26T20:42:55-0500|139151
You just speculating or you've seen these polls before?|2022-01-27T02:36:18-0500|139164
It's hard to determine by what I should rank favorites and Wich I should choose as worst. Many states have redeeming values. Top 10. 1. Florida 2. Oklahoma 3. Arizona 4. West Virginia 5. New Mexico Should be number 1 but this state is just too criminal and corrupt. 6. California 7. Connecticut 8. Newyork 9. Pennsylvania 10. Utah Its kinda hard to put northern places because because I need to be sure I know I like the people's culture before I list places cold as a favorite. So I can't list Massachusetts. Worst 5 1. Louisiana 2. Wyoming 3. Nebraska 4. Delaware 5. Maryland|2022-01-27T02:57:37-0500|139166
I didn't see it in the rules saying you can't be Chad neet.|2022-01-27T06:03:00-0500|139189
Birthday parties aren't for adults. The adults that want people to care about their birthday are narcissist. Unless you have more than a few well off friends with spare time. Birthday parties for adults nothing to be stoked about.|2022-01-27T14:35:43-0500|139354
If I wasn't vegetarian I'd eat fried scorpion just for the photo op|2022-01-27T18:45:59-0500|139439
Real chads sleep on a tightrope|2022-01-27T18:51:48-0500|139444
Get religious become Volcel. I'm confused why you think you can't afford copes? I been homeless and in that situation I understand. You have a roof over your head + wifi. Play video games Jack off and shit post all day! |2022-01-28T19:34:07-0500|139630
Why you so damn secretive son? You think someone going to come to Bulgaria and steal your PS2? I'm on hiki too.|2022-01-28T19:45:07-0500|139632
That's me most of my life until recently except that I've always been a sexy autist. I didn't join a forum because I felt that I would feel like an outsider because no neetbucks. Don't worry about that poorcel BS as far as copes. Big budget gaming is not more satisfying imo as low budget gaming. Drugs as a Cope isn't really something to look forward to. |2022-01-28T20:11:48-0500|139639
Well for one glad you are here. It seems like there's no brotherhood among the ugly but I'm a sexy neet and am here to help. Have you tried being homeless? It's not the right time to start because it's winter probably but when you expect it's warm enough maybe. Try being a homeless religious renunciate. Try shrooms, it's natural medicine. They don't cost anything ,don't need to talk to anyone if you know how to identify and know where the right cowfields are that don't use antifungal. They can cure depression ,PTSD and good for autistic.|2022-01-28T20:45:01-0500|139643
What's a 4psl?|2022-01-28T20:47:46-0500|139644
Human trait: you suck BBC|2022-01-28T21:28:15-0500|139649
The rise of the Chad neets|2022-01-29T00:51:14-0500|139687
I'm nearly 40 but neet not virgin/incel|2022-01-29T22:49:08-0500|139925
I can post if needed. I thought you guys had this handled. Might be a few days before I start cranking out the thread topics as I'm not really that kinda guy.|2022-01-29T22:53:55-0500|139926
I never liked the discreet wank I always liked the open air. This i guess takes it to the next level|2022-01-30T00:27:24-0500|139934
You seem like the reason why you are virgin is stupid reasons. You need girls under 21 at your age? When I was your age I would love just about any woman. You aren't ugly. All the incels think their ugly. Sure chances are women aren't worth obtaining. And you are right we should focus more on male love, male femboy image but you can get women if you stopped being so autistic and having such hangups|2022-01-30T01:28:06-0500|139940
Can't you just let a man wear his mom's panties in peace? Wtf|2022-01-30T05:58:05-0500|139956
Some girls with minimen I've seen it. Incels and femcels make everything way harder than it needs to be. That 20 and under thing is just the tip in of you fucking yourself.|2022-01-30T06:02:43-0500|139957
She's pretty cute not gon lie. She could seduce me maybe. I'd fuck her and be embarrassed and not want to tell anyone.|2022-01-30T11:25:01-0500|139996
You want women with fully functional brains? Impossible standards my dude|2022-01-30T11:27:05-0500|139998
You can get neetbux and live alone like me. You can also be homeless like I've been in the past. Both preferable to being at home with parents Wich in my experience the worst option unless your mom's super hot and you're basically living the incest porn dream.|2022-01-30T17:31:21-0500|140030
Some big celebrity was saying his car was broken into like 16 times he was cool with it and said it's just the price to pay living in a big city. Lol like shit like that happens in Tokyo I think often that maybe I want to move back to California now that it's crazy like this. I they make it look like you can setup a tent anywhere that's not in the way and I for one almost prefer urban camping over almost anything else you can still camp with your gf and enjoy it if you don't have a terrible one. The big downside is access to a real kitchen and sometimes theres problem with bathroom access depending on the local situation.|2022-01-30T17:44:50-0500|140034
Where is this butthurt coming from?|2022-01-30T17:46:54-0500|140038
Normie incels aren't liked because they are unlikeable. Bugadu youre almost likeable. Makes me we wonder if you are a glow nigger|2022-01-30T18:08:02-0500|140050
What is she taunting you into doing? Banging fatties? Because you as the dude said. Your previous post showed how you were jealous that the other man has your whale.|2022-01-30T19:46:12-0500|140061
I'm saying incel king kong is a normie among incels but you I think might be a wannabe poser incel lol|2022-01-30T20:04:56-0500|140063
He's like a guy from a poor family in USA that doesn't kick their kid out when they turn 18. Like imagine he's from Mississippi. Even if they tried to sell the house so they can buy their kid some copes they just ruined their own life because now there a pair of normie homeless parents in Mississippi (Greece is probably alot better than Mississippi lol) trying to raise their spoiled adult child. I can't believe this guy keeps saying Blakans like we don't know where Greece is.|2022-01-30T21:32:51-0500|140070
I was kidnapped and raised by a brain damaged, covertly narcissistic single mom. She cared about what she wants and whatever sense of duty was instilled in her as mother so besides that shes kinda neglectful. So its both but I wasnt having that controlling bs effect me and shes still too stupid to realize it.|2022-01-31T02:41:42-0500|140088
Are you trying to say we should be carrying our weight and getting hookers for the incels amongst us?|2022-01-31T04:28:18-0500|140094
As far as admitting I have issues my mom was the opposite. Whatever some person that never met me tells her something about me or gives her advice she goes with that person because she has an extremely poor ability to identify me. People I meet figure out things about me in 5 min that she she hasn't learned in 4 decades. |2022-01-31T09:15:47-0500|140116
Look at his pants, probably got his ass drilled so hard that he couldn't think about a mask. Hot his ass fucked to sleep|2022-01-31T09:20:52-0500|140117
I often think Suddam Hussain must have a mom like mine for his first act as president was to kill his own mom |2022-01-31T10:02:26-0500|140127
This was the only time I've seen Neetgod be the least retarded person in gronp|2022-01-31T19:03:27-0500|140229
Elliott Rogers was a handsome charismatic guy. His problems probably came with being short needy and possibly obvious narcissist.|2022-01-31T19:38:06-0500|140245
My problem with it turns women into trashy single moms that will probably want me to babysit their kid while she takes Tyrone out to the local KFC|2022-01-31T19:46:56-0500|140252
If he had gay lips Maybe he should have tried being femboy. I didn't notice a problem.|2022-01-31T19:53:42-0500|140258
I feel like I just missed out on all the normal things. I just fuck girls and move in no dating BS because I can't afford restaurants. Never went to prom or school dances because I always feel so out of the loop and only attended highschool on the full moon. I almost never had money under 30 so I don't know what it's like to be young and can afford things.|2022-01-31T20:57:40-0500|140277
Include fanservice in future editions pls|2022-01-31T21:01:09-0500|140278
Eurasian Indian edition is SpankBank master race|2022-01-31T21:05:16-0500|140280
It's Indo Aryan with mudslime connotations|2022-01-31T22:52:50-0500|140304
Newfag here and I really knew what the deal was with Celtic truecel. Everyone talks about him like he's a celebrity. Now you guys complaining that nobody wants to be here. You get treated like shit by standing out and being a celebrity here. Amirite?|2022-01-31T23:50:02-0500|140312
Allowing the freedom to be stupid is a part of freedumb. Freedom isn't free and the price is freedumb. It's not evil to deny freedumb to a people but it's not good either. You can't truly be free without freedumb.|2022-02-01T00:06:34-0500|140314
A true gentleman|2022-02-01T02:11:44-0500|140321
I eared 10 points! I don't know what makes it a rules violation. I know it looks a little like a troll/bait post but it wasn't! Super imposing on me. honest gov|2022-02-01T16:36:22-0500|140461
Only incels and women should will end up the typical human workforce after the fourth industrial revolution. Only women are pro active enough to try being a benefit to society without getting paid. Incels will feel need to show they are a great benefit to society as a means of having sex with a woman without a Chad skin suit irl.|2022-02-01T16:45:14-0500|140467
It was platonic intent but I can understand even under such situations it can easily trigger homophobes.|2022-02-01T16:47:28-0500|140469
My Instacart is cheap. Maybe it's because my grocery store is close enough to bicycle.|2022-02-01T16:51:53-0500|140471
Nofap is the GoodLife. Something about me makes it impossible. I think fapping help me obtain the tiny amounts of pleasure needed to not be actively suicidal and that's why I can't under normal circumstances stop. I have done pretty good on no fap for a while before. The thing is I need a gf to in encourage me and also not have sex with her either. That is bliss. Fapping after abstaining from sex and masterbation is bliss|2022-02-01T18:46:43-0500|140526
Is there a real fear of server shutdown?|2022-02-01T18:49:45-0500|140527
I'm often forget it exists now. Was great 2008|2022-02-01T18:52:49-0500|140528
I went to Colombia and got the poorest ugly stupid woman I've ever been with if it's possible to combine those three into a single type. I only got with her because I believe her feelings for me are genuine and I thought that's precious. I get better girls in my own country that will carry me on their back.|2022-02-01T19:18:40-0500|140530
Maybe the neet or incel ones.|2022-02-01T19:23:03-0500|140531

