Went back in 2021 ★★★★★
- Jul 17, 2024
- 4,369
I seen women reject men just cuz they were 2 3 years younger but they go for oldfags and they think a 20yr old is a baby
I was watching some vid a few days ago a foid rejected a guy cuz he was a few years younger, and im like wtf is wrong with these sluts, whats so great about old men
Old men have ed shit balding hairline ugly af low sex drive but a younger guy has none of them the complete opposite a young guy is better in bed is better looking all the good stuff.
But still they see older man as some saints as sex icons.
I remember in class some girl 18 she was saying i cannot get with a guy younger than 20 it looks like a kid to me. These hoes are braindead old men have nothing to offer except maybe betabux who tf likes low sex drive ugly males jfl
I was watching some vid a few days ago a foid rejected a guy cuz he was a few years younger, and im like wtf is wrong with these sluts, whats so great about old men
Old men have ed shit balding hairline ugly af low sex drive but a younger guy has none of them the complete opposite a young guy is better in bed is better looking all the good stuff.
But still they see older man as some saints as sex icons.
I remember in class some girl 18 she was saying i cannot get with a guy younger than 20 it looks like a kid to me. These hoes are braindead old men have nothing to offer except maybe betabux who tf likes low sex drive ugly males jfl