Kyrie, fons bonitatis
- Mar 28, 2023
- 1,888
Just fyi: Alexandre de Moraes is the Supreme Court Leader, he is basically persecuting the right-wing in Brazil. Arresting people because of their opinion etc.I work in cyber security and, not surprisingly, part of my job is to keep an eye on sites like .org .net .is etc. It's literally keeping tabs on what's posted and commented on.
To your relief, I don't give a fuck about CP, racism or any political crap. I like this place and eventually I contribute to the threads, mainly in relation to information security. My focus is only on leaking specific credentials so that we can correct and protect users as soon as they are leaked.
A few months ago I met a colleague who was using the "Boitatá" (BTT ng) tool from the company Apura. It's a company that has set up a system and created several BOTs infiltrated in telegram groups, whatsapp, sites with logins, forums, imageboards and the like that store everything that is written or even spoken (the software transcribes the audios and saves them in .mp3). The tool works practically like google (or the NSA's PRISM): you search for a word/phrase and you'll be shown all the conversations, audios and images on the internet (including imageboards and forums) and in whatsapp and telegram groups where that word was mentioned, you'll also be informed of the user who commented and, in the case of groups, you'll also see the individual's cell phone number and an option to view the entire conversation (this is used to understand the context in which it was said).
Come to think of it, they must have a routine to see if they've been detected, so I'll leave a message for Apura: Fuck off, Apura! Shove your boitatá up your ass, you fucking niggers!
Continuing, just for kicks I put "Alexandre de Moraes" in the search and lost my sides with the amount of people complaining about the guy in whatsapp groups. It got me thinking about how the government could use this against you in the future.
Where am I going with this? Simple, I just want to reinforce the issue of information security for you guys, don't be naive. Today literally everything is being monitored and recorded, not just by this company. All of this can and will be used against you in the future.
I don't doubt that the government (duly armed by ABIN, the Brazilian CIA) already has something similar in hand, use VPN, use phone numbers in the name of third parties, create secondary email accounts, fake accounts, obfuscate your normal activity even if you don't commit any crime, buy bitcoins, avoid BigTechs.
Boitata is a software used by the Brazilian Intelligence.