Why Wagieism Is Abysmal.



Mar 6, 2024
It will not surprise you to find out that I identify with being a NEET, for fuck sakes, I'm littarlery writing this on NEET.net, so no shit, I'd be a NEET. Readers would ask why would I throw my life away so easily, or why can't I get a job like everyone else like the other normiefags? The answer is simple, I don't want too, and socialization is for the retarded. To be more blunt, I have realized what others have not, and because of such, I want no part in it. Normies, as stated in previous manifestos, have the tendency to suck up to whatever is going to get them promoted or rewarded either by a girl or worse a fatass who can't even sit up straight.

The entire reason normies work is for survival or the idea that if you work hard enough, you'll either be promoted or in most cases not fired. Now, some will ask, what is so wrong with being fired? Well you have to understand, money is used for various things, and that money dictates where you live, what you eat, and what you sleep on. In most cases, if you get fired, you won't have money, and so therefore you can't pay the bills, and so you get kicked out. It also doesn't help that the partners usually tend to leave those who don't work because, gold digging syndrome (women...)

The entire reason most of America and for the matter most of the world works is not for some semblance of personal fulfillment or so that you can be happy, no, it's because we work, or we starve. Does that sound similar, it's almost like slavery almost, except you have to pay for your own sustainment, oh and did I mention you get kicked off the streets if you don't? Being a slave sounds better, at least then I'd have my own food, but then again, I wouldn't want to work anyway, so no thanks.

As I've stated in previous manifestos, because the flawed give and take system, especially in an America that lacks good social culture, especially with regards to meaning, relationships and how we treat one another, we find ourselves feeling empty, lacking any meaningful purpose other than work or die because big rich fatass wants a new yacht for summer break! If we take this flawed give in take system, regarding employment and society, we come to find that we actually have no real reason to work in the first place, besides, work or die, and while that may work for most, it certainly won't for me.

Why should a human work? So that he can prove himself to society? What happens if society doesn't approve of him, why must he work for society that dosen't care about him? And even if society does approve of them, how will traditional "work" such as working in an office or factory be meaningful other than helping someone else get richer? Why contribute to degenerate society when most of thier members are either stuck up bithces or judgmental whores?

The reason is simple, so that the rich can get richer without having to get off of their lazy ass to anything to implement meaningful change (such as giving them fair wages, regardless of the job). It is my personal belief that such a system is bound for failure, as again, the only reason "people" are meaingful within the twenty-first century isn't for personal fufilment or desire, but so that the rich can get richer and that the poorer can be shoved aside as if nothing happens

Most normies either work because they are willing to suck up up to degenerate conformism, or because of the much more rational reason of not wanting to loose everything, as most normies have attended the "finest" of colleges in hopes of learning.....wait what do people learn in college again? Beats me. Anyways, because people would rather attend degenerate parties for four years then actually find their own meaning, they manage to get in thousands of dollars of debt, because apparently, college is the only meaningful way to succeed in life.

Anyway, normies find themselves stuck in the office rather than with any meaningful purpose, replaceable just like the factory workers in the guilded age of the late 1800s. So I then ask the question, why the hell would someone young such as myself dare subject myself to such a fate? Because I'll starve if I don't? That dosen't sound very promising. I could kill myself and get a better deal! At the end of the day, the only reason we truly work is not for fufilment but for survial, something that me and my NEET friends are totaly not intrested in.

So, I've discussed wagecuckery in great detail, now lets discuss the NEETs. I became a NEET 8 months ago when I decided school was for the retarded but more importantly due to the fact that I really, really hated the school I went too, and I might mention why in a future article. In any case, I didn't really recognize I was a NEET until only a few months ago, and I've been happy since. I've learned a lot in my NEETdom, especially about wagies, socialization and reality, and it's why I became so addicted to 4chan.

NEETPride is a good advocate for NEETdom, and gives rational and decent explanations as to why we NEETs should reign over normiekind, but that isn't specific enough. What are we NEETs to do with the endless time we have? Well besides not engaging with craptialist soyciety, we mostly spend our time lounging away, though I make sure to wake up early and do my chores, not for good boy points, I'm not that retarded, but so that I can have a semblance of discipline.