no but I used to fap to sailor moon and my astrological sign is tuxedo mask|2022-02-01T19:54:53-0500|140535
I hate hood culture except for bling and twerking. Hood music is degenerate and dont want it around me.|2022-02-01T20:00:42-0500|140538
I mean, do eurofags know where Connecticut is?|2022-02-01T20:18:15-0500|140541
I also used to be this cringe. I even used to think it was where Denmark is located.|2022-02-01T20:20:08-0500|140542
I want to be the guy in the club dancing alone high as balls and not sharing with anyone.|2022-02-01T23:18:40-0500|140555
I've seen the actual results from tests and euros don't actually know geography like everyone wishes were true. My German ex-wife didn't even know where Taiwan is.|2022-02-02T01:38:13-0500|140562
I no longer have wedding photos. Maybe it's in my dead PCs hard drive or something. Here's a photo from that time period if you actually cared.|2022-02-02T02:12:26-0500|140573
As a former smoker that tried vaping, the stuff is totally lame. I mean maybe you hate smoke and you want weird liquid vapor in you I guess it makes sense. Some people can be addicted to nicotine vapes and has its own set of health complications. I for one wish I had a fresh set of lungs so I can go back to smoking tobacco from a pipe. That was what I was missing. The real way to enjoy tobacco. I quit using nicotine patches and highly recommend. If you use them don't think you need to use exactly as directed. That's just how they have been tested to be effective. They can't run clinical trials to see results on what happens with every variation of people jumping script.|2022-02-02T02:44:33-0500|140581
Someone claimed or suggested I and the rest of the noobs where neetgods alt. I then gave some basics about me. I consider that my intro. Sorry if you missed it.|2022-02-02T03:11:01-0500|140584
Only if the friend is a femboy or the the friend is a chick and you made a pact never to have sex even though you really want to.|2022-02-02T03:12:51-0500|140585
These kinds of education and genocide is common in Asia. Opposing this is Asian hate. Also their Muslims and need assimilation more than any group on the planet. Better to focus on other genocided groups in China like Falun Gong. Also better to focus on the specific acts of genocide like courting married female detainees and forced organ harvesting.|2022-02-02T18:55:02-0500|140731
Neets can't afford houses. Neets cant even afford fixer uppers because SSI won't let so save up for a reasonable mortgage.|2022-02-02T19:18:59-0500|140735
I sometimes want to move to California because it's warm and you're expected to be homeless and no job. Only I haven't been there in so long I don't know where to set up a tent. I know many times the biggest worry of being homeless is the other homeless. When I used to live in California you couldn't even walk around looking like a criminal without police hassle. Now you can sleep in the streets like a free country. Some concerns about leaving my life of luxury and becoming homeless in California is there a place I can cook and is there a place I can watch my vr porn?|2022-02-02T19:29:08-0500|140739
Slowly the muslim goatfucker meme will be handed over to neets tnx. I actually knew a goatherd neet irl. Donny is that you?|2022-02-03T07:18:22-0500|140830
I just joined and people keep talking about it shutting down. Is this real? I love it here. Why is it shutting down and how can we keep it going? Im thinking its a honey pot run by glow niggers and they realized we arent worth their time. But im just some random guy off the street speculating.|2022-02-03T10:47:54-0500|140840
Sex noises duh|2022-02-03T13:43:49-0500|140896
youtube used to be great for it. I guess you will have to settle for porn and just looking the other way|2022-02-03T14:50:54-0500|140949
Why youvguys cant post real pics? Afraid someone's going to tell your boss what you do online?|2022-02-03T16:58:07-0500|141011
I welcome this and endorse this message