Fellow NEETs, as a NEET myself. I encourage all of you to have a semblance of discipline, otherwise you'll all become lazy fatass shitposting tiktok fappers, something that should never happen for reasons obvious. Most will laugh off my advice, but do not be so smug. It is easy to fall into the degenerate traps of constant social media usage and tipping e-thots on only fans, after all, what do I know? I know nothing, we all do, because nothing is everything and everything is nothing, that's the way of the world.

Overall, I staunchly support the NEETs and the NEETs of 4chan, because, unlike the normies or NPCs of the west, we think for, ourselves of ourselves, by ourselves. If the only reason we work is so that we can survive, then we are not intrested. Us NEETs will do things for ourselves of ourselves by ourselves and no wagie nor his big fatass boss can make us think otherwise.

Originally came from Blogger, but the fags at Blogger age-restricted my blog, so I decided to post it here.


omoriboycel/ total wagie death
Jan 20, 2024
Working is just cucked, sitting behind a desk only to get the bare goddamn minimum that's just enough to feed yourself and the bills, modern life is a sick joke


Feb 24, 2024
It will not surprise you to find out that I identify with being a NEET, for fuck sakes, I'm littarlery writing this on NEET.net, so no shit, I'd be a NEET. Readers would ask why would I throw my life away so easily, or why can't I get a job like everyone else like the other normiefags? The answer is simple, I don't want too, and socialization is for the retarded. To be more blunt, I have realized what others have not, and because of such, I want no part in it. Normies, as stated in previous manifestos, have the tendency to suck up to whatever is going to get them promoted or rewarded either by a girl or worse a fatass who can't even sit up straight.

The entire reason normies work is for survival or the idea that if you work hard enough, you'll either be promoted or in most cases not fired. Now, some will ask, what is so wrong with being fired? Well you have to understand, money is used for various things, and that money dictates where you live, what you eat, and what you sleep on. In most cases, if you get fired, you won't have money, and so therefore you can't pay the bills, and so you get kicked out. It also doesn't help that the partners usually tend to leave those who don't work because, gold digging syndrome (women...)

The entire reason most of America and for the matter most of the world works is not for some semblance of personal fulfillment or so that you can be happy, no, it's because we work, or we starve. Does that sound similar, it's almost like slavery almost, except you have to pay for your own sustainment, oh and did I mention you get kicked off the streets if you don't? Being a slave sounds better, at least then I'd have my own food, but then again, I wouldn't want to work anyway, so no thanks.

As I've stated in previous manifestos, because the flawed give and take system, especially in an America that lacks good social culture, especially with regards to meaning, relationships and how we treat one another, we find ourselves feeling empty, lacking any meaningful purpose other than work or die because big rich fatass wants a new yacht for summer break! If we take this flawed give in take system, regarding employment and society, we come to find that we actually have no real reason to work in the first place, besides, work or die, and while that may work for most, it certainly won't for me.

Why should a human work? So that he can prove himself to society? What happens if society doesn't approve of him, why must he work for society that dosen't care about him? And even if society does approve of them, how will traditional "work" such as working in an office or factory be meaningful other than helping someone else get richer? Why contribute to degenerate society when most of thier members are either stuck up bithces or judgmental whores?

The reason is simple, so that the rich can get richer without having to get off of their lazy ass to anything to implement meaningful change (such as giving them fair wages, regardless of the job). It is my personal belief that such a system is bound for failure, as again, the only reason "people" are meaingful within the twenty-first century isn't for personal fufilment or desire, but so that the rich can get richer and that the poorer can be shoved aside as if nothing happens

Most normies either work because they are willing to suck up up to degenerate conformism, or because of the much more rational reason of not wanting to loose everything, as most normies have attended the "finest" of colleges in hopes of learning.....wait what do people learn in college again? Beats me. Anyways, because people would rather attend degenerate parties for four years then actually find their own meaning, they manage to get in thousands of dollars of debt, because apparently, college is the only meaningful way to succeed in life.