Yes to question 2 especially if they want to be somewhat distant from that family. I have unspecified personality disorder with schizoid traits|2022-02-03T22:43:17-0500|141070

I highly prefer vr porn already so...|2022-02-04T05:24:41-0500|141099
I pooped in a urinal in elementary school because i saw it once and wanted to try it out myself. I sorta got caught though and denied it and got away free because i lied. I also pooped in a holy place in india because the riksha driver took me on a derp ride|2022-02-04T05:31:44-0500|141100


Eternal Night
Aug 23, 2023
your correction was a reply not a thread starter
Bro, I can't even.


You made 5 threads before your "first thread" (LINKS SUPPLIED) and 100+ posts in total by that point. Stop ruining my thread.


Jan 2, 2022
Bro, I can't even.


You made 5 threads before your "first thread" (LINKS SUPPLIED) and 100+ posts in total by that point. Stop ruining my thread.
Yes I mentioned the one that seemed to be the first one asking if it was first. You replied with my first reply even though I was clearly talking about thread starters. I will delete my thread derailing posts if you delete yours so the NSA can read this thread without being bombarded with such ruinous devastation


Oct 12, 2024
Fuck this thread fuck op oldcel ahhh fuck igroomboys Yahir fuck tranny faggot mod haruhi


Culpable soy yo, por dejar que muriera el amor
Apr 10, 2024
Why I liked talking to Nick aka Baraka Mkray God make my life great inc
So far there's no one here

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