Anyway, normies find themselves stuck in the office rather than with any meaningful purpose, replaceable just like the factory workers in the guilded age of the late 1800s. So I then ask the question, why the hell would someone young such as myself dare subject myself to such a fate? Because I'll starve if I don't? That dosen't sound very promising. I could kill myself and get a better deal! At the end of the day, the only reason we truly work is not for fufilment but for survial, something that me and my NEET friends are totaly not intrested in.

So, I've discussed wagecuckery in great detail, now lets discuss the NEETs. I became a NEET 8 months ago when I decided school was for the retarded but more importantly due to the fact that I really, really hated the school I went too, and I might mention why in a future article. In any case, I didn't really recognize I was a NEET until only a few months ago, and I've been happy since. I've learned a lot in my NEETdom, especially about wagies, socialization and reality, and it's why I became so addicted to 4chan.

NEETPride is a good advocate for NEETdom, and gives rational and decent explanations as to why we NEETs should reign over normiekind, but that isn't specific enough. What are we NEETs to do with the endless time we have? Well besides not engaging with craptialist soyciety, we mostly spend our time lounging away, though I make sure to wake up early and do my chores, not for good boy points, I'm not that retarded, but so that I can have a semblance of discipline.

Fellow NEETs, as a NEET myself. I encourage all of you to have a semblance of discipline, otherwise you'll all become lazy fatass shitposting tiktok fappers, something that should never happen for reasons obvious. Most will laugh off my advice, but do not be so smug. It is easy to fall into the degenerate traps of constant social media usage and tipping e-thots on only fans, after all, what do I know? I know nothing, we all do, because nothing is everything and everything is nothing, that's the way of the world.

Overall, I staunchly support the NEETs and the NEETs of 4chan, because, unlike the normies or NPCs of the west, we think for, ourselves of ourselves, by ourselves. If the only reason we work is so that we can survive, then we are not intrested. Us NEETs will do things for ourselves of ourselves by ourselves and no wagie nor his big fatass boss can make us think otherwise.

Originally came from Blogger, but the fags at Blogger age-restricted my blog, so I decided to post it here.
highIQ confirmed, please accept my follow request


total foid death
Sep 9, 2023
Blows my mind that there are people here involuntary neet who envy waging. It sucks
idk i wanna be able to work bc there might be a cute girl and i could buy slop


Mar 6, 2024
I have realized what others have not, and because of such, I want no part in it. Normies, as stated in previous manifestos, have the tendency to suck up to whatever is going to get them promoted or rewarded either by a girl or worse a fatass who can't even sit up straight.
i don't even think promotions exist. it's just a bargaining chip for bosses to elicit things from employees. that's why you hear stories about le predator bosses who use their power as coercion. there's nothing some fat bald janitor can do to get a promotion; it's not about work, just bargaining.

The entire reason normies work is for survival or the idea that if you work hard enough, you'll either be promoted or in most cases not fired. Now, some will ask, what is so wrong with being fired? Well you have to understand, money is used for various things, and that money dictates where you live, what you eat, and what you sleep on. In most cases, if you get fired, you won't have money, and so therefore you can't pay the bills, and so you get kicked out. It also doesn't help that the partners usually tend to leave those who don't work because, gold digging syndrome (women...)
a full time job can't even support people anymore. i've seen countless adults with careers struggle to get end's meat; and i mean full-blown careers with decades of experience and savings. the path for everyone outside of the very top is complete destitution. the poor are getting poorer and the rich get richer. I believe in a few decades from now, everyone will be either in poverty or wealth; no in-between. prepare to have 80% of your income be siphoned for tax and rent alone in just a few years.

The entire reason most of America and for the matter most of the world works is not for some semblance of personal fulfillment or so that you can be happy, no, it's because we work, or we starve. Does that sound similar, it's almost like slavery almost, except you have to pay for your own sustainment, oh and did I mention you get kicked off the streets if you don't? Being a slave sounds better, at least then I'd have my own food, but then again, I wouldn't want to work anyway, so no thanks.
this system is superior and worse than slavery. At least slaves had the expectation to be looked after to where they can survive, this isn't a thing in capitalism. capitalism expects you to look after yourself, get useful skills and essentially give their rewards back to them. imagine slave owners feeding the slaves back in the 1800's--now imagine slave owners sending their slaves into the wild outside of slave hours so they can get their own food and shelter JFL.

Why should a human work? So that he can prove himself to society? What happens if society doesn't approve of him, why must he work for society that dosen't care about him? And even if society does approve of them, how will traditional "work" such as working in an office or factory be meaningful other than helping someone else get richer? Why contribute to degenerate society when most of thier members are either stuck up bithces or judgmental whores?
there is no point.
The reason is simple, so that the rich can get richer without having to get off of their lazy ass to anything to implement meaningful change (such as giving them fair wages, regardless of the job). It is my personal belief that such a system is bound for failure, as again, the only reason "people" are meaingful within the twenty-first century isn't for personal fufilment or desire, but so that the rich can get richer and that the poorer can be shoved aside as if nothing happens
i'm glad this world is inevitably heading into total collapse. everything is getting worse everywhere--some faster than others, but inevitably this time we live in will be envied by the future. why do you think the rich are building bunkers out of nowhere? their greed has fucked up everything and they still can't put their hubris aside to fix it, they just want to escape from it.

Most normies either work because they are willing to suck up up to degenerate conformism, or because of the much more rational reason of not wanting to loose everything, as most normies have attended the "finest" of colleges in hopes of learning.....wait what do people learn in college again? Beats me. Anyways, because people would rather attend degenerate parties for four years then actually find their own meaning, they manage to get in thousands of dollars of debt, because apparently, college is the only meaningful way to succeed in life.
college is so fucking useless. 10 years ago college was the thing that was supposed to save people from poverty but now people are starting to realize how bad it is. college is a government distraction from their failures to improve society. people should have good lives regardless of education and employment but capitalism propegates a hyper-indivudalist culture that removes collective good-will in replacement of a giant rat race. you're poor? well it's your fault. it's basically gaslighting that turns a policy failure into personal failure.


Mar 6, 2024
i don't even think promotions exist. it's just a bargaining chip for bosses to elicit things from employees. that's why you hear stories about le predator bosses who use their power as coercion. there's nothing some fat bald janitor can do to get a promotion; it's not about work, just bargaining.

a full time job can't even support people anymore. i've seen countless adults with careers struggle to get end's meat; and i mean full-blown careers with decades of experience and savings. the path for everyone outside of the very top is complete destitution. the poor are getting poorer and the rich get richer. I believe in a few decades from now, everyone will be either in poverty or wealth; no in-between. prepare to have 80% of your income be siphoned for tax and rent alone in just a few years.

this system is superior and worse than slavery. At least slaves had the expectation to be looked after to where they can survive, this isn't a thing in capitalism. capitalism expects you to look after yourself, get useful skills and essentially give their rewards back to them. imagine slave owners feeding the slaves back in the 1800's--now imagine slave owners sending their slaves into the wild outside of slave hours so they can get their own food and shelter JFL.

there is no point.

i'm glad this world is inevitably heading into total collapse. everything is getting worse everywhere--some faster than others, but inevitably this time we live in will be envied by the future. why do you think the rich are building bunkers out of nowhere? their greed has fucked up everything and they still can't put their hubris aside to fix it, they just want to escape from it.

college is so fucking useless. 10 years ago college was the thing that was supposed to save people from poverty but now people are starting to realize how bad it is. college is a government distraction from their failures to improve society. people should have good lives regardless of education and employment but capitalism propegates a hyper-indivudalist culture that removes collective good-will in replacement of a giant rat race. you're poor? well it's your fault. it's basically gaslighting that turns a policy failure into personal failure.
I agree with everything you just said.
